
The Street Of A Thousand Blossoms Quotes

The Street Of A Thousand Blossoms by Gail Tsukiyama

The Street Of A Thousand Blossoms Quotes
"Every day of your lives, you must always be sure what you're fighting for."
"Time stops when you're watching Noh, life pauses."
"Like love, destiny will possess you, you can't help but know."
"Victory and defeat are both fleeting, the true battle is within."
"The strength of spirit can overcome the mightiest of obstacles."
"In the heart of tradition lies the seed of renewal."
"The essence of life is not in the vastness of the sea but in the drops that make it."
"True courage is in facing the unknown with an open heart."
"Every moment holds the possibility of a miracle."
"Not just your body. All your senses must be alert to your opponent. No move should ever be wasted!"
"Sometimes, in the thirty feet from his house to the sumo stable, he could almost make himself believe that the war hadn’t changed anything."
"Sumo was more than sport and years of hard training. Sumo was family. Sumo was history. Sumo was community."
"It saddens me to think that war must be the means to power."
"Music is in her blood. Perhaps she couldn’t resist any longer."
"Since I’ve stopped resisting the inevitable, all is well."
"Every little thing will lead to our nation’s victory."
"What is there to be frightened of? If all the glorious victories we hear about continue, we should have lights blazing and food on our table again by spring of next year."
"He wanted nothing more than to work his muscles again until they ached, until his clothes became stiff with dirt and sweat."
"Each morning she braced herself, fearing the news she waited for day after day."
"How could he not help? he asked his grandparents."
"She looked upon the bleak city in ruins, hoping against hope that it might someday be rebuilt."
"He wanted to draw long, slow breaths in hopes that the air around him might lighten his heart and mind."
"The land, either parched or frozen, grew miserable turnips and carrots, weak and small but edible."
"She edged past another pair of cigarette-smoking, gum-chewing, chocolate-giving gaijin soldiers."
"His heart raced, and he instinctively knew this time it was something more than a usual air raid."
"He hoped that Kenji and his family had somehow survived."
"You can't expect Japan to find balance right away after so many years at war."
"Like a pendulum, new ways must swing to the other side before returning."
"We’re stepping into a new world, and an entire way of thinking must be changed."
"But the old ideas can’t be easily discarded."
"It’s through the hardships you endure that you’ll gain real strength."
"To be noble, my mother said, was to account for the life you lived."
"Being a good sumotori means we have to practice every morning."
"Better that, than to be less than mediocre at something else."
"I may have the strength in this family, but you, little brother, were blessed with the good looks."
"Don’t ever let anyone make you think otherwise."
"Leaving Katsuyama-beya doesn’t mean you’ve failed, it just means that you’ll find your rightful place somewhere else."
"It’s what you’ve always wanted. We live a short enough time on this earth. A man should do what he loves."
"Remember, Hiroshi-san, success is not handed to you. You must work hard for it and you must never dishonor what you’ve achieved."
"It’s just an opportunity for us to have dinner together."
"I believe, Haru-san, you would make a very good scientist."
"Think of the wood as a living thing, warm to the touch. Never push; let your hands guide the wood."
"I’ve become someone I had always wanted to be."
"We live a short enough time on this earth. A man should do what he loves."
"Life was too long and too short at the same time."
"I had to decide if I would stay in Tokyo or not."
"To have strength without knowing how to use it means nothing."
"Love doesn’t pick a time. It comes when it comes."
"Ever since you were a boy, Hiro-chan, I could understand you better by the expressions on your face than the words you spoke."
"It will never be my place to ask that of you. It was simply my way of finally accepting the guilt, to say it out loud to the one living person whose life I altered that night."
"Then go back and see if it is. If it isn’t, return to Tokyo because it’s your decision. Not because of Aki-chan or your old, failing father, but because it’s what you want."
"I will do my best to uphold the honor and tradition of the rank of yokozuna."