
Man And Boy Quotes

Man And Boy by Tony Parsons

Man And Boy Quotes
"You are still young enough to stay up all night, but you are old enough to have a credit card."
"Thirty should be a good birthday. One of the best."
"By thirty you have finally realized that you are not going to live forever."
"The car smelled like somebody else’s life. Like freedom."
"But how to celebrate reaching the big three-oh?"
"All my images of this particular birthday seemed derived from some glossy American sitcom."
"But that’s what thirty should be—grown-up without being disappointed, settled without being complacent."
"Don’t let the long, slow slide to the grave get in the way of a good time."
"If I get out, pal, it will be to push your crappy van up your tattooed back passage!"
"I was never comfortable in front of a microphone or a camera."
"I don’t want my son brought up by strangers."
"You’re turning thirty. We’re going to open a couple of bottles and have a nice cake with candles."
"You must have known that this is the one thing that I could never forgive."
"I guess so. Yes. That’s what people do, isn’t it? When they split up."
"Love is what’s left when being in love has gone, okay? It’s when you care about someone and you hope they’re happy, but you’re not under any illusions about them."
"You need a license to drive a car. You need a license to own a dog. But anyone can bring a child into the world."
"Children live in the moment. The good thing about falling out with them is that they have forgotten all about it the next day."
"It’s amazing how quickly you can remove the evidence of someone’s life from a house. It takes so long to put your mark on a home, and so little time to wipe it away."
"These things happen. Do you know what happened to me when I was about that age?"
"Being surrounded by all the grotesques of aisle 8 should have made me feel better—the women with tattoos, the men with earrings, the little children dressed like adults, the adults dressed like adolescents—but they didn’t."
"The Empire Strikes Back was still running on the video—a battle between the forces of good and evil in the snow of some faraway planet."
"Knowing when the time was right to remove a bike’s training wheels was the kind of thing that Gina was good at."
"The action switched from the frozen wasteland to some dark, bubbling swamp where the wise old master was lecturing Luke Skywalker on his destiny."
"Pat was one of the reasons I wanted to see Gina’s boyfriend dead in a car crash. But I knew he wasn’t the only reason. Maybe he wasn’t even the main reason."
"Life is not what you see in films—life is much harder."
"You want someone who is going to rub your feet when you get old and tell me they love me, even when I can’t remember where I put my keys."
"The worst thing about it is knowing what you will be missing."
"All those small things that mean more than anything."
"You love it, Harry. You love all this suffering, because it’s so much easier than actually living with a woman."
"It’s like the Heathrow Express—relationships are like those cars."
"It’s boring and stupid. Look around you, Harry, just look around this room—why would any man want to settle down with just one woman? It’s not the way we’re made."
"Seeing Pat ride his bike, telling him a story, kissing him good night. Watching him running around the garden with his bloody light saber. All those small things that mean more than anything."