
Small Favors Quotes

Small Favors by Erin A. Craig

Small Favors Quotes
"The smoke smelled of burning pine needles, dark and sweet."
"His head bobbed as he silently counted the passing seconds."
"With a muffled groan, I strained to hoist the heavy lid."
"His voice was muffled under the thick netting swagged about his face."
"A hawk screeched overhead in tacit agreement."
"Honey isn’t the only thing we’re concerned with."
"We’re stewards for the hives, protectors of these bees."
"Eggs this size mean there was a queen here at least three days ago."
"Leave a frame out by accident, and the bees could crosscomb."
"The air was tainted with the biting taste of copper pennies."
"A tarp was thrown over the body so we didn’t have to look at the poor beast."
"I’m only trying to help. You’re nearly free…."
"The body of the honeybee spilled free from the netting and fell into the dirt, already dead."
"I envied Sam, born just minutes ahead of me—and a boy."
"We never kept anything from each other, my twin and I."
"Whatever bond I’d shared with them wasn’t as strong as I’d imagined."
"I racked my mind, searching for something to lift the weight of defeat from his shoulders."
"We could hear the old man’s sobs even from here."
"I’d show him I was every bit as capable as Sam was."
"I felt her worried stare like a tangible weight."
"I knew they would be. Papa had never lost a colony before."
"The first time my father let me take the frames out, I was stung six times."
"The entire household up with my first sting, sobbing through the night."
"It’s easier to have a problem with something out in the pines than with the person who lives next door."
"We’ll be fine," Papa said, stabbing at a potato. "But I need you out at the hives this afternoon. Think you can hold the smoker?"
"Just take Ellerie," Mama said. "This contention between you two has gone on long enough."
"Aren’t you taking the rifle?" I called after Papa as he slipped through the doorway.
"We spotted him as we wove through the lines of clothes. Still laid out on the rock, feet still in the water."
"He say anything that makes you think we need it?" Papa turned.
"We’ve got a little campsite up a ways," He pointed toward the mountain farthest west.
"Curiosity has always been one of Ellerie’s strong suits," Papa apologized.
"Thinking of it. My first tour has been promising," His eyes drifted back toward the pines.
"We’ll be okay for just this winter, won’t we, Papa?" My voice quivered.
"You’ve got something on your face, Sadie-Bird," Mama said, returning the kiss. "A smudge of dirt or something…."
"Stop being such a baby, Sadie." Merry swiped a fistful of peas from the plant nearest her.
"I’m sorry," I started, just as Rebecca broke her silence too.
"He makes you happy?" I asked, taking a dripping saucer from her and toweling it off.
"I thought my monthlies were just late, but I feel different, you know?"
"The bandages, Ellerie, please," Dr. Ambrose requested, already holding out his hand.
"She’s been through a traumatic experience. Her body will need time to start the healing process."
"I can’t lose her. I can’t…" A sob welled in his throat, choking any words.
"When she wakes," Dr. Ambrose agreed reluctantly. "My supplies are low. I don’t have what’s needed to properly treat her here."
"I will not watch your mother die!" he said, cutting me off.
"I just couldn’t stay inside the house any longer."
"The panic had ebbed away, soothed by his mere presence."
"It’s what all trappers did once their furs were ready."
"Be careful what you say in the dark of the night, lest you promise something you might regret."
"You don’t need dead weight holding you back—or worse, dragging you down."
"The sugar was too precious for anything else."
"We don’t know what sort of man he turned out to be. Vigilance is prudent."
"There’s a darkness in the Falls that can’t be explained away by outsiders."
"You're the other half of me, Sam. I would never hate myself."
"If there’d been just a wee more breeze blowing this way rather than that, I’d be as flat as a flapjack."
"If I could have any Christmas wish, I’d want a dance."
"The night air was frigid, but I didn’t notice."
"I think they’d be happy to know they’re so often thought of."
"It’s just…have you ever wondered what really happened that night?"
"Like the men had been killed…murdered," he whispered.
"A traumatized mind can see an awful lot of things."
"I guess Papa was right, then. Maybe I am the weaker one, the lesser twin."
"I’m the only reason the hives are still here."
"You’re special, don’t you know? So very special."
"I have your pledge, I have your blood, you must do as I say."
"Because I find myself falling in love with you."
"I’m sure there must be an explanation for all of this. Ellerie says she was given it, and I’ve never known her to lie."
"We need to keep it that way. For tomorrow at least."
"I’m certain there will be a whole lot of young men noticing you today."
"I couldn’t bear that for you. Not you, so full of light and cheer."
"Your repentance is seen. Your sins are forgiven."
"I want to apologize. To atone. Most earnestly."
"Someone here burned down my schoolhouse, and I want to know who it was."
"Sometimes you have to burn a field black before new roots can grow."
"Look at yourselves! Look at what is going on. Our town is tearing apart."
"The Falls stands strong if we all bind together."
"A good queen always tends to her hive, doesn’t she?"
"I didn’t lie. I just never said the truth. There’s a difference in that."
"I would give everything I have to be that man for you."
"If I don’t...If something should happen to me...you will always have a home here."