
Born In Fire Quotes

Born In Fire by Nora Roberts

Born In Fire Quotes
"The idea, for me, was to write of Ireland, and of family, as they intertwined in my heart."
"Hand blowing glass is a difficult and exacting art, and while she may produce the delicate and the fragile, Maggie is a strong and opinionated woman."
"There was a smell of damp under the cold, like a nasty threat."
"A marriage is a delicate thing, Maggie, a balance of two hearts and two hopes."
"There’s nothing more precious than marriage and family. Nothing in the world."
"When you love with all you are, it isn’t unhappiness alone you risk. It’s heaven, too."
"Of all the things I’ve done, and not done, you and Brianna are my first and truest joys."
"I pull something out of myself, and I create it, make it solid, tangible, real, and some idiot from Kerry or Dublin or, God help me, London, comes in and buys it for his wife’s birthday without having the least understanding of what it is, what it means?"
"Your work will be seen in New York, in Rome and Paris. And no one who sees it will forget it."
"If you were going to try to seduce me, you’d have been smarter to start before we had a deal."
"I prefer to keep personal and professional matters separate."
"You might want your coat. It’d be a shame to get that fancy suit wet."
"I prefer coming and going as it suits me and answering to no one."
"If I decide I want you, what are you going to do about it? Fight me off?"
"She’s by turns charming and rude—and both seem to be true to her nature."
"It was like a fairy tale to me. Using breath and fire to create something you could hold in your hand."
"I nearly held a mirror up to your lips to be certain you were alive."
"I’ll have you, Rogan, in my time, and in my place."
"I’m responsible for my own happiness, and I’m the only one."
"Sometimes people are too foolish or too righteous to walk away."
"You can’t arrange Brianna. God knows you can’t bring my father back."
"It’s one of the little things we have in common."
"My office is a bit disrupted at the moment," Rogan said kindly.
"The parting shot may have soothed his pride, but he wasn’t steady."
"I won’t contradict you. I’m exactly as you say, and have been told so most of my life."
"A mother needs the comfort of her child."
"And if we’re lucky enough, we can hold it in our hands and dream by it."
"She hadn’t known the flavor of revenge would be so bitter."
"It meant community. No man was alone here."
"Her body was like an engine, fueled to race."
"In a war of any kind, there are casualties."
"You’ve a pleasing face to see of a morning."
"Waking beside you is more lovely than any dream."
"Money was like an open wound in my house."
"Art is in the soul, not always in the execution."
"I’ve never seen a woman more careless of time."
"The seamstress wasn’t generous with material."
"It’s diamonds. Rogan, I can’t wear diamonds."
"I’ve never seen Maggie’s work shown like this."
"I’ll not do anything worthwhile today, so I’ll be along to your dinner party. God help you."
"It was such a fine head, you see, the good Lord saw no need to cover it with hair."
"Born in sin, live in sin, die in sin. And alone. Just as I’m alone."
"God knows she bedded and boarded you as well."
"The hardest pill to swallow was apology."
"When your head won’t give you the answer, it’s best to listen to your heart."
"You’ve made hating me your life’s work, and a fine job you’ve done of it."
"If I can make you unhappy, Maggie, then I can make you happy as well."