
Baptism Of Fire Quotes

Baptism Of Fire by Andrzej Sapkowski

Baptism Of Fire Quotes
"The army is all about order and discipline. The army can not exist without these two pillars."
"There is no good and bad weather, just as there's no bad money."
"There is no bad time for business. There is no good and bad weather, just as there's no bad money."
"Magic requires patience, delicacy, intelligence, common sense and tenacity."
"Magic is too serious a matter to entrust its fate to men."
"Outside of this room, be who you want, and serve whom you want, as faithfully as you wish."
"Magic is threatened. The tragic events of Thanedd, thoughts that I remember with regret and reluctance, have shown that the effects of hundreds of years of seemingly conflict-free cooperation, can be forgotten in the blink of an eye, when excessive private interests and ambitions emerge."
"We will deal exclusively with magic and its future."
"I'm not going further East. I must reach the Yaruga."
"I must admit, you are dreaming if you think you will get there."
"I do not want to sweep and scrub the floor of a cottage."
"War is man against his opponent, at swords length, the strongest smashes the weakest."
"I know how it feels when a claw is pressed into a fresh wound."
"The world has changed. And yet this world is, the same. And you're the same as you were."
"I'm tired of watching quietly. I'm tired of inaction."
"They carved human figures on them and then stored them in homes as a valued talisman."
"All your big cities are built on ours and the elves' foundations. It was thanks to us non-humans for your development and progress."
"Instead of eating the whole donut, as is right and proper, you just lick the jam from the inside and discard the rest."
"The road looked like a yeast cake, which had been laboriously gouged of all its raisins and almonds."
"The real problem is that we do not know who the rider was, who was thrown from the saddle."
"I should have killed him then, witcher. He would have had a lighter death."
"He escaped from the coffin, just to rot in a ditch."
"The monsters are aware that there are horny soldiers in the procession, and they would not let even a sheep pass."
"Strategy, which jumps out of the bushes, I leave to dwarves."
"From this crossroads the southern route leads straight to Ameria, the fort in between the Chotla and the Ina."
"It is stupid and careless to stay on the road, where at any moment we could be surprised by riders."
"The witcher rubbed his forehead, taking his time to answer."
"If you re-visit a place where something important happened, you may repeat the event… They call it the loop of destiny."
"A charming place to spend the night. An elf cemetery."
"I propose that you put away your weapons. As you can see, I do not wear a sword. I never do."
"You took the word right out of my mouth, bird."
"They need to guard their wives and daughters. The monsters are aware."
"The hanged people dance on the ropes, Rhythmically writhing in spasms, Sing your song, With melancholic emotion, Too amuse the Joyful, Each of the dead remember when their feet left the stool, And their eyes popped out of their sockets."
"First, the captives were given food and heavily diluted sour wine, bearing the camp jargon name: "Dijkstra Riesling", since it was no secret that the drink was served on the personal orders of the Redanian intelligence chief."
"The executions in Drakenborg were never performed in public. This was punishment, not sadistic revenge."
"The Joyful interrupted their song. Guards entering at dawn could only mean one thing – the chorus would be slimmed down a couple of voices."
"‘I’ll speak!’ he shouted hoarsely. ‘I’ll confess! I have important information for Dijkstra!’"
"‘Long live the…’ A guard kicked the stump out from under his feet."
"The Joyful, also following tradition, sang in chorus the hymn of the Joyful, an anonymous song, composed in Drakenborg, whose words were learned by each of the prisoners in the barracks at night by listening to the sounds coming from the death cell, knowing that someday they would join in the chorus."
"The miscreants who snatched the girl and delivered to the Nilfgaardian commander of the fortress, assured him that the kidnapped girl’s name was Cirilla of Cintra."
"I do not consider war to be the worst evil. More pressing are the effects of overpopulation, which at this stage of the development of agriculture and industry would mean threat of total famine."
"We are responsible for the world. For progress. For the changes that bring this progress. We are responsible for the future."
"The future of magic determines the status of the wizards. Our status. Our meaning. The role that we play in society."
"Our convent, dear ladies, was not convened so that we will adapt to this policy or the daily changes on the front lines."
"The role of Lodge is to be active. And opposed to what I have just spoke of. And we must do it with every means at our disposal."
"An Empire, ruled by magic, which we will take the throne by marrying the heir of Kovir with a sorceress."
"Cirilla, Queen of the North to them, but to me an ash-haired little girl from Kaer Morhen, who I remember as a younger sister."
"The Lara gene can only be transmitted continuously through the female line. If the carrier is male, the gene is lost after the second or third generation."
"I apologize for this fairground show of telekinesis," she smiled, and ordered a red apple to rise from the table.
"But with the help of this levitating fruit it will be easier for me to clarify everything."
"This red apple is the gene for Lara, the Elder Blood."
"The pomegranate is a pseudo gene, the activator."
"The gene from Fiona met with the activator of Amavet's through marital incest."
"Anna Kameny did not broadcast that her twins were bastards."
"Calanthe, tainted by incest, had to find a husband in far off Ebbing."
"The only one at this time who is heiress to the Elder Blood, the Lara gene carrier."
"The girl being held in Rowan is not a carrier of any extraordinary gene."
"Those who carry the gene, have it available even in their hair."
"The portal in the Tower of Gulls was destroyed."
"Who do you think this girl is? What is so special about her?"
"I am interest to see. I’ll pay you a hundred florens."
"Some make a living by what they know. Others do what they must."
"You are a true craftsman, an honest professional."
"Yennefer will not betray us. Nothing says that Yennefer fled in order to betray us."
"Friends sometimes turn their backs and the enemies become friends."
"Fate is a very unpredictable and mischievous child."
"And when at last they collide with iron shoes and dry her tears, then what is left will die."
"Now inside me there is a similar thing. In me, inside my stomach. Growing, growing and over time it will eat me alive…"
"Because love was fake, though good, but fake, because it was like a show in a small theatre."
"Some things are priceless, and you cannot pay."
"Every girl always knows whose fruit she carries in her womb… But I do not know."
"If the actors have talent, you forget that they are pretending and think it’s true."
"Some say that absolutely everything in the world has its price. It is not true."