
Misfit Quotes

Misfit by Elle Kennedy

Misfit Quotes
"When the apocalypse comes, and some dude with a baseball bat is standing over me asking if I have any last words for my maker, I’ll tell him I’ve stared into the face of darkness and fear has no power over me."
"When I write my memoirs, I’ll remember this as the day I learned what the opposite of porn is."
"This is painful. It’s like watching a sex scene on TV next to your parents."
"Nah, like watching your parents in a sex scene on TV next to your parents."
"Never too early to develop problematic coping mechanisms."
"I still can’t believe this is all really happening."
"I wasn’t totally bored of this arrangement yet."
"Use the credit cards if you need something in the meantime."
"Of all the prisons I could have ended up in, Sandover Prep is not the worst."
"Whatever your side hustle is, keep it close to the vest. You don’t want Duke peeking at your cards."
"Well, unless I decide to hurt them with whatever I discover."
"It started with having to get out of the house when Mom brought her boyfriends around and closed her bedroom door, but eventually it became a habit."
"There’s no need for me to rely on anyone else, because at the end of the day, I’m the only one who has my back."
"The guy is tall, around my height, with a few lines of text tattooed on the left side of his ribcage. I can’t make out the words, but I imagine it’s something angsty and irrelevant."
"I don’t know. Seems to me the reputation of 'elite institutions' is based on the hollow shell of legacy admissions and wealth."
"I’ve never found school all that difficult, just excruciatingly dull."
"Guys like Duke, they don’t know yet how much they have to lose. Or how easy it is for someone to take it—if properly motivated."
"No, sweetie. A good Catholic girl doesn’t need to make threats. God will strike her enemies down for her."
"I don’t give a damn what anyone says about me. Come for Casey, though, and I’ll ruin your life and everything you care about. I am not the one to fuck with."
"There are a thousand ways to get shivved in a school like this, and I don’t trust a friendly smile any more than I can spend it."
"I guess I would be too if I almost drowned and woke up on the bank of a lake without any idea what happened. That shit’s fucked up."
"Instead, the alarm on my phone orders me to shit, shower, and shave for another day of tedious monotony. Forever on this Ferris wheel of disappointment."
"Boredom is not an ideal condition for someone with my taste for self-destruction. It’s a gun on the mantel that’s always pointed at my head."
"When your partner pool is twice the size of most people’s—and with my hedonistic tendencies—sex becomes an endless playground."
"As a white male of privilege, it’s my social responsibility to decolonize my bookshelf. I’ve already met my quota of dead white guys for the year."
"I don’t have any useful advice for him, unless he wants some help disabling the security cameras. Then I realize, this could be an in for me."
"I’m a glutton for punishment lately, so I text her on my way to the dining hall."
"Seems I was a bit hasty to dismiss this semester as a lost cause. Silas was right. Today was worth getting out of bed."
"Nice to see everyone again," she says when everyone’s seated. "I’m still learning all of your names, so if you’ve forgotten…"
"Everything’s temporary. You just end up with a bunch of people in your timeline you follow out of some misplaced compulsion to like their posts and appear interested in their bullshit. No thanks."
"It’s fine to say you’re fishing for compliments. I don’t mind."
"Imagine a Victorian orphanage for the Amish but where they beat you with guilt and unsalted food."
"If we can’t be reduced to a member of the Breakfast Club, what’s the point, right?"
"I love the way she laughs. Her mouth turns up on one side and her eyebrow arches. It’s stupid how sexy that is."
"All right, your turn. Tell me something real about yourself."
"What’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to you?"
"Hey, if making an ass of myself is what it takes…"
"If you’re full of shit, you’re pretty good at it."
"Sometimes I’m a bastard, but I get this is a precious thing for her."
"I bet you take after her more than you realize."
"Would you just let me be a fucking gentleman?"
"The beatings will continue until morale improves."
"He just finds it easier to make people hate him."
"Everything hurts. The pain is like sand in a plastic bag. Press in one spot and a million grains of pain rush somewhere else."
"Anyway, it’d be difficult to explain to our parents why he let me get shipped home for the holidays in a box."
"I guess I don’t mind traipsing through poison ivy if it’ll shut you up for five seconds."
"It’ll take a lot more than a beating to keep me away from you, cupcake."
"Leave the suspect to stew for a while before the interrogation begins."
"People say they care about the how, but no one wants glass walls in a slaughterhouse."
"You’re sporting war paint. Those bruises are gnarly."
"I don’t know what sort of radioactive spider crawled up Duke’s dick hole, but the dude punches hard."
"If I was going to let Duke scare me off, I wouldn’t have asked her out in the first place."
"If you wanted to skulk away, there’s no shame in running."
"What if he wakes up the whole house and my dad has to go storming out on the lawn in his house robe, we’re all in a shit ton of trouble."
"I think my moral compass has gone a little off-kilter."
"In the end, that’s all he wants—my acquiescence to the façade of responsibility."
"I’m the same person. Just more flawed than I let on."
"Even worse than wasting my time and betraying my trust, I found out this person I was starting to like never existed."
"I want to hold your hand. I want to text you good night and good morning."
"But only I know that I had his daughter dragging her nails down the back of my neck this weekend."
"You look like you’ve been hunting a madman through Cambodia."
"I’ve got to learn some of this computer stuff."
"As long as he’s taking good care of my mom, I’m basically indifferent to the man."
"Go there again and I’ll erase your existence from the digital world. Drain your trust fund, too."
"I can order a pizza from NASA but will it work in an elevator?"
"You come from public school... He’s got some sort of learning disorder. It’s all the lead pipes in the water fountains."
"I don’t know where you get this maniacal sense of entitlement."
"If this whole thing goes south, I’ll just have to figure out a plan B."
"You really don’t feel like taking a break?" "Nope."
"I’m not interested in being the new Duke. If I win, everyone gets to go back to living their lives however they want."
"We’re stepbrothers. That’s what family does. I got you."
"I’d eat you out on the kitchen counter if you told me to."
"You know what, it’s okay. When I get back, I’ll give you the birds and the bees talk so you’re able to understand that human beings can fuck at all hours of the day."
"I miss my mom, you know? Not as much as when I was little. But enough."
"Can’t talk to my dad about shit. Gabe’s gone."
"I’m muting your notifications because you’re evil. Good day, madam."
"Right and wrong are someone else’s idea that simple people cling to because they’re too afraid to take the most out of life. I’m not afraid."
"What’s the fun in going to hell if you can’t bring a few friends, right?"
"I’m not, though. People always think I’ve got my shit together. That I’m so impenetrable. Nothing gets to me."
"This is real shit. You don’t have to be okay. You shouldn’t be."
"But I get it. If you let people see your vulnerabilities, that gives them power."
"If seeing you like this right now gives me power, it’s nothing compared to the power you have over me."
"There’s power in letting go and being vulnerable."
"You’re the only witness to what went down that night."
"It’s not like I’m in an arranged marriage of my own creation."
"You develop an allergic reaction to a guy the second he talks about trying to lock you down."
"It’s not worth the potential fallout over something so silly."
"Attachments are weaknesses and only create an opportunity to screw me over."
"Maybe there was a time I convinced myself having a stepbrother meant something. Thankfully I know better now."
"You did me a favor, Fenn. You reminded me it’s only a matter of time before everyone disappoints us."
"I don’t give a shit who you sleep with, Sloane. I just don’t want to be related to them."
"We were nothing before we got here and I’m fine keeping it that way."
"Don’t worry about me tripping over a rock or something and taking yourself out of the equation."
"Your sunny mood have anything to do with hacker boy? You two get back together yet?"
"Information is power, you know? It gives you all the control."
"This is the biggest thing to happen to Sandover since that time the European history teacher was arrested for espionage."
"Trust me. You don’t want to feel what’s about to happen."
"The fight doesn’t end until one of us doesn’t get up."
"Losers lose. I’ll tell Sloane you said goodbye."
"The exact balance of the bank account where you’ve been stashing all your racket funds."