
Hello Stranger Quotes

Hello Stranger by Lisa Kleypas

Hello Stranger Quotes
"I’ve never been able to see how my life could accommodate a husband."
"Attraction isn’t something one chooses. It’s a kind of magnetism. An irresistible force."
"Just because you can look a man in the eyes when you lie doesn’t mean you’ve fooled him."
"For the first time in Garrett’s life, her enthusiasm for work, the thing that had always filled her with purpose and satisfaction, had inexplicably disappeared."
"I’m afraid I have obligations that will keep me busy for a while."
"No one knows for certain what caused Mr. Prescott’s death."
"No one knows what side he’s on. But he’s not a man you should have anything to do with."
"Ransom is a cold-blooded cutthroat whose soul is bound for hell."
"If he did meet you in secret, where would it lead?"
"Our existence, even our intellect, hangs upon love—without it, we would be no more than stock and stones."
"Finding someone to love is considerably easier than finding a good melon."
"You’re very good at listening to other people, my young friend. But you’re not nearly as good at listening to yourself."
"The only crime someone commits to end up in a workhouse is to be poor."
"I’ve surprised you, haven’t I? Not as stodgy as you thought."
"Don’t mistake softness for weakness. Only a strong man can be soft with a woman."
"The devil knows how you could doubt my attraction to you after our lesson at Baujart’s."
"You’d be risking your reputation. Your career."
"Would the truth make me think better or worse of you?"
"Tomorrow we’ll be strangers again. As if tonight never happened."
"Every moment of surpassing pleasure, was tempered with the bittersweet awareness of its transience."
"A man’s natural passions are meant to be exercised in moderation. Prolonged celibacy makes the constitution irritable."
"Anyone who thinks the Irish are capable of governing themselves is as mad as a bedbug."
"I have no more use for a conscience than I do for neckties."
"In light of your current disposition, I hesitate to mention it."
"One rather doubts the Good Lord wishes for you and your entire family to end up in the poorhouse."
"A woman’s mind seems entirely female to me. Keen, subtle, and quick, with an intellect strengthened by compassion."
"I’ve dreamed of this for so long. The first time we met, part of my brain said, ‘I want that one.’"
"They’re beautiful and small, but tough enough to grow in the cracks of city pavement."
"I could find you anywhere, in daylight or darkness."
"You’re bloody well not going to do this to me, you sow-buggering bastard!"
"Money doesn’t solve every problem, but it never hurts."
"If there were any chance of saving someone I loved, I’d take it and be damned to anyone who stood in my way."
"I like knowing that after I sow three bushels of wheat on an acre, the proper mixture of sun, rain, and manure will yield sixty-four bushels."
"I’ve missed every turnip, every hay bale, every chicken in the poultry yard, and bee in the box-hives."
"It’s a servant’s job to notice details. We learn the family’s habits and preferences."
"I’ll manage them while you board the train carriage."
"I’ll bring you through this and take care of you. I’ll be with you every minute. Trust me."
"So much of it is out of my control," she thought helplessly.
"Please. I already know far too much about bacteria."
"Going to dissect you into a million pieces," she sobbed.
"It’s only for a few hours. When you awaken, you’ll have any revenge you want."
"You don’t have to be poetic," he said. "You’ve held my life in your hands."
"Trust me," he whispered. "I’ll thrive none the worse for loving you, I promise."
"Whenever you want me, love, I’ll always come running."
"We’ll return to London soon, and I’ll provide all the excitement you want."
"You jumped to the wrong conclusion, love. Let me explain."
"I love you," she said again, and this time it felt easier and more natural.
"I’m going to protect my child from my own worst instincts."
"You’re the last living man in the true bloodline, you see."
"Everything you are, all you think and feel, is in here."
"The sins of your fathers rained down on you like poison."
"Let me pleasure you. After all the care you’ve taken of me, let me do at least that much for you."
"All they’ll want is to find me. I’ll surrender myself before I let anyone here get hurt."
"I’ve never had much luck in the way of fathers."
"For a woman who doesn’t like to be spontaneous, you have your moments."
"My life is yours," he said huskily. "You own every minute I have left."
"A book that was too interesting only made her even more awake."
"It was the hour of dairy farmers and coal miners and insomniacs."
"The house was still and quiet, pleasantly cool and fragrant with rosin and furniture oils."
"They’ve probably seen an owl, Garrett thought."
"I’m no helpless damsel to be kept waiting in a tower."
"She’s in shock, and she’s holding a cocked pistol, which is making me nervous."
"You won’t always have your way," Ethan warned, seeming none too pleased by the situation.
"The words will be printed in a newspaper," Garrett said. "We’re going to the Times office."
"A pretty piece," Beacom commented, running his hand along the curve of her back.
"You should have let Ransom die from the bullet wound."
"He’s down. It’s done. Easy, now. Calm yourself."
"I’ll have to remember that in the future," Ethan said dryly.