
This Is Love Quotes

This Is Love by Ivy Smoak

This Is Love Quotes
"I had forgotten how much I craved Penny’s touch until I couldn’t have it. That’s what time did. Made perfection feel like normalcy."
"The sun rose and set with her. She was the air I breathed."
"Me pushing her hadn’t helped. Me trying to manipulate the situation had helped even less."
"I was okay with this bleak feeling of existence if I knew she was coming back to me."
"Every night, I’d hold him until visiting hours were over. Just the two of us."
"I knew it was just a movie. Just a keychain. Maybe it meant something in the past, but it didn’t now."
"The unsigned contract that was locked in my desk drawer was a good sign of that."
"She was reading right now, trying to remember our love story."
"I wanted to walk back into our apartment and see her face light up like it always used to."
"I promised to be a better man for her. A better father to my children."
"Please don’t cry." He wiped away one of the tears that had fallen down my cheek.
"I promise not to make you feel worthless. And I'll try not to act like an asshole."
"I felt so safe in his arms. I knew why I had gotten so upset tonight. Because I wasn't just fucking my professor. I was in deep. I loved him. I'm in love with my Comm professor."
"Memories of us. The book I had written confirmed it. While I was reading, I could so clearly picture the scenes unfolding."
"I don’t think love is about feeling comfortable. I think love needs a little fear in order to be all-consuming."
"No one had ever told me that when your heart breaks it actually hurts. It felt like my chest was caving in."
"I'm sorry. But it's like you just said. Except, I never stopped loving him. And I'll never stop loving him."
"I love you with all my heart. I only remember pieces of our life, but I know that much is true. You're my everything too. Every. Single. Thing."
"That whole amnesia thing? Probably a ruse for a divorce. And she’ll get half of everything."
"I need her, Mom. I need her and I can’t even explain how much."
"My heart is yours. Forever and always. It’s yours, James."
"You didn’t break us. I’m right here. You came back to me. That’s all that matters."
"I don’t know what else I can say. I wasn’t me. And I was horrible to you. But that wasn’t me. That’s not how I feel. I love you. I love you, James."
"Just don’t leave me again. My heart can’t take it. Please stop running away from what we have."
"Tomorrow I'm going to make love to you. Tell me what you want me to do to you tonight."
"I love when you're rough with me. You fucked me like that because I asked you to. Nothing has changed from this morning. What you see as addiction, I see as love."
"I thought when you found the right person, things were supposed to be easy. Why does it feel like this relationship is always so much work?"
"All I've ever wanted was for you to be mine. But yeah, it's fucking terrifying. Because there are no guarantees in life."
"You said you forgave me. Right this second, I didn’t care if he had or not. He was looking at me in that way. The way that had always made my knees weak."
"God, if you’re out there, please heal our son. Please watch over him. Let us bring him home."
"And let Penny’s memories keep coming back. Let her heal."
"Your first reaction wasn’t to go out and buy cocaine though."
"It’s going to be okay. We’re going to wait. And pray. And be with him as much as possible."
"Praying to a God you didn’t think you believed in during a crisis sometimes makes a believer out of the most hardened of souls. It makes you hope that miracles can happen."
"Nonsense, the color matches your golden hair."
"I'm not going anywhere with a complete stranger."
"I've never met a better man in my entire life."
"Love isn’t light or dark or a whirlwind of color."
"I'm going to fix everything, James. I’m going to take care of our family."
"It’s been a while since I’ve felt this hopeful, actually."
"You’re everything to me. Every. Single. Thing."
"It's you and me, James. It's you and me. Forever."
"I care more about you than I care about life itself."
"And you’ll always have a piece of me. In Scarlett. In Liam. They’ll be there even if I’m not."
"Someone who loved so hard couldn’t possibly have a broken heart."
"The soft morning light streaming through the blinds cast shadows that heightened her features. Perfect."
"She couldn’t be alone. And she couldn’t be with someone else. So that meant I had to figure this out."
"I think sometimes when you spread out your hope all of it feels a little fleeting."
"Liam will always be a part of this family. No matter how long he’s with us."
"My thoughts were far away from my own problems."
"Nothing was going to strip me of this life I had fought so hard to get back."
"I'm sorry, but two of Dr. Hughes’ patients just went into labor."
"The days I get to deliver good news are the ones I live for."
"I know Dr. Hughes said donations. With an s."
"Our son’s going to be okay. He’s going to live a long, healthy, normal life. There is no price I wouldn’t have been willing to pay to hear those words."
"I thought I knew that would never be the case. Because no one had ever loved me."
"I’ll love you until the day I die, way way in the future."
"We are finally back where we were supposed to be."
"Our few days in Newark had flown by. I had never been more in love."
"I love it here," I said. "Thank you. For all of this."
"Love can’t really be defined. It isn’t a balance of light and darkness or a whirlwind of color. It’s a feeling. This feeling."