
The Interpretation Of Murder Quotes

The Interpretation Of Murder by Jed Rubenfeld

The Interpretation Of Murder Quotes
"Every neurosis is a religion to its owner, and religion is the universal neurosis of mankind."
"We are not responsible for our feelings; therefore no feeling can cause us shame."
"The characteristics we attribute to God reflect the fears and wishes we first feel as infants and then as small children."
"Anyone who does not see that much cannot have understood the first thing about human psychology."
"If it is religion you are looking for, do not follow me."
"Every one of these objectives was accomplished through her hysterical symptoms; the economy with which the unconscious mind performs its work is marvelous."
"Recognition is coming to us, my friends: recognition, slowly but surely."
"All these speculations, I soon saw, were unfounded."
"I have always envied those able to receive genuine comfort from their parents in times of crisis; there must be no comfort equal to it."
"I didn't want to believe it; the thought repulsed me."
"I considered. 'You mean I wish Miss Acton to have found Banwell's advances unwelcome?'"
"But resistance, whatever else it is, surely does not prove the truth of the idea resisted."
"It was mesmerizing. I did not, of course, understand at that time what I was witnessing."
"Detective Littlemore exited the subway at Seventy-second Street and Broadway, the stop closest to the Balmoral."
"I should not have done so, but my blood was up."
"I'm afraid my news is even worse, gentlemen."
"I hate you more than anyone else I have ever known."
"Then I am at a disadvantage, Miss Acton, because I love you more than anyone else I have ever known."
"Women are men's inferiors. I know it is backward of me to say so, but to deny it is folly."
"The happy consequence, however, is that I am free to do whatever I like."
"All of mankind's riches, material and spiritual, are men's creations."
"A woman's love for a man is half animal passion and half hate."
"The more a woman loves a man, the more she hates him."
"It is only in beauty we surpass you, and it is therefore no wonder that we worship beauty above all else."
"I am childless because my husband will not allow me to bear."
"My husband wants many of the young women he meets, and he gets them."
"Our towering cities, our science, art, and music - all built, discovered, painted, and composed by you men."
"George came home last night just after I returned from the party. It was eleven-thirty."
"He causes me to gratify him in - a different fashion."
"No jury in the country would believe her now. She is - she is psychopathic. They must put her away."
"I believed everything she said. The girl must be put away, do you hear me?"
"You must think what it is like," Mrs Banwell added, "for a man such as Harcourt Acton to be offered what he has only dreamed of."
"She may believe she can bring George down by telling the police he attacked her."
"Nora has lived almost all her life in a world of her own."
"You could be touching me right now. But you never would."
"I can't do it," Brill burst out, "I'm sorry, but I just can't."
"I did not regret having confessed my feelings to her."
"Because I am still your doctor. You can't be Nora to me. You are my patient."
"They surface because of these stupid questions I ask you. But they belong elsewhere."
"He began to strike her much harder. It became so painful she thought she couldn't stand it."
"I tried to imagine her drawing a knife or razor along her own soft skin, making it bleed. It was impossible for me to believe."
"The capitalists should be ashamed of themselves, employing those people without paying them enough to feed their families."
"There is nothing I would like more. But I can't. I would be taking advantage of you."
"I knew I could not stand to touch Nora now. I could hardly stand to think of her - that way."
"You don't know which of us the gun is pointed at, do you? It's pointed at you. At your heart."
"The problem is this: our knowledge of the human brain is incomplete."
"Psychoanalysis is going to set us back a hundred years."
"We will discover drugs to change the way people think, sooner or later."
"I told him he would never have me. I, not he."
"How easy it was. I told him he was the strongest man I had ever met."
"The question is only whether, by then, we will still have enough of a sense of shame to be embarrassed by the fact that everyone is running around naked."
"No man can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, he chatters with his fingertips."
"Homosexuality is certainly no advantage, but it cannot be classified as an illness."
"America, I fear, is a mistake. A gigantic mistake, to be sure, but still a mistake."
"Unhappiness is caused when we cannot let go of our memories."
"By remembering them, we let go of our memories."
"Some people feel a need to bring about the very thing that will most torment them."