
On A Pale Horse Quotes

On A Pale Horse by Piers Anthony

On A Pale Horse Quotes
"That presumes a person’s life is worth living."
"You can’t find romance by zeroing in as if it’s a target!"
"Death does not kill; Death merely takes the souls of those who are dying."
"It is not the right to live, but the right to die that is most important."
"Every good thought and deed lightens the burden, and every bad deed or thought weights it down."
"I don’t care if it’s all junk mail, I’ll look at it first."
"I have not held this office long. I just don’t like to see a life wasted or a person damned who could be saved."
"I think I would—I don’t know. Maybe your father misjudged me."
"I’m trying to be good now, for what it’s worth, so at least I can think of myself as halfway useful for something."
"No soul may be relegated to eternity without a chance to establish its own record."
"What good was a pact of noninterference that one party violated freely?"
"If this was a contest between God and Satan, it was evident that Satan was winning."
"Probably I will fail, but at least I will try."
"What person, confronted with the specter of Death, would not hasten to reform his ways?"
"Death is simply the end of consciousness. After death, there is nothing."
"Life made an investment in him, and that investment was not paid off."
"I am half bad," Zane said. "Fifty percent evil."
"A man’s death is the most private part of his life."
"Never trust a woman," Luna said seriously. "Fate least of all."
"You don’t want to hear about that sort of thing," he demurred, though he did want to talk about it.
"I think you will find yourself at war," Mars continued. "I recommend that you prepare yourself for that occasion by familiarizing yourself with your weapon."
"No one seeks out Death, in any manner, without good reason."
"Children tended to write letters more than adults—at least they did to his office—for what reason he couldn’t quite fathom."
"How many children expect to die before they wake—because of that sinister message put in their minds?"
"She is lying awake in the darkened room, terrified that if she sleeps, she will die before she wakes."
"I promise to wake you first. I will not take you in your sleep."
"If more people knew Death personally, fewer people would fear him."
"What a world it would be if there were no fear of death!"
"Anyone I interact with is doomed to die within a month."
"I don’t care if it’s Hell. I know I deserve it. I’ve cheated on my wife, stolen from the government—you name it, I’ve done it, and I’m ready to pay."
"It’s an open question whether a rogue nuclear detonation would do more damage than a ranking demon of Hell loosed on Earth."
"Assumption: authentication exists, but has been glitched out."
"I am not providing the information I know you seek."
"These were litterers. Now they labor all year round to recover as much litter as they strewed in life."
"That’s because I died early of a fever and took my youth and beauty with me to the grave."
"You were the petunia in the onion patch, always ready with a favor to them worse off’n you."
"We clean and clean, but the mess never ends, and at times like this it’s so cold."
"People who refuse to reform in life are hard to reform in death, but persistence and consistency eventually pay off."
"Death, believe me! I suspected it before, but was never allowed to touch my friends in Hell."
"The Father of Lies is lying to you. He’s not reforming souls at all. He’s keeping them forever in vile bondage."
"Get to Mortis, who can better protect you. I know how Satan operates."
"By what unholy arrogance did you expect to interfere with an Incarnation?"
"You can’t kill me! That’s why you’re waiting!"
"I realized that Satan himself was participating. If there had been any other way—"
"Your baby has an incurable malady, and is in pain, and shall never be free of it while he lives."
"Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade, Death came with friendly care; The opening bud to Heaven conveyed, And bade it blossom there."
"You have prevailed, Death. You called My bluff and forced Me to give way."
"You talk big, mortal man, holding the magic scythe and wrapped in the magic cloak."
"Then I shall deal with you," Zane said, facing Satan.