
Goddess Quotes

Goddess by Josephine Angelini

Goddess Quotes
"Normally, all she had to do was say out loud what she wanted and it just happened."
"One of the things Helen resented the most about being a Scion was that it meant that there was an appalling amount of irony in her life."
"If life is a test, then who do you think grades it?"
"The way you handled the freeing of the Furies proved that you are compassionate."
"Remembering this, Daphne placed Helen on the bed and destroyed the lovely comforter with a little smile."
"Heroes went to the Elysian Fields. Suicides went—who knows where?"
"She knew that killing herself wouldn’t reunite her with her lost husband."
"But Daphne had been working for nearly two decades to change that."
"I spend my whole life deathly afraid of tempting a boy, and I end up getting jumped by one at an all-girls’ school."
"Her kind were too dangerous for mortals to be around."
"Greek or not, there still had to be a reason Cassandra couldn’t see the future."
"I got sick of running up and down the hall to check on them, so I just carried all the beds in here."
"Maybe 'dizzy' wasn’t the best way to go through life, anyway."
"We’re weak. Divided. This is the time to strike against us."
"I'd be better if I could get Ari to stop kicking in her sleep."
"Nobody told me, and I’ve never been able to do it!"
"We can't protect me. Not from a god. No Scion is strong enough to stop them."
"Tell that to Ares. Oh, that's right, you can't. Because I beat the crap out of him and sent him to Tartarus."
"You're different because I have to be. The way I used to be wasn't enough. Not for this."
"You don’t have to explain anything to me. Just make sure you can explain your actions to your conscience."
"You're going to fit in just fine around here, Andy."
"The Fates were cruel to Scions in general, but Orion had been hunted, neglected, shunned, and feared since he was a small boy and he had never done anything to anyone. It was like the moment he was born, he drew the short straw and the Fates had turned the whole world against him."
"As lonely as a rock in space, Helen thought, staring at the orb. That’s her heart."
"I’ve worked a couple of construction sites. Built some houses," he said, a cagey smile on his face, like he’d done more than just that."
"Every time she looked around, Helen was reminded that the store could be rebuilt, but it would never be the same again. Not really. As she climbed a ladder and started boarding up the smashed front windows, Helen realized that some things stay a little bit broken forever—even after they’ve been fixed."
"I can see emotions, like someone from the House of Rome can, and I have no idea why," she admitted with an exasperated sigh."
""But death isn’t the only way a House gets a new Head," he looked away. "I didn’t know you well enough then. I was too ashamed to tell you. . . .""
""I could wait my whole life for you, and you’d still be in love with Lucas.""
""I know you love me, Helen. But don’t I deserve to be someone’s first choice for a change?""
""I can’t think of anyone in the world who deserves to be loved—loved more—more than you," Helen said, her voice breaking."
"But I’d always know," he whispered. "I’d always know that I forced you to love me, and that it isn’t real. I think I’d rather never be loved than know that."
"You are a Worldbuilder, Helen. You have the power to sculpt a land for whomever you wish to enter it. A world of your own that abides entirely by your rules. Eternal youth. Fulfillment. Or eternal trials and suffering—whatever you think will serve best."
"I refuse to believe three crones run my life. I won’t build a world if the cost is that my friends and family must go to war."
"He’s not going to get over you, Helen. Doesn’t matter how many men you spend the night with."
"If they did, they’d say something straightforward like, ‘Orion is the Tyrant and he wants to eat your brains for breakfast’ or whatever."
"What little of the prophecy we have left talks about the Tyrant like he’s stronger than all the gods combined. And there’s supposed to be this huge battle with monsters and storms when the Tyrant rises. Even the sky is supposed to change colors, like a kaleidoscope."
"It’s like the Scions are stuck in an endless round of auditions as the Fates shift new actors into the same roles, looking for the right cast to make their play work."
"It can’t be," she said, her voice suddenly high and girlish.
"I married Arthur so my father and our clan would be safe from the Barbarians."
"The only time you ever hurt me is when you leave me," she replied, wrapping herself around him.
"I don’t blame you for the lives lost. I bless you for the lives you saved," she said tenderly.
"She was tortured, you guys," Jason countered sternly.
"Just because you don’t understand what’s happening to Helen doesn’t mean you have any reason to be afraid of her."
"I’m fine," he said, concentrating on the task at hand.
"No. I don’t blame you for the lives lost. I bless you for the lives you saved," she said tenderly, meaning every word.
"We’re not doing things the way they did them. I say we stand together."
"My father’s little sister." He didn’t elaborate. "Trust me, Cassandra’s his type."
