
The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes Quotes

The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle

The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes Quotes
"Remember, Watson, that though we have so homely a thing as a goose at one end of this chain, we have at the other a man who will certainly get seven years’ penal servitude unless we can establish his innocence."
"It is possible that our inquiry may but confirm his guilt; but, in any case, we have a line of investigation which has been missed by the police."
"Well, I have no connection with any other people who have been making inquiries."
"But I’m always ready to back my opinion on a matter of fowls, and I have a fiver on it that the bird I ate is country bred."
"When you see a man with whiskers of that cut and the ‘Pink ’un’ protruding out of his pocket, you can always draw him by a bet."
"My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people don’t know."
"It laid an egg after it was dead—the bonniest, brightest little blue egg that ever was seen."
"Chance has put in our way a most singular and whimsical problem, and its solution is its own reward."
"It is very essential, Miss Stoner, that you should absolutely follow my advice in every respect."
"You see that we have been as good as our word."
"We shall spend the night in your room, and we shall investigate the cause of this noise which has disturbed you."
"This incident gives zest to our investigation."
"It is a little cold for the time of the year."
"Did you ever see a bed fastened like that before?"
"We are only just in time to prevent some subtle and horrible crime."
"When a doctor does go wrong he is the first of criminals. He has nerve and he has knowledge."
"For goodness’ sake let us have a quiet pipe and turn our minds for a few hours to something more cheerful."
"The least sound would be fatal to our plans."
"Violence does, in truth, recoil upon the violent, and the schemer falls into the pit which he digs for another."
"I have learned never to ridicule a woman's intuition."
"The work of a moment, the result of a lifetime."
"Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes."
"I have very little difficulty in finding what I want," said I, "for the facts are quite recent, and the matter struck me as remarkable."
"Oh, you mean the little problem of the Grosvenor Square furniture van. That is quite cleared up now—though, indeed, it was obvious from the first."
"Terse and to the point," remarked Holmes, stretching his long, thin legs towards the fire.
"Indeed. This is more interesting than it promised to be; quite dramatic, in fact."
"They often vanish before the ceremony, and occasionally during the honeymoon; but I cannot call to mind anything quite so prompt as this."
"Such as they are, they are set forth in a single article of a morning paper of yesterday, which I will read to you."
"I think that I may arrive at my facts most directly by questioning you."
"It is a pure matter of form. Is the security sufficient?"
"Keep your forgiveness for those who ask for it."
"You may as well face the matter; you have been caught in the act, and no confession could make your guilt more heinous."
"The pressure of public opinion can do in the town what the law cannot accomplish."
"Crime is common. Logic is rare. Therefore it is upon the logic rather than upon the crime that you should dwell."
"Data! Data! Data! I can't make bricks without clay."
"It is my belief, Watson, founded upon my experience, that the lowest and vilest alleys in London do not present a more dreadful record of sin than does the smiling and beautiful countryside."
"I assure you that your little problem promises to be the most interesting which has come my way for some months."
"I am much mistaken if we do not hear from her before many days are past."
"You cannot imagine how comical he was, and I laughed until I was quite weary."
"You can easily imagine, Mr. Holmes, how curious I became as to what the meaning of this extraordinary performance could possibly be."
"At the second glance, however, I perceived that there was a man standing in the Southampton Road, a small bearded man in a grey suit, who seemed to be looking in my direction."
"I rushed down the passage, through the door, and straight into the arms of Mr. Rucastle, who was waiting outside."
"You have been brought there to personate someone, and the real person is imprisoned in this chamber."
"My dear Watson, you as a medical man are continually gaining light as to the tendencies of a child by the study of the parents."
"This child's disposition is abnormally cruel, merely for cruelty's sake."
"I am sure that you are right, Mr. Holmes," cried our client. "A thousand things come back to me which make me certain that you have hit it."
"We must be circumspect, for we are dealing with a very cunning man."
"That is Mrs. Toller in the cellar," said she. "Her husband lies snoring on the kitchen rug."
"We laid him upon the drawing-room sofa, and having dispatched the sobered Toller to bear the news to his wife, I did what I could to relieve his pain."
"Ah, miss, it is a pity you didn’t let me know what you were planning, for I would have told you that your pains were wasted."
"He knew he was safe with her; but when there was a chance of a husband coming forward, who would ask for all that the law would give him, then her father thought it time to put a stop on it."
"And thus was solved the mystery of the sinister house with the copper beeches in front of the door."