
The American Heiress Quotes

The American Heiress by Daisy Goodwin

The American Heiress Quotes
"To be invited to Mrs Cash’s fancy dress ball was an honour, to be invited to the dinner beforehand a privilege."
"She might be the richest girl in America but surely she was also the most persecuted."
"I would like to see their faces when they realise that I can spend more on one dress than they spend on their clothes in a year."
"Age cannot wither, nor custom stale her infinite variety."
"I have seen girls, quite pretty girls, with dirty necks."
"You’re a black pearl, Bertha, that’s what you are and it’s only right that you should have it."
"I would like to learn how to make you happy. I think I could, you know."
"You have every right now, Duke, to think of me as the worst kind of vulgar American."
"This silent audience with the Duke was Mabel’s talisman, the antidote to her aching knees and stinging hands."
"The Duke saw the annoyance in her face and smiled at her, a charming smile that made him look much younger."
"She realised that Teddy had seen and understood this and she had liked the feeling of being noticed."
"It was her money that produced that little pocket of hush which preceded her whenever she walked into a strange room."
"She was fascinated by the way he swayed towards the keyboard as if he was embracing the instrument."
"There was nothing she needed to learn from me, unless of course you want to."
"The situation here was really quite good, if a little isolated."
"I think it is just the sort of thing that you like."
"Some women looked puny and cowed in those enormous sleeves."
"This was not a girl whose future had depended on the close observation of waistcoat buttons."
"I suspect it must be for the poor and infirm of Lulworth."
"There is no reason why charity should be indigestible."
"I just wanted to be sure that you were happy."
"Do you think I would marry a man I didn’t care for to please my mother?"
"I had to field some searching questions from my bridesmaids."
"I thought I was giving you a home and a position, but here I see that I am taking you away from so much."
"You don’t understand what I’m saying, do you? And why should you? My scruples must seem absurd to you."
"Do you really think so? I think I might see other things that you would prefer to keep hidden."
"I don’t want to put my thoughts into words. I try to keep my impressions as colour, light and shade for as long as possible."
"You can’t afford to make any enemies so early in your career."
"You mustn’t think that everything is as dull as Conyers."
"You are quite indestructible and besides, the Prince likes to have the pretty ones all to himself."
"The only thing that separated Cora from a well-bred English girl was her confidence."
"It is not my intention to flatter you, I assure you."
"Everything you do is perfectly reasonable. I have been churlish, Cora, and you must forgive me."
"I am sure you are quite adequately flattered elsewhere."
"I don’t think you have anything to be afraid of."
"Well, I would certainly have to find a good reason. And now if you’ll excuse me."
"I think I am quite capable of deciding for myself whether a magazine is suitable or not."
"A woman’s reputation is a fragile thing, and a duchess’s is like gossamer."
"It was only when she got undressed at night that she realised just how trussed up and pinned down she had been during the day."
"Every time he touched her she felt that they were in perfect accord."
"I want to know everything, even the things you might not want to tell me."
"I have never wanted to burden you with my past."
"You can’t accept the privileges of our rank and not understand that you will also be stared at and gossiped about."
"I am a link in a chain that stretches from the past through me into the future."
"You Americans are always so practical – no room in your brave new world for our faded notions of honour and duty."
"Indeed she is! But I shan't be on my own. My parents will be here next week and I expect Ivo any day now."
"Thank you, Cora, now I have everything I want."
"Anyone can acquire wealth, the real art is giving it away."
"Attention to detail. By all means, let us add mint."
"My father often says that anyone can acquire wealth, the real art is giving it away."
"You can’t imagine what it’s like to grow up in a family of men, with no one there to tell you what to wear or how to behave."
"I wanted to look at Charlotte properly. When they had been friends, Cora had enjoyed Charlotte’s elegance and beauty, rather as she appreciated her thoroughbred, Lincoln, or the statues of Eros and Psyche in the summer house."
"Too many English women looked weathered, but Lady Beauchamp had skin as smooth and waxy as an orchid."
"‘I am so glad you are feeling better, Cora. I heard that you had gone down with a migraine.'"
"I thought there was one missing. But I never knew for sure. After they broke I never had the heart to have them restrung."
"So now you know how it feels, Cora. To be a duplicate."
"I can’t believe I didn’t see this. I have been so stupid."
"And then you came out of nowhere. An American, who knew nothing and understood nothing."
"Just because you have bought yourself a title and all this, doesn’t mean that you have bought his love."
"Perhaps you should ring the bell. Of course, you can afford to rebuild the house from scratch but I know that your husband is rather attached to the place as it is."
"But you have to understand that I am not the girl you left in Newport. I have changed."
"Leave him behind, Cora, leave all of it behind. I want you, only you, and I will take care of you."
"I don’t know as I could say it was the right thing, but I know you won’t be happy until you do something and I reckon this is your way forward."
"You can’t go with her, Bertha. What if she decides to go back to America? Let your Miss Cora ruin her life if she wants to. Your place is with me."
"But she needs me. I know she does. She really doesn’t have anyone else."
"If that’s what you want, Cora. I won’t let you down again."
"I want you to be my wife, Bertha. I couldn’t just let you leave."
"Walk with me, Jim, I need to take the baby back to the nursery. And then, maybe, we’ll see."