"We have to find out how far she’s willing to go," he said gravely.
"How strong do you think she’d have to be to do that?"
"Stop being such a giant, throbbing hormone and get in there," she chided herself.
"It doesn’t matter that the Furies are gone—you all still act like a pack of wild dogs."
"I thought you knew," Orion replied, shrugging.
"I bear witness. Hector is Helen’s champion from this day forward."
"She sounded like a goddess," Ariadne said, summing it up for the three of them.
"The worst part is not knowing where they went or how he’s doing."
"Hector was the type of guy who would rather fight a god than feel useless."
"You fight for the right of every man to decide his own fate."
"Beauty is easy. That wasn’t what moved her. What moved her was all the life she saw inside of him."
"The idea of ‘one man, one vote’ was the beginning of democracy."
"I’ve always thought that was the lamest argument—that we need some people to be poor in order to remind the rest of us to be grateful."
"Everything you want to happen, happens—no matter how crazy it is, right? But there are still rules."
"You may be all-powerful, but nothing beats plain old logic."
"I wouldn’t want to live in a world without dreams. Not even my own."
"All you need to do is live forever and the Face will always exist."
"He’s completely out," he said, opening his eyes. "He could be like this another twelve to sixteen hours, I’d say. That’s just a rough guess, though."
"He’s totally fine," Helen said, smiling. "In fact, I gotta go get him."
"Would I be wandering around, not sobbing my brains out, if he were dead?"
"Lucas is absolutely one hundred percent alive and healthy and waiting for me in a safe place," she announced.
"Lucas and I call it Everyland. But you all know it as Atlantis."
"Remember? How can you remember the other Worldbuilders if they lived long ago?" Orion asked.
"Her life sucked, by the way." Helen looked at Castor.
"This is terrible. You built a world," Cassandra gasped.
"And until the Scions overthrow the gods we’ll be stuck in this same cycle, repeating our ancestors’ mistakes with every new generation until the Fates get what they want."
"Can you make it, like, a lot warmer? What is it with you New England girls and snow, anyway? I grew up in Cádiz. I like sun."
"I couldn’t love you more if you came to me holding the sun in your right hand and all the stars in the sky in your left," she told him, her voice as final as a funeral dirge.
"You’re not thinking of trying to go for another swim, are you?" Hector asked quietly.
"I hear there’s a lot of feasting," Lucas said jokingly. "Ambrosia, nectar of the gods, nymphs. Lots of nymphs."
"There are rules to these things. You’re already my chosen champion," Helen said. "And you’re mortal, so Zeus has to pick a mortal champion, too."
"A little river told me," she answered, inwardly sighing with relief that her Helen of Troy memories were correct.
"Do you think you can take a Myrmidon?" Helen asked in an aside to Hector, realizing that she and Orion hadn’t accounted for this.
"Matt?" Helen howled disbelievingly. "What the hells are you doing hanging out with a bunch of Myrmidons?"
"Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and there has never been a being with more power than Helen."
"Helen? The Tyrant?" Orion said, guffawing with disbelief.
"I’m sorry, Claire," she said, trying in vain to do a mind-meld with her friend and get her to understand without saying anything.
"Most important, please explain to me, if you can make your own world—a perfect world that you control utterly—what’s to stop you from destroying this one if we don’t do exactly as you say?"
"You’re not about to steal my glory, Princess."
"You took an oath, and for us, those aren’t just words," Lucas continued. "You cannot walk into that arena. Only Hector can meet your challenger now."
"This has always been my fight," Hector said gently.
"I love you," she blurted out, completely horrified that she was saying something so sappy in front of a huge crowd like this.
"Well, it’s about time," Hector replied sarcastically.
"She won’t ever be our ‘Lennie’ again, Claire. She’s made her choice—power over us."
"I’ll be there to balance her," Lucas promised.
"We don’t want to rule, Matt," Lucas told him gently, but in vain.
"All your life. Always with a different face, but I never left you for long, Helen."
"Her mother’s plan, as crazy as it seemed, might have actually worked. Except for the fact that it didn’t, and in the process, it had broken all their hearts."
"You’re insane," Helen whispered. "No. Just willing to do anything for the man I love."
"So we all have something in common, then," Helen said calmly as she stood.
"Stay close to Cassandra," she told Orion. "Even if the Fates will be able to see me in the Underworld, they won’t be able to speak through her and maybe I can pull this off."
"This is all wrong. We have to go, Ari. Now," Claire whispered fearfully.
"Ask anyone else from the House of Rome. This girl has doubt. She is not committed to killing the Tyrant anymore."