
Crystal Line Quotes

Crystal Line by Anne McCaffrey

Crystal Line Quotes
"Happiness is like a cloud, if you stare at it long enough, it evaporates."
"By all the holies, this time they would sing good crystals."
"We both heard," Lars added, grimacing at Killa.
"No, I suppose you can't, really. I've just never seen any bodies consume so much food in such a short time. And you're both bone-thin."
"There are more things on heaven and earth, Horatio..."
"I wonder what it does eat," Lars said. "Shall we whip up some appetizing bits and pieces for it to sample?"
"I think we ought to return the piece we took. I don't think we ought to carve up the Junk."
"Save it, will you, Bren?" Lars said, an edge to his voice.
"I'm almost too tired to eat," she said, but roused herself when the aromas of the feast Brendan prepared wafted through the main cabin.
"We're singers, not semanticists. I think we've done very well!"
"Don't worry. We never disgrace ourselves," Lars said grimly, depressing his nausea as he stripped off the suit and stuffed it in the cleanser.
"These crystal singers don't do anything by halves. As bad as Boira in some respects."
"We might do some canoeing, but you're on the bow paddle."
"Leave it!" Lars said. "You can't be everything in the Ranges."
"The sooner I'm in the Ranges, the sooner I'll forget."
"Timing was so often the deciding factor in the value of a cut."
"Make your eyes very round when you want to stay in normal visual mode."
"I've sailed on most worlds that are hospitable to our species."
"You either take it or do without. It's up to you."
"Remember that the next time a singer gives you a hard time. You—love crystal."
"And you're much better at Disclosure than anyone else I know."
"In a galactic civilization, minor human mutations could result in major immune reactions to relatively innocuous viruses."
"Exposure to the Ballybran symbiont had proved remarkably effective in almost every single case."
"The irony is that she was trying to find a vaccine for the same infection."
"That the symbiont changes people into monsters?"
"Even in today's sophisticated tech societies, legends have their place."
"Being a crystal singer made that easy enough."
"And all the time you thought you were a black sheep."
"I don't remember cutting crystal with anyone."
"I sing crystal. I don't entice people to it."
"It's too late for you to cut duo. Crystal's in your soul."
"I'm not so ancient that I can't scramble when I have to."
"Because I'm nothing but a crystal singer with only a present to live in."
"Is it true that crystal singers don't grow old?"
"I'll have to one day. I've got to go back to work, you know."
"You crazy woman, I've never met anyone like you before."
"Don't let Shad's reticence mislead you, Killashandra Ree."
"If you really love the boy, Killashandra, don't."
"We must be able to fill these orders for black crystal."
"I've been trying my damnedest to save this Guild."
"We are custodians of those husks of former singers, and they get the best physical care we can supply."
"I don't need to remember everything, Lars. I don't want to remember everything."
"We just have to access those memories... it'll all come back."
"An order that's been unfilled for twenty years, Killa! It's no wonder the Guild's reputation has been suffering."
"I've finally got permission to inaugurate a more active recruitment campaign, but it's experienced singers I need and right now—and out in the Ranges, not carousing on Maxim's or Baliol and spread out across the galaxy."
"You don't trust me, Killa. It's as simple as that. Until you can trust me, hypnosis can't happen."
"Mind over matter! Oh, Muhlah, if I only could . . ."
"You will sleep and you will not resist. You will answer my questions as best you can."
"Like anything else, it palls after a few score years."
"It's another case of us knowing it so well we think everyone else knows it."
"Only intelligence seeks to adjust its environment."
"It was worth a try! Lars needed the boost a success would give him."
"I'm not inactive yet, by a long twig, Lars Dahl. And I don't need hypnosis to remember!"
"You proved that conclusively today," he said in the mild tone he used whenever he wished to defuse her anger.
"I'm not, Sunny." There was a genuine note of surprise in his voice.
"Why do you put up with me?" And Lars flashed a smile at her.
"I'm not letting you go, Sunny," he said sternly.
"Pattern is as good a method of communication as any other. Aren't words patterns?"
"Don't watch the patterns, C.S. You lose time that way," he murmured.
"Everything except how Big Hungry Junk had done what it had done to her."
"You gave me the most incredible love experience of my life."
"We desperately need more medical staff," he told her.
"Rudney's group haven't come to any conclusions," Brendan said.
"To Rimbol, a gay lad with a kind heart and a fine tenor voice."
"What we need is an advertising campaign, too," she murmured.