
The Dead And The Gone Quotes

The Dead And The Gone by Susan Beth Pfeffer

The Dead And The Gone Quotes
"At the moment when life as he had known it changed forever, Alex Morales was behind the counter at Joey’s Pizza, slicing a spinach pesto pie into eight roughly equal pieces."
"Carlos is my older brother," he said. "I’m Alex."
"My father’s away for a few days," Alex said. "He’s in Puerto Rico for my grandmother’s funeral."
""Georgetown’s my first choice," he said. "But it depends on the financial package. And if they accept me, of course."
"Alex knew they always said, 'No hurry,' when they meant 'Get it done right now.'"
""Come on, honey," the man said. "You might as well. We could be dead by tomorrow."
"Alex didn’t know how Mami and Bri put up with Julie. She was Carlos’s favorite, too."
""Don’t worry about school," Jimmy said. "Don’t worry about anything. Just come with me."
""Let’s pray extra hard for everybody," Briana said."
""The whole city is probably blacked out. Where’s Julie? Did she eat already?""
""We’re all fine," Alex said. "Papi called this morning and spoke to Bri. And Mami’s at the hospital."
""You’re the man of the house now," Carlos said."
""Everything’ll be back in order by Monday," Alex reassured Julie."
""Closed until Monday," read the sign on the school door."
""Things’ll work out," Alex said. "Give the scientists some time and they’ll figure out what to do."
""It’s as dangerous to think about that as to think of tunnels flooding and people drowning in the subways," Alex thought."
""They marched bravely to their deaths, sure in the knowledge of life everlasting," Father Mulrooney said."
""The occurrences of the past few days are but a taste of what is to come," Father Mulrooney continued."
""I’ll pray for you and your mother," the woman at the hospital said."
""I don’t know that she’s missing," Alex said. "She went to the hospital on Wednesday, and we haven’t heard from her since."
""Stay in line! Stay in line! Leaving the line will result in your ejection!"
""God save their souls," Alex prayed. "God save ours."
"For that tiny instant, I was every 16-year-old in history, not knowing what the skies foretold about my future."
"It wasn’t like a big chunk of it flew off into space. It was like if you’re playing marbles and one marble hits another on its side and pushes it diagonally."
"The moon wasn’t a half moon anymore. It was tilted and wrong and a three-quarter moon and it got larger, way larger, large like a moon rising on the horizon, only it wasn’t rising."
"It was still our moon and it was still just a big dead rock in the sky, but it wasn’t benign anymore."
"All CNN talked about was the moon. They had a bunch of astronomers on and you could see how excited they were."
"The astronomers looked like they loved what they were doing. You could see how excited they were that this asteroid was going to make a direct hit on the moon."
"Sometimes when Mom is getting ready to write a book she says she doesn’t know where to start, that the ending is so clear to her that the beginning doesn’t seem important anymore."
"The whole school day was just normal. I remember being bored in French class."
"It was like a big block party. The houses are so widespread on our road, you couldn’t really hear anything, just a general happy buzz."
"And then it hit. Even though we knew it was going to, we were still shocked when the asteroid actually made contact with the moon. With our moon."