
Bone Music Quotes

Bone Music by Christopher Rice

Bone Music Quotes
"People have made so much of the fact that two of the most notorious serial killers in American history couldn’t bring themselves to kill a baby. It blinded them to what the Bannings really did to me, which on some days seems much worse."
"To prepare me for my first kill, they set bird traps through the branches that surrounded the path we took on our sunset walks—small steel cages that glinted amid the foliage."
"Imagine witnessing a murder before you know what death is."
"I remember the day I sneaked out of the house, ran clear across the pasture, and, after stumbling a few paces into the woods, came across the root cellar for the first time."
"Because it was around that time that the lies started, and the burnings."
"I wish I knew for sure.In light of the conflicting and in many cases inaccurate press accounts of a recent event in the Burnham College Talks Series, the program coordinators have decided to post both a partial and a full transcript of the event to their website."
"You will be the Daniel to her Abigail, she’d written. And in so doing, you will become my son, too."
"People came at night, they told me. People came at night while we were sleeping to steal the cows."
"Today is a day like no other, and it will require a great deal more strength and confidence than it did to write those letters."
"It’s the same full-body reaction he experiences every time he reads the ten-year-old record of the last time Trina appeared onstage with her birth father."
"I put the power of gods in her hands." - Dylan
"No amount of social progress will ever change the average difference in physical strength between the genders." - Dylan
"My mother, before she got sick, she didn’t want me to leave." - Luke
"I’m sorry for the way I treated you back then. I’m sorry for the type of person I was." - Luke
"It’s like, whatever you’d been through, it just made you more grown-up." - Luke
"You don’t have to do any of the shit I do. Except, you know, shit. And eat. And sleep. And drink water." - Marty
"I was trying to create survivors, not blissed-out drones." - Dylan
"You’re not going to make this easy, are you?" - Luke
"It works, Cole. I was right. It works." - Dylan
"Pain is designed to protect, to save your skin from the flame, your bone from the pose that might snap it."
"It’s why it could be so hard for them to build lives better than what they’d been through."
"Refusing to sweep Luke’s past behavior under the rug was a good thing. A healthy thing."
"Maybe he was able to deceive her because he spoke with the authority of someone who understood darkness."
"Too much. It’s too much to think about Dylan right now."
"His insults, his bullying, hurt more than they would have if they’d been inflicted by someone who had seemed less confident."
"It’s exactly what she needed to hear. It’s exactly what she’s always wanted to hear from him."
"The whole thing turned out to be a racket, and the dean was planning it for years."
"He said I could inform on my brother, who was now one of the most wanted cybercriminals in the United States."
"I told him to go fuck himself with an umbrella."
"That’s not the Luke Prescott she knew in high school. But it’s the Luke Prescott standing before her now."
"Trust is one of those words that’s lost its meaning."
"The world is full of bad men, Charlotte. Go find some. Show them what you can do."
"It’s clear you’re not going to the police or the press. You’ve shown what you can do to only a small circle of friends. So they’re confident you’re going to do what Dylan’s asked. So now they’re investing in you."
"They’ve watched you for days now. It’s clear you’re not going to the police or the press. You’ve shown what you can do to only a small circle of friends. So they’re confident you’re going to do what Dylan’s asked. So now they’re investing in you."
"The point, Charley, is that I don’t think you’re being ganged up on. I think you’re in the middle. And that’s a better place to be."
"I want your help. But I don’t want your agenda. And I want you to listen to what I’m thinking and not tell me what I’m thinking. Can you do that?"