
Urban Shaman Quotes

Urban Shaman by C.E. Murphy

Urban Shaman Quotes
"I’m comfortable." I closed my eyes more firmly. I was not having a discussion with an invisible man.
"Because living means changing your entire worldview. That can be a very difficult thing to do."
"Dying is remarkably easy. Just stop going toward the drum, and in a few minutes, it’ll stop."
"You sure ask a lot of questions. You can’t see me because you don’t believe in me. You can hear me because you’re dying, and it’s letting me slip in."
"You have gifts, Joanne Walker, that your spirit cries out to use. Healing is chief among them."
"I don’t understand." I sounded young and frightened.
"You could be," he murmured to the unspoken desire, "but then you would interfere, little mortal, and I am very tired of being interfered with."
"Jesus Christ, Jo. You look like someone ran you over and backed up to see what he hit."
"If God can let this happen, then he can put people on Earth who can stop it, too."
"The good news is it’s keeping my mind off having to walk the streets."
"It’s like the whole world is a badly tuned engine."
"I wasn’t ever at any schools long enough to get valentines."
"It’s a lever, Joanne Walker. You can move the world."
"I thought you Injun types knew all about that."
"I think we need to heal the people who are hurt."
"You can't," he murmured with absolute confidence. "Healer."
"People basically suck. Maybe we should kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out."
"I guess I don't think people basically suck. I think... I don't know what I think."
"I'm having one. If I live through it and manage to get some perspective, I'll tell you about it."
"I healed her and Richard the Second of England through a psychic link with a Celtic demigod drawn out of her memory of the murders this morning."
"I promised the priest I’d stop the nutcase who was murdering children."
"She thought I was going to die," I admitted. "She thought... I really didn't want to tell Casey that Marie had thought an old Celtic god was after her. Not even if it was true."
"I’ve promised Billy I felt like I could save the world—or Seattle, anyway."
"If I hadn’t been able to fix them, I think I’d have been dead when you came back with the coffee."
"You're making me all sentimental, Morrison. Knock it off before I get weepy."
"I’m worried about your passengers. You’re terrifying to ride with even when you’re awake."
"I’m not a prostitute or out looking for a good time, and I’ve had a bad day."
"Not strong enough," he repeated. "You don’t have enough time."
"I have a day," I said calmly, and smiled as shock rose in his eyes.
"Everything’s fine. Just coming back from the airport."
"It wasn’t good when things going easily seemed like a sure sign of doom."
"You’d be good at playing Questions, you know that?"
"Don’t tell me talking to your car doesn’t help."
"Being a police officer is a calling and a solemn occupation."
"Because I don’t know what the hell I’m doing, Morrison. I’m in way the hell over my head in a game I don’t know the rules to."
"I decided this morning that I wasn’t going to die."
"Nobody gets up in the morning planning to die, Walker."
"I can’t tell you how much I already regret this."
"I promised myself I could sleep until Friday afternoon if I lived through this."
"I always thought all the paperwork would go up in flames when the world ended."
"The good of the many outweighs the good of the one."
"Living with the consequences of your actions isn’t always easy."
"Nature, I figured, knew what she was doing. Leave well enough alone."
"I’ve gotten a crash course in the esoteric. I don’t have to like it. I just have to cope with it."
"Choose otherwise, and you and this place end now."
"Blood of our blood would be rich with power."
"You want to save a world, save this one. We’ve got plenty of lost souls right here."
"Not so little," I protested. "I defeated a god in fair combat."
"Thanks for calling Forgiven Again Flowers. Hi, Bruce,"
"Defeated, Siobhán Walkingstick," he said in his velvet voice. "Defeated, but not dead. Your soul will be mine to collect before the midnight hour, gwyld."
"I wondered if everyone else could understand him."
"For the sake of thy world and thy soul," Cernunnos said through fixed teeth, "thou hast best hope it is thyself. I would not wager on it, little shaman."
"There was nothing else I could do. In time the pain faded."
"It felt more complicated than that, and I was supposed to be paying attention to how things felt."
"The horrifying thing was how close it felt to the power inside me."
"How anyone could feel normal after yesterday."
"Her mother’s dead. It’s easy to lose children when you’ve fathered as many as I have."
"Blood magic is strong, and my brother has chosen well."
"It wasn’t fair. But nobody said life is fair, and you’ve been behaving like a three-year-old long enough."
"It still lay within him, the depths of the great woods, buried beneath centuries of pain."