
The Witch Of Portobello Quotes

The Witch Of Portobello by Paulo Coelho

The Witch Of Portobello Quotes
"No one lights a lamp in order to hide it behind the door: the purpose of light is to create more light, to open people's eyes, to reveal the marvels around."
"No one can manipulate anyone else. In any relationship, both parties know what they're doing, even if one of them complains later on that they were used."
"Our time on this Earth is sacred, and we should celebrate every moment."
"Everyone's looking for the perfect teacher, but although their teachings might be divine, teachers are all too human."
"Don't confuse the teacher with the lesson, the ritual with the ecstasy, the transmitter of the symbol with the symbol itself."
"If a man we don't know phones us up one day and talks a little, makes no suggestions, says nothing special, but nevertheless pays us the kind of attention we rarely receive, we're quite capable of going to bed with him that same night, feeling relatively in love."
"The importance of this has been completely forgotten: even religious holidays have been transformed into opportunities to go to the beach or the park or skiing."
"We cook and complain that it's a waste of time, when we should be pouring our love into making that food."
"Ordinary actions can no longer be transformed into manifestations of the sacred."
"A curse on this place! A curse on all those who never listened to the words of Christ and who have transformed his message into a stone building."
"The Divine doesn't disappear; it's transformed into the clean surface."
"We might survive a day, a week, a few years, but we're all condemned to lose. Our body remains alive, yet, sooner or later, our soul will receive the mortal blow."
"It's the nature of the female to open herself to love easily."
"I knew then that, however rigorous I was with the facts, I was unwittingly collaborating with the lie; even if the idea behind my script was to demythologise the place, people would believe what they wanted to believe."
"I'll understand that in order to combat ghosts you must use weapons that form no part of reality."
"I'm finally coming to accept that I was only a temporary inhabitant, there as a favour, like someone who finds themselves in a beautiful mansion, eating exquisite food, aware that this is only a party."
"Money attracts money, that's true. Poverty might bring unhappiness, but money won't necessarily bring happiness."
"Joy is like sex it begins and ends. I want pleasure. I want to be contented, but happiness? I no longer fall into that trap."
"We're surrounded by Universal Desire. It's not happiness; it's desire. And desires are never satisfied, because once they are, they cease to be desires."
"Believe in that. Let go of the idea that the path will lead you to your goal. The truth is that with each step we take, we arrive."
"Faith is not desire. Faith is Will. Desires are things that need to be satisfied, whereas Will is a force."
"We can project anything onto the darkness, and we usually project our own ghosts. That's true for children and for adults."
"You changed everything because, through dance, you changed their reality."
"You need to teach what you don't know, what the Mother wants to reveal through you."
"Try to fill your life again with a little fantasy; above our heads is a sky about which the whole of humanity after thousands of years spent observing it has given various apparently reasonable explanations."
"Be different even when you're washing up. Move your hands so that they never repeat the same gesture twice, even though they maintain the rhythm."
"Love must always be present. Love is a relationship between people."
"I'm going to ask you just one thing: when I count to three, be different. Try to forget everything you've learned on drama courses."
"Changes only happen when we go totally against everything we're used to doing."
"For me, love fills everything. It cannot be desired because it is an end in itself."
"Anyone who tries to imprison love will cut off the spring that feeds it, and the trapped water will grow stagnant and rank."
"Love simply is. No definitions. Love and don't ask too many questions. Just love."
"The soul, blood, and body of the Great Mother."
"I love you as exiled souls love each other when they meet in the middle of the desert."
"No one ever stayed slim for very long just because of a diet."
"Use the energy and effort you put into dieting to nourish yourself with spiritual bread."
"We have survived for all these millennia because we have been able to eat. And now that seems to have become a curse."
"Eat in moderation, but take pleasure in eating: it isn't what enters a person's mouth that's evil, but what leaves it."
"We either carry our mission forward or we defend ourselves."
"All I want is for you to come here, put your arms around me and kiss me and say you want to stay with me forever."
"I'm not afraid of death. If I were to die today, I would carry with me moments that few people my age have had the chance to experience."
"My life now has meaning, and I know what I'm fighting for."
"I love you. Not in the way that your human side wants, but in the way that the divine spark wants."
"Hatred makes a person grow, it's transformed into one of the many ways of loving."