
Breath Mints / Battle Scars Quotes

Breath Mints / Battle Scars by Onyx_and_Elm

Breath Mints / Battle Scars Quotes
"I'm here at fucking Hogwarts, of all fucking places, by Ministry order, fucking taking classes and in order to get through that, let's just say I've developed a rather healthy affinity for Firewhiskey."
"And she's out of the portrait hole and into the hall in fifteen seconds flat. She can't — she doesn't — She feels like she needs to hide. No. No."
"But her heart’s stuttering and her brain is scrambled and heat pulses low and she doesn’t — she doesn’t — she can’t reconcile the feel of his body against hers."
"But the odds are not in her favor if even Harry is doing so well — acting so natural."
"She wonders whether one day they'll compare sizes. Ha. There it is again. Gallows humor."
"And it’s fun to watch him suffer. Really, it is."
"But the panic is bubbling up in her stomach and her heart is starting to stutter and her cheeks are so red she feels as though the blood might burst out."
"Because even if it is him, it means she isn't a complete lunatic. It means she isn't the weakest out of all of them because she can't move on."
"She realizes she’s never paid much attention to him before."
"Before you report me for 'coming unhinged,' do me a favor and consider what you’d fucking do if your fucking girl was pretending you were a bloody Hufflepuff to save face?"
"His gaze is heavy. Lidded. Sharp. Full of everything and nothing she can understand."
"What the fuck are you playing at, Granger?"
"Like I’ve said before, Granger — I’m his Crutch."
"But Ginny’s an inch from her in a heartbeat, gathering her up and pressing her wet face into the shoulder of her gown."
"And she’s bursting into tears — loud, pathetic sobs."
"No matter how many top coats of denial she slathers onto it, the base coat is and has been since Friday night that she wants more than anything to feel those cold, rough lips again."
"The color purple, up until yesterday, had never had an association with panic and despair for Hermione."
"I am also apparently not in Azkaban. Yet. I expect that could change at any moment."
"I don’t want to die. I’m scared. I’m so fucking afraid to die."
"You stupid, stupid bitch. You don’t know anything. Fucking nothing."
"He never pretended to be a nice boy, like Ron or Zacharias. He made a point of being anything but."
"Of all the ways she’d expected this conversation to go, this direction wasn’t on her map."
"It isn’t you in the stories, it’s Malfoy."
"I’m a terrible fucking choice. Dammit, Granger. The fucking worst."
"I like the way I feel when I’m with you."
"I like how alone you are, because it means I don’t have to share you with anyone."
"I thought about how similar we were — our scars were. Are."
"I wondered if one day we'd ever compare them."
"How can I trust you not to regret this?"
"I’m not letting you ruin this on purpose."
"You don’t get to make me regret this on purpose."
"It’s my choice. It’s my choice. Please."
"I’m a bad choice. I’m a terrible fucking choice."
"If I have to live with mine, then you have to live with yours."
"It’s pretty absurdly fucking obvious that you do."
"Things would’ve gone over much more smoothly, I’d warrant, had she told the lot of them ages ago."
"She’s a lot of things, but she’s not stupid."
"If only you could see the way the Gryffindors are looking at me now."
"I feel like a cauldron left sitting on a flame, abandoned for far too long."
"She feels like the epicenter of all ridicule."
"He’s been in there over an hour. He’ll freeze to death soon enough."
"Why do you always assume I’m trying to die?"
"Thought you hated me. Why should you help me?"
"I’m sorry, really, I am — I didn’t know what else to do."
"I forgot what it’s like to feel normal."
"Don’t. I’m warning you, don’t fuck with these people."
"Do you have anything you wish to declare before proceedings begin?"
"The living quarters you provided for us are filthy and unmaintained."
"You’re the selfish one. Can’t stand to be disobeyed. Can’t stand the thought of someone other than Daddy coming to his rescue."
"If you’re stupid enough to think this is over, then I guess you’re not the brightest witch of your age."
"And when our Golden Girl inquired as to the nature of this relationship, Parkinson — sighing wistfully — described it as ‘purely one-sided.’"
"I don’t care what you call me. You and I both know it was the only way. And I know it’s the truth. At this point, the Veritaserum can only help your—"
"You say you love me, but all you ever do is cause me pain."
"And yet there I fucking am, pumping myself fucking dry night after night, wishing I knew what you felt like on the inside."
"You sit there after barging your way into my head, into my fucking bloodstream — trespassing — and you want to hear what I think?"
"You have to stay. I don’t trust it when you’re anywhere else. As it is, you’re the one who asked to be taken to my bed. And I think I like the look of you in it."
"You reach a point where you know the therapy won't work anymore. Certain wounds don't heal."
"For a little while there, I had you. I had something to look forward to. To want. To chase."
"This life is yours for the taking. Find what you want and take it for the both of us."
"Everything can't and doesn't exist until it does."
"I’m glad to have had that, for a little while."
"You already know I love you. I promise not to say it again. But I can say thank you."
"But just as he turns, likely to lob something at Blaise’s bed curtains, Hermione slides off his lap."
"You should keep a better eye on your things, Granger."
"How did you find me?" he asks at last, expression tightly controlled.
"Don’t you fucking mock me," she spits, going rigid and narrowing her eyes.
"No. No. It is about me! Don’t say it isn’t about me. It’s about both of us! It’s about you taking control away from me!"
"You want to talk about control? I have never had control. Not one day in my entire fucking life!"
"Go to hell," she spits — an instinct — jutting her chin forward to get in his face.
What are you—"
"I am so sick and tired of you making decisions for the both of us.
"Don’t stop," he pants around her bottom lip when her touch falls away.
I’m a coward, Hermione," he murmurs against her skin. "I run from things. I — I’m weak, and I always have been.
You are not weak," she growls, teeth bared. Furious. "And I don’t ever want to hear you say it again.
"I hate the idea of us together. I hate it."
And…and if I stay with you instead…?"
"I didn’t think I could have both.
Just…just love me," she pants around a kiss. "I am. I do.
"I want to see you happy. I want to see you loved. Do you hear me?"