
Sad Girls Quotes

Sad Girls by Lang Leav

Sad Girls Quotes
"But you can’t make people listen. They have to come round in their own time, wondering what happened and why the world blew up around them."
"Death, like fiction, is brutal in its symmetry."
"Like a thunderclap in my chest, an icy river down the length of my spine."
"The lie formed a life of its own. It became an evil presence, a curse."
"Perhaps there is another version of me somewhere that has lived it."
"Only the arsonist knows the exact location where that match was struck."
"We learned in art class that, technically, black is not a color but, rather, the absence of it."
"Sometimes I feel like I’m in an alternate universe."
"That’s the crazy thing. How can they just expect us to know what we want to do with the rest of our lives when we’re fresh out of school?"
"It was like my mind was being pulled from my body."
"I can’t live my whole life worrying about every damn thing people are saying about me."
"The most beautiful things are damaged in some way."
"I hope you’ll find your way there someday, to that little mountain town, and write your book."
"It feels kind of like a breakup, doesn’t it?"
"It’s almost like there was only an up and down before him, but now I have discovered you can also go sideways too."
"Do you know why they’re dying?" "Probably a combination of things like pesticides, predators like wasps, global warming. Bees pollinate a lot of our crops, so we’re pretty screwed if they die out completely."
"I’m glad Molly made it back safe—she had a bit of a freak-out."
""I hate you." "Come on; you’ll be fine." He held out his hand. "I’ll boost you up."
""I think if Rad is in your life again, he’s there for a reason."
""I don’t know who the hell you are anymore." "Maybe you never did in the first place."
""I know things have always been rocky between the two of you, but it’s Christmas Day. Can you at least stay for lunch? Please?"
"He laughed. "I’ll get my lawyer to draw up the papers."
""I don’t want anything to do with her anymore. She drives me insane."
"You are a toolbox, and you have to add stuff to it and build on it. I think the more tools you have, the better life gets."
"I realized how important it was to find a balance between the two. So now I run and hike as much as possible."
"Life isn’t all that different from a snakes and ladders game, is it?"
"It’s just performance anxiety. You’ll get past it in no time."
"It was hard the first few weeks. I felt like I had made a terrible mistake."
"Your first love isn’t the first person you give your heart to—it’s the first one who breaks it."
"I’m sure the two of you would get along like nobody’s business."
"Once you cross over, you can’t go back. It never goes away completely. You just get better at dealing with it."
"I don’t think I could get in it, and you know my parking skills are out of this world."
"The sadness that had begun in the pit of my stomach was spreading through my body and growing in intensity."
"I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m crying. It’s not you... you’ve been nothing but wonderful."
"Just because I’m not ready right now doesn’t mean I won’t ever be."
"This kind of stuff—you can’t set a time or date to it."
"I think it was the first time I was truly in love, if you know what I mean."
"I feel like we’re still unfinished business, like we’re in limbo."
"Exactly like the rope between the ship and the mooring."
"I can drive now, and I’m learning to cook. I’m at least halfway through writing my first book."
"Finding him was an incredible stroke of luck, but it still didn’t come close to what I felt for Rad, not by a long shot."
"You’ve got to do what your heart tells you, okay? There’s no point in us going through with this if you’re just going to keep looking back."
"You’re going to be okay, Audrey. You don’t need anybody anymore. Remember that."
"It’s been ages since I’ve had any time off. I could do with a vacation."
"I thought so too. But we know differently now."
"I’m glad he’s getting back on his feet again."
"I know what it’s like to want someone so much you would kill for them."
"That’s what love is. Don’t let them tell you any different."
"I used to have this sense that I felt too much for Rad."
"You deserve it. I think you and Rad have something truly magical."
"I don’t want anything to do with you," I said weakly, my eyes watering and my voice trembling.
"I’ve put my life in your hands. Don’t you see? We have a fresh start ahead of us in L.A."