
Dangerous Games Quotes

Dangerous Games by Keri Arthur

Dangerous Games Quotes
"The night was bitterly cold, and rain fell in a heavy, constant stream."
"Like most of the newly risen, he was little more than flesh stretched tautly over bone."
"Hatred and fear of vamps had been around for centuries, and I had no doubt it would take centuries for it to abate."
"But dealing with two psychos on top of coping with the usual guardian patrols had the Directorate stretched to the limit."
"Personally, I think he was a little afraid of my shoes."
"I wasn’t about to be any vampire’s last meal."
"We had the option of taking a life or saving one. We chose the latter."
"You, young pup, will get a cuff over the ear if you do not show more respect for the old classics."
"Demons. Creatures from the vaults of hell itself."
"Fortune favored the brave—and the very foolish."
"You will believe in demons by the end of all this."
"I need to find out what—or who—Quinn had been talking to."
"Mixing work with pleasure is never a good idea."
"Having some of the best sex of my life."
"I’m here to talk to Mr. Dunleavy, so there was no need to report—"
"Must have been seven-thirty, eight o'clock, something like that. And the noise—" She sniffed. "Sounded like they were throwing things about and smashing up the place."
"No. They were quiet this time—except for smashing things up, that is."
"The wind swirled around us again. His scent was fading fast."
"My destiny was gathering speed and no one really knew just what the future held."
"Blood or no blood, I had to see what had happened in that house."
"I might be a wolf, I might love to hunt, and I had certainly killed in order to protect pack and self, but I’d never loved the taste of fresh blood."
"Steak came in plastic containers and just had to be unpacked and cooked. Steak didn’t continue to struggle for life after your teeth had found its flesh."
"The shudder that shook my body was soul deep."
"I stopped, wondering what the hell was going on, my heart going a mile a minute—then snorted at my own stupidity as the reason came into sight. A goddamn train."
"Dunleavy had been skinned. From the base of his neck right down to his heels. Not prettily, and not particularly neatly."
"But skinning a human like he was just another animal seemed oddly worse than anything else."
"And eating and loving a rare steak was not the same as sinking your teeth into flesh, let me tell you."
"The blood scent was coming from the right—from what looked to be a bedroom—the shit smell from the left."
"I tried to ignore the odd premonition that more was to come, and reported Dunleavy’s death, as well as the time, for the benefit of the taping vid-phone."
"It was Dunleavy’s soul. This wasn’t the first time I’d seen a soul rise."
"What the hell use was the ability to see dead people?"
"Only the very special ladies get my attention."
"Would you like to order coffee here, or would you prefer somewhere more intimate?"
"Love to," I murmured, a heartbeat before his lips met mine.
"You like it rough," he commented, breath harsh and fast against my shoulder.
"Sorry to run out on you, Riley, but work called and needed my help urgently."
"Grab something to eat, or a shower, or whatever you want before you go. I’ll ring you tonight."
"You give me your keys, you take your chances."
"Night’s curtain had well and truly fallen, and though the air was cold, the night was clear."
"Humans were still trying to legislate a rule that would outlaw the 'no-human' rule in the werewolf clubs, but it was just fine and dandy for them to outlaw us willy-nilly."
"I might not be able to 'sense' humans, but I sure as hell could control them."
"The moon hung fat and yellow in the sky, not quite full but not far off it."
"I had a bad feeling I’d need some tender care and gentle loving to wipe the foulness of Jin’s touch from my mind."
"Sometimes being a werewolf was a pain in the ass."
"Precisely because you want it. Because you get off on it."
"It’s quite possible I’ve met the woman lined up to be the next victim."
"Makes you wonder what, exactly, they’re protecting, doesn’t it?"
"Frustrating. Very. But Jack’s working on subverting their internal security system and fast-tracking it into ours."
"Well, work for it, girl. It’s about time you had to."
"Next time, try treating me like an adult. Let me make my own decisions and mistakes."
"The difference is I’m not trying to force my dreams on anyone. You are."
"Souls are the essence of people who live and die in this world. They do not hang around, but move quickly into the next life."
"Magic cannot be contained by psychic powers or technical devices."
"Because, as I said, she is an extremely powerful sorceress. Magic cannot be contained by psychic powers or technical devices."
"You cannot kill a soul. You can only restrain or destroy."
"Everyone knows there's nothing like a good fight to get the hormones going."
"It's amazing the fun that can be had with a rubber monkey suit."
"No, I don't. There was nothing stopping you from telling me that night the priest made his appearance. Only your own ornery need to do everything your own way."
"Because in darkness there is strength. Maisie wanted power. I granted her that."
"All these years of serving a dark god, and you still believe in promises?"
"Enough is enough. Please, just leave, Quinn."
"Humans can't fly. Nor can vampires who aren't winged shifters of some kind."
"Then I know where you got your orneriness from."
"The body will be mummified, then wrapped in silver, and sealed with spells only another priest can undo."
"She is trapped in flesh that no longer lives. She can never escape."
"A dragon’s blood tastes like human blood, in case you were wondering."
"Grant a dying wish? It is not usually in my nature to do so, but seeing we’ve had such a sweet and caring relationship over the years, go ahead and ask."
"In the scheme of things, you will die slowly, in agony, with the full knowledge that the help that waits just beyond these doors will never ever find you or this place."
"Enjoy it while you can, psycho, because it’ll be the last time that you do."
"Ah, the sweet taste of your fear, Riley. So much more exquisite than blood."
"Pack rights are never surrendered, no matter what the situation or current politics. Once a pack member, always a pack member."
"There’s a pattern. For a start, they all stayed at Monitor Island for more than a week."