
Candle In The Darkness Quotes

Candle In The Darkness by Lynn Austin

Candle In The Darkness Quotes
"Nobody knows the trouble I see, nobody knows but Jesus."
"If you dream of Massa counting money, means someone gonna be sold."
"It ain’t paradise for me if I still a slave."
"Which heaven will all them little black children with white daddies be in?"
"Anything I can’t fix, I take to Jesus. Then I don’t have to worry no more."
"Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal; knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven."
"I’ve never seen a girl half as pretty as you before."
"You don’t have to go home when your father does."
"I tried not to think about snakes as I followed."
"It ain't right they sell us like a horse or a bale of cotton."
"I couldn’t imagine what he’d meant when he said God would show white folks His power."
"I knew Tessie needed Eli to drive the carriage home, but I couldn’t understand why Tessie had to leave, too."
"I had never been without my mammy before, and I didn’t want to be without her now."
"I gonna love white folks, whether they love me back or not, ’cause that’s what Jesus tell me to do."
"It ain’t gonna be our power but God’s power that set us free!"
"The Bible say it ain’t by the sword that they won the land, nor did their own arm bring them victory."
"Slavery is a great evil, Miss Hoffman, and a curse to this great nation. It must be abolished."
"The Negroes are not a cause. They are people!"
"I’m talking about bigotry. And racism. Do you know any Negroes?"
"If you wish to be free from the bonds of oppression, then you must act—not just speak."
"Freedom isn't simply a matter of removing chains; it's embracing the fullness of life."
"In the heart of darkness, a single candle can redefine the meaning of light."
"True courage is found not in the absence of fear, but in the conquest over it."
"Love, in its truest form, transcends all boundaries of race and creed."
"The most profound acts of bravery are often those unseen by the world."
"Hope, once kindled, can ignite the flames of change."
"Every voice, no matter how small, can echo the truths of justice."
"Unity in purpose can bridge the vastest of divides."
"Its fragility made it no less precious in His eyes."
"Let it go, Missy Caroline—right away, before it take root."
"A servant does what his massa says and goes where his massa sends him and doesn’t quit until the job is done."
"Every day a servant goes to his massa and finds out what he supposed to do that day."
"Time you grow up, Missy Caroline. Your heavenly Father needs you to be His servant."
"He wants to help that poor dying boy out there, but the only arms and the only voice He has is ours."
"The South was wrong, the 'freedom' he was fighting for—the 'freedom' to hold people as slaves—was a moral outrage."
"God doesn’t change His mind. What has He already told you about the North and the South, about right and wrong?"
"If the South wins—if Charles wins—then slavery wins, too."
"The decision isn't who you gonna help and who you gonna betray. The decision is whether or not you gonna listen for God's voice and do what God telling you to do."
"Every morning we need to ask the Lord, 'This where you want me today? This what you want me to do?'"
"The Rebels aren’t fighting for freedom, they’re fighting for the right to keep slaves."
"You either do this with God’s help or not at all. But once you make up you mind to trust Him, He gonna provide a way to get the job done."
"You have no idea how good this feels!" "To lie in a bed?" "No, to laugh!"
"If anything happens to me, I want you to know where to find this money."
"But if you steal, then farmers won't bring any food at all into the city. We'll starve for certain."
"We have a fortune, Caroline. We're quite rich."
"I'm allowing this search because I have no choice."
"God never take something away without giving us something even better in return—if not in this life, then in the next."
"You could find out what else the Rebels are planning."
"I'm starting to think you believe Major Turner. You have your doubts about me and my loyalties, don't you?"
"For goodness’ sake, keep your feet tucked under your skirts. Ain’t no lady in the world has feet that big or shoes that ugly."
"If you’re guilty of half the things I think you are, then I want you arrested … no, I want you to hang!"
"All I can do is wait, wondering when my arrest will come."
"‘If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.'"
"Artillery boomed in the distance, shaking the floor beneath Caroline’s feet."
"I’m sorry I can’t offer you a great deal of hope."
"‘Your cousin’s servant, Josiah, will remain with us.'"
"‘In return for Charles’ life, I offer you my own.'"
"‘I know that you have a tender, loving heart … that injustice makes you angry.'"
"I should have married you the last time I came home."
"Can this really be the fourth Christmas that we’ve been at war?"
"You don’t even know what that means, do you?"
"‘I want to be able to cook again, to have me some food in this kitchen so I can feed the people I love.'"
"‘Lord, I thank you for this food, and I ask you to bless those sorry folks who don’t even have this much.'"
"It ain’t good news you’re reading this morning?"
"‘We’re staying,' Caroline told her servants."
"‘We’ll try to guard the house and the mare as best we can, but they’re not the most important things. What’s important is each other.'"
"‘I don’t need an answer now. I’ll wait, Caroline. I’ll wait forever if I have to.'"
"‘I promise that I would be back to dance with you,’ Jonathan grinned."