
Journey Under The Midnight Sun Quotes

Journey Under The Midnight Sun by Keigo Higashino

Journey Under The Midnight Sun Quotes
"By all rights, he should have been spending the day at home enjoying some leisurely reading – in fact he’d been holding off on a new thriller just for the occasion."
"Despite being October it was still dreadfully muggy, yet the ground was dry so when a truck sped by it sent up clouds of dust."
"A crowd of onlookers had already gathered in front of the building, which was ringed by several squad cars."
"The diminutive Dr Matsuno stood and turned to the huddle of detectives. ‘Well, it’s a homicide.’"
"‘Why do kids play anywhere?’ The squid lady shrugged."
"You suggesting a grown man would go to some place that dirty and dusty just to squeeze some titties?"
"The world would descend into a fight to see who had the most money and power – that’s what he said."
"If you don’t know about the oil shortage, I don’t have time to explain."
"‘Gas!’ He stopped Yukiho from coming in with one hand, and covered his mouth and nose with the other."
"I don’t want to kill the conversation, but how about a little movie?"
"I’ll bet you can hold your liquor," she said.
"I doubt that. Hardly any of them seem worth it, anyway."
"We need to do this businesslike to avoid any accidents."
"I wouldn’t have taken you for a videogame fan."
"You’ve been working at that bank for ten years? I never took you for a banker."
"You should’ve seen Nagayama. He was practically beside himself, saying she was definitely a virgin." - Kanae
"Everyone has to start somewhere." - A boy from the dance club
"You’d be surprised how many opportunities come up to dance. But even if you only got one, wouldn’t you want to be ready for it? Know how to dance, and you’ll dance through life." - Kazunari
"It’s not your fault. You shouldn’t think that. You wouldn’t want your mother to be sad where she is now." - Masaharu
"I just wish I’d had a key. That’s why I always keep a house key with me now." - Yukiho
"I think it’s important for students to spend time with their friends, especially in high school." - Masaharu
"It wasn’t long afterwards that she showed an interest in flower arrangement, too. She was watching me put together a vase and would occasionally help out with a flower or two." - Reiko about Yukiho
"They say tans are for the young, but if you ask me, the young are the last people who should be getting tans." - Yukiho
"It was like I was dreaming – a nightmare, of course." - Yukiho on her mother's death
"If I’d been more helpful, if she hadn’t had to work so hard…" - Yukiho reflecting on her mother's struggles
"I was wondering what other applications we've had for eddy-current testing coils."
"All you have to do is hit some keys on the keyboard and these huge sums fly every which way."
"It's harder on the eyes than the shoulders, staring at the screen all day long."
"Oh, my eyesight has got much worse since I started this job."
"It must wear you out, having to shuttle back and forth from company to company."
"The IT guys have it worse. They're always pulling all-nighters before deadlines."
"He said he'd trained himself to wake up when the printer stops moving."
"That's crazy. I hope they get paid for all of that."
"They only hire temp workers because they’re cheap. Kind of like… disposable lighters."
"Nothing’s new. Everything’s just getting older."
"Each new posting was a chance to meet Mr Right, even if nothing had panned out so far."
"The money comes first. Looks and style follow, every time."
"A life lived in fear of stinking like garlic wasn’t worth living."
"I’m doing this alone. You don’t have to be involved at all."
"It’s just… sometimes I feel like I spend my life under a midnight sun."
"The fate of this store is on your shoulders."
"A sudden thought struck Tomohiko and he opened the drawer to Ryo’s desk."
"Tomohiko stopped by Ryo’s apartment. The shades were drawn and all the lights were off."
"‘Why didn’t he say anything?’ When Hiroe heard the news, the bewilderment showed on her face."
"I’m sure Ryo’s got a plan – he always does."
"The detective smiled, enjoying Tomohiko’s discomfort."
"‘The world never stops changing. I can’t keep up,’ the man shook his head."
"‘Expert systems are one application of AI – in effect an attempt to replace experts in certain fields,’ Narita explained."
"Makoto thought he probably should have worked a little longer."
"‘I hate to say this, but you are the century’s most lucky man,’ a friend said."
"It’s just I have so much extra time sitting at home doing housework."
"Sorry. I know this isn’t much of an excuse, but I’ve just been so busy – I know I haven’t been treating you well."
"I know I’m no good. I really know. I’m just causing trouble for you."
"I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me."
"I’ve been wondering where he is, too. It’s tough having your manager suddenly disappear on you."
"‘Sorry to take your time,’ the detective said, walking towards the door."
"Tomohiko sighed and looked up at the paper cut-out. That and the scarf were the only things Ryo had left behind."
"I think you have to eat delicious things when you’re young to have a true appreciation for food."
"I can’t believe he was ruining your life over it."
"Just thinking about that possibility made Imaeda’s heart race."
"He certainly had all the connections he needed by that point."
"More than half of his jobs were looking into affairs."
"Being a private eye held none of the glamour depicted in the movies and on TV."
"I haven’t seen you much at the driving range."
"She had a natural smile and could easily have passed for a professional model."
"The feeling of fulfilment when, at the end of long hours, you got what you were looking for wasn’t something he’d ever found anywhere else."
"That’s a very young age to be managing director at a big company like that."
"Every time he heard something like this, he wondered anew at the foolish generosity of some men."
"The more I see of her, the more uneasy I feel."
"I would propose that every woman has a little darkness under the surface."
"The way she smiles, she gives people the impression that it’s a learned skill."
"The goodness he sees shining from inside her."
"There’s quite a lot about her that’s frankly mysterious."
"She’s a very hard worker. I wonder sometimes if she ever sleeps."
"Clothes and jewellery aren’t meant to hide what’s inside a person. They’re meant to bring it out."
"He wondered how she managed to project that kind of refinement at such a young age."
"Someone who’s been well raised can wear practically anything and make it look elegant."
"It’s not clear where her money was coming from."
"There’s something happening behind the scenes. I’m sure of it."
"All of them have met with some kind of misfortune."
"I can't let you help me like that. I need to do this myself."
"This is a worthless place, a dull town. Dusty, dirty, filled with worthless people who squirm like so many insects."
"He was never going to get a divorce. That was just part of the game we were playing."
"My boss made me stay. You must be hungry. I'll make something. Tofu stew OK?"
"If newspapers started piling up at his door, it wouldn’t take long before his neighbors or the concierge started asking questions."
"Despite the tale sounding increasingly ridiculous as he told it, Sasagaki listened to every word."
"I’m afraid the chances of him still being alive are extremely small."
"It’s a worthless place, a dull town. Dusty, dirty, filled with worthless people who squirm like so many insects."
"It’s not a big deal, not a problem, though there may be some things I’m not at liberty to share."
"Why would we play there if it wasn't?" Akiyoshi said with a grin.
"One day a kid found a body in there. A man’s body. He’d been murdered."
"No one much liked him at all. I guess it comes with the territory when you run a pawnshop."
"It was a place where men could buy women, he said."
"I learned what the most important thing in this world is."
"Everything’s finished," he said. "Everything’s finished."
"The whole situation strained belief – and yet, when he let it in, the reality of it hit him like a ton of bricks."
"How could he have let his guard down so completely after months of telling himself that Yukiho was bad news?"
"If you look into her eyes now, you’re done."
"When you wander in the dark too long, you start to see things that aren’t really there."
"Probably because she believed that rape was the surest way to break someone’s spirit."