
The Trials Of Morrigan Crow Quotes

The Trials Of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend

The Trials Of Morrigan Crow Quotes
"Better his woe than mine, praise be to the Divine."
"I thought we’d agreed that extreme weather events could no longer be reliably attributed to my daughter."
"I’m sorry you don’t know how to ice-skate properly."
"If everyone were educated, where would servants come from?"
"I’m sure my friends in the Wintersea Party would agree with me."
"You can't tell me what to do. I pay your wages!" Jupiter grumbled, but he took off his traveling boots.
"Happy New Age to you, Martha. Happy New Age, Charlie. Good Morningtide, everyone! Up to the roof now, all of you, or you'll miss everything."
See you up there," said the cat, leaping onto the curved staircase. "Don't dawdle.
I know what you're thinking," Jupiter said. "Why do I let a Magnificat tell me what to do? Well, it's simple—
"Do not let Fenestra hear you saying that," he hissed.
"No opposable thumbs. How does she do the dusting? To be honest, I've asked myself the same question."
"Morrigan, this is Mr. Kedgeree Burns, my concierge."
"Aye, sir—sixteen from the League, four from the Society, and one from the Lord Mayor's office."
"Chewing through the hothouse orchids as we speak."
"Brollies ready?" asked Jupiter, and there was a flurry of movement as the staff all held up umbrellas in response.
"It's like that the first few times. You'll get used to it."
"I’m not letting it keep me up at night and you shouldn’t either."
Everyone wants a nickname," Jupiter continued after the announcement. "Mine, for example, is the Great and Honorable Captain Sir Jupiter Amantius North, Esquire.
"Talk to Fenestra about it. Splendid job last night, by the way."
"The gentlemen from Paranormal Services came in on Thursday to see about our wee haunting on the fifth floor; I’ve sent the invoice to accounting."
"Why are you here, anyway? Can’t you see I’m in recovery?"
"I’m hoping you’ll be a bad influence on him."
Martha’s right, sir," said the driver. "It’s all over the papers, on the radio.
"That’s why everyone calls me Jupiter for short," he said.
"This teapot was made in a factory in Dusty Junction—that’s easy to know because most of the Free State’s ceramics are made in Dusty Junction, so it doesn’t really count, but I can see it anyway, the factory positively oozes out of it."
"That’s good old-fashioned Wun ingenuity, Miss Crow. You wouldn’t believe the things they can do at the Wundrous Society Hospital."
"I think so. I think I made an enemy too."
"A bit miserable-looking, North, if you ask me," Mr. Charlton whispered loudly into Jupiter’s ear.
"Want some dessert, Noelle?" called a voice from above.
"You’ll blow up that bridge when we come to it."
"Strangest of all, the size and shape of the room were changing."
"For the first time ever, Morrigan Crow felt that she was in exactly the right place."
"Nevermoor is as ancient as the stars, as new as powder snow, and as mighty as thunder."
"I want brothers and sisters who will stand by me forever, no matter what."
"I saw a pink target on the corner of Roderick Street and just decided to go for it."
"Roderick Street, Morrigan thought bitterly."
"No wonder she’d been the only candidate to know about the secret dinner!"
"She felt so foolish. Even worse, she felt terrified of what would happen next."
"The Hunt of Smoke and Shadow reared up in her mind’s eye."
"They couldn’t make her leave without saying goodbye to her friend, could they?"
"Will they be waiting for me at the border?"
"The morning papers? They’ll all be lining cat litter trays or wrapping fish-and-chips by now."
"You have proven your tenacity and ambition."
"More powerful than any Wundersmith, don’t you worry about—"
"He wouldn’t know the real Wundersmith from a potted agapanthus."
"Over one hundred winters he’s been in exile, banned from Nevermoor."
"Thousands of men and women all working constantly, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week."
"It happened not too far from here, in Old Town."
"The place where they died was renamed for those brave people. Courage Square."
"We’ve been there. That’s where the Chase Trial ended."
"He was a man who became a monster, lass, that’s what he did."
"Some say he was weakened by the attack."
"He built a great army of fearsome creatures."
"Normally they’re all, ‘Oh, don’t stereotype us, we’re just normal people.’"
"There is such a thing as too scary, even for the Black Parade."
"Is it true he was exiled from Nevermoor?"
"For more than a hundred years, all to keep one man out."
"Some people stepped up and tried to stop him."
"He sought to own the city, and by owning the city, to own the entire realm."
"Waiting for the day when their master will return to conquer the city."
"I wish he wouldn’t sing about the Wundersmith."
"What’s a Wundersmith, anyway? Why is everybody so scared of it?"
"He thinks it’s funny trying to scare people."
"What if the Stink found out she’s here illegally?"
"It isn’t funny to joke about being friends with the Wundersmith."
"She’s a long way from home, Jack. You know how that feels."
"I don’t want to hear another word about this."
"Why Morrigan? Of all the candidates he might have chosen, why her?"
"It’s treason. He could go to prison, Kedgeree."
"If he’s not careful, he’ll lose the Deucalion."
"What if the Stink finds out I’m here illegally?"
"This mode of travel doesn’t suit everyone."
"I am a liar. Yes. But not always, and certainly not this time."
"You’ve no idea what agony it is, to be there, right there in my city—my city, my beloved Nevermoor—and unable to do anything."
"The Gossamer Line is a wonderful thing, Miss Crow—I should know, I created it—but sometimes it’s a prison."
"This is what you want, isn’t it, Miss Crow?"
"Tell me, Morrigan Crow: Why did I ask you to be my apprentice?"
"Destruction and creation. Death and life. All tools within your grasp, once you know how to use them."
"You are set on a path from which you cannot diverge."
"You knew all along what I was, didn’t you?"
"I told you—it would have been a mercy, letting the Hunt of Smoke and Shadow kill you."
"Why did you make me go through the trials?"
"I thought it was the right thing to do."
"I’m not a thief. This isn’t a kidnapping. It’s your very first lesson in how to be a Wundersmith."
"It’s perfectly charming that you believe you have a choice in the matter."