
Hold Me Closer, Necromancer Quotes

Hold Me Closer, Necromancer by Lish McBride

Hold Me Closer, Necromancer Quotes
"Something about the fast food uniform makes people think it’s okay to treat you like crap."
"One step forward, two steps back—like an evolutionary cha-cha."
"If I was going to be a dropout loser, then I was going to be the best dropout loser."
"Working here just proved that the only things separating me from a monkey was pants."
"No matter what, my job kind of sucks, but on the grill it sucks less."
"I am a fry cook. I tried to take some pride where I could."
"I’m just lucky I wasn’t born on Presidents’ Day."
"Sometimes, you had to take the few small comforts life offered you."
"We draw on cave walls, spend thousands of years developing complex language systems, the printing press, computers, and what do we do with it? Create a cash register with the picture of a burger on it."
"She might have named me Abraham Lincoln, and there is no way I could pull off a stovepipe hat."
"Pain is a good teacher, not the best. You’ve got to start seeing your new position like a practice field. Mistakes are better made here and learned from than when they can actually hurt you."
"You aren’t taoiseach yet. That wonderful responsibility still lies with me. Worry about that when the day comes. Hopefully, it will be a long time."
"When I’m taoiseach, mistakes will get people hurt."
"I can’t make mistakes like that anymore, Dad."
"I’m more worried about someone hurting you."
"I just wish I knew how to get some more information."
"I didn’t realize you were so interested in my daughter,"
"He killed you as a message to me. Without me, you would still be alive."
"He probably does get bored, Sam. Real bored."
"Kevin insisted. No child of his would be born using what he called ‘hippie methods.’"
"It’s not nudity in general that bothers me, but yours specifically."
"Her ma would tear out your jugular as soon as look at you."
"Douglas means ‘dark river’ or ‘river of blood’."
"Sometimes, we don’t treat other creatures like we should."
"I see. Well, then, you should know that my Council seat will be in very capable hands, because my daughter is a lot like me."
"It’s as if someone has tied up your magic."
"What, just because you’re next in line now, you can’t screw up?"
"All of the simple things are suddenly complicated."
"It would’ve been kinder if you’d left her…in peace."
"I can’t condone that sort of thing. The Hitler thing, not Elvis."
"You could stand to lose a few more ounces, chica."
"Best-case scenario? You leave, like me. Douglas doesn’t like to share space."
"There are rumors as to how he got his power. You don’t want Douglas Montgomery taking an interest in your child’s talent."
"Normal people complain about their corrupt legal system, but even the most crooked cop can’t take your soul."
"I was born, and Kevin’s never gotten over it."
"It’s best if you just let it go. Thank you for all of this."
"The odds of you being straight human were small."
"Names are important, and nothing on the list fit."
"Your baby’s just going to have…more specific problems, that’s all."
"A powerful necromancer can raise the dead."
"I’m not a super-wuss, but my whole back felt like one solid bruise."
"I guess you don’t owe me an explanation."
"The lazy part of me’s hoping she’ll eat him. Save me the hassle of training him."
"It means that I am next in line to rule my pack."
"It’s okay. I’m glad you’re here. You’re very entertaining."
"I would do what it took to keep my pack safe. If that meant killing, then yes, I would."
"Wolves are pack animals, and Brid was probably missing her companions."
"I’d have given a lot to have someone tell me it was okay and to just let it all out."
"Despite our talk earlier, I still didn’t know that much about her kind."
"You did not, to paraphrase Dylan Thomas, seem like you were going to go gentle into that good night."
"I thought you were going to give me a week."
"I can just as easily kill you then. I believe in motivating my pupils."
"I’ll give you a choice. Become my apprentice. Or I can kill you now."
"There are many levels of necromancy, ranging from weak to strong."
"He can summon larger creatures, read living human souls, and potentially influence them."
"Depending on your needs, you can bring it to varying stages of reanimation."
"I didn’t think you were going to come over to the dark side."
"Douglas walked forward, muttering, reaching for the cage door."
"I watched helplessly as Douglas walked through the circle, breaking it."
"I think you’ve learned enough for tonight."
"I could see a small spot of blood on his shoes."
"You are not the axis around which my world turns, Sam."
"The blanket smelled of lavender, something I wouldn’t have expected of Douglas’s linens."
"The spirits poured into me, hands grabbing, slicing, hurting."
"Some people say that ghosts aren’t real, that they can’t hurt you. Those people are wrong."
"Can’t a guy just hate someone on sight anymore?"
"It’s one thing to know there’s a chance people might kill you... But when they confirm it, with a smile, it’s a whole other thing altogether."
"I’m not a Bond villain, just as you are no Sean Connery."
"I’d fight you wolf to wolf, but the change would take you way too long."
"I thought we were meeting tomorrow?" "We are." "Then why are you here?" "Public place," he said. "Why are you here?"
"My name is Samhain Corvus LaCroix. I am a necromancer. Now, if only I could say that with a straight face."