
The City Of Brass Quotes

The City Of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty

The City Of Brass Quotes
"Well, this superstitious fool is about to swindle you for all you’re worth, so insult away."
"You’re young. You have no experience with what happens to people like us during a war. People who are different."
"Suleiman’s eye! I will kill whoever called me here!"
"I saved your life. I’m escorting you to the city of my enemies. That’s enough."
"Despite his nerves, as Ali began to pray, he felt a small measure of peace. He always did."
"What would I do with a cannon, brother? I’m shafit. I know the law."
"Don’t be absurd. But when our girls are snatched off the street to be used as bed slaves, when our men are blinded for looking at a pureblood the wrong way… is it not to be expected that some will fight back any way they can?"
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
"You’re the thief. You’re going to steal us some horses."
"But I’ve no desire to spend the coming days being looked at like some villainous abductor."
"Earn this. I don’t care if you have to dance on my grave. Save yourself, brother. Live to fight again."
"By the Most High, your people must get nothing done if you drink things like this."
"God be merciful. You're dead. I saw you die ... I felt you drown."
"Whether or not you're alive shouldn't be complicated!"
"They're mine. They're from my home back in Cairo."
"Socializing with these people is part of it ... hell, it’s supposed to be a perk."
"Your little brother doesn’t appear to be having a good time, my emir."
"The lake knows to behave. We’re perfectly safe here."
"No one else seemed bothered. The Ayaanle were chatting among themselves, sharing a basket of oranges."
"Their language can't be understood, can't even be learned by foreign tribesmen."
"What was that they were speaking to each other then?"
"I still don't see anything that looks like a city."
"The massive wall was entirely built of brass, polished to perfection."
"Everyone knows those western barbarians would happily stew in their own filth."
"If cleanliness is important enough to the Daevas that they're willing to put a price on it... who am I to deny them?"
"Get out. And if I hear you speak of such corruption a second time, I'll take your tongue to prevent a third."
"We will tear through your homes until we find the girl!"
"I suspect there are some good ideas hiding behind your propensity for rash, terrible decisions."
"That's a beautiful man. Even more handsome than the legends say."
"It's a simple task. Have her drink the elixir, look for the salamander, and extract it. You are the Banu Nahida; it should be as obvious to you as a black spot on the eye."
"If I were Daeva, and I witnessed an Afshin and Banu Nahida miraculously appear to stop a mob of shafit from breaking into my neighborhood, I’d take to wearing an ash mark on my head as well."
"You’re not going to kill anyone. It’s a simple procedure."
"Your mother enjoyed a rather … fearsome reputation."
"Your mother healed me, and then she and her brother took me in."
"By the Creator, do you ever stop to consider the things in your head before you spout them? If you were not my son, you would be arrested for such disrespect."
"That’s the way of things, isn’t it? The legend outweighing the flesh-and-blood figure?"
"And here we are discussing ancient history again when I promised you a challenge."
"Greatness takes time, often the mightiest things have the humblest beginnings."
"You’ve befriended a Daeva and admitted to being wrong about something?"
"I don’t bleed. I don’t breathe … I can’t imagine that I could ever give you children."
"Have you forgotten who I am, Dara? I can handle Ali just fine."
"I take it your siblings don’t share your enthusiasm for human science?"
"I spent the rest of my life—my short life, I assure you—fighting the very family you’re so eager to join."
"You’re not a fool, Zaydi—you’re one of the brightest people I know."
"I think I’ll deal with one of her demands right now."
"I’m sure she’s equally devoted to all her patients."
"Forgive me, Banu Nahida, but I had no choice. He insisted I bring him straight to you."
"Do you think I want your death on my conscience? You’re still my little brother."
"I will stick a blade in my heart before I raised it to you—I swear to God."
"I’ll never forgive you if something happens to him—and I’ll never forget what you did here tonight."
It’s because you do not belong here," Dara said darkly. "This is not your city, not your palace. The walls know that even if you Geziri dogs do not.
"Keep walking, djinn, and watch your mouth. It would greatly upset the Banu Nahida if I cut out your tongue."
"Sand fly, dog, crocodile… Are you just working your way through the animals you can name? How many can be left? Five? Six?"
I’ll let him go," he said quietly in Divasti. "I promise.
Let him go," she begged. "Please. Let him leave, and I’ll stay here. I’ll marry your brother. I’ll do whatever your family wants.
"God preserve me," she whispered, and then she did the most un-Nahri-like thing she could imagine. She ran into danger.
"Where were you, Afshin, when they screamed for you? Where were you when they carved the names of the Qui-zi dead into your sister’s body?"
"They destroy everything. They murdered my family, my leaders. They eviscerated my tribe."
I would never," he repeated. "I all but gave my life to save Muntadhir’s on that boat. I would never hurt him. I want to help him.
"No, I cannot give that order. And for that weakness, my son, I apologize."
Please," she begged. "You’re the only one left. Forget your grief. Forget our words here. Tell the king whatever he needs to hear to grant you mercy.
"I can easily reveal you as shafit; there are a number of ways—none particularly pleasant—in which to do so."
"We need you, Kaveh. He needs you. You need to get back into Ghassan’s good graces, to make him trust you enough that you can return to Zariaspa."
"She needs no distractions, no false hope. And truthfully … she’s safest not knowing. If we’re caught, her innocence might be her only defense."
"Your father made that clear. Your exile from Daevabad was a death sentence."
"When the time came, Ali would die dry-eyed, with the declaration of faith on his lips and a blade in his hand."
"Guide me, protect those I was forced to leave behind and when my time comes, please have more mercy on me than my father did."
"I’m not going to hurt you, Nahri. I’m not that kind of man."
"We’re going to save our people. We’re going to save Nahri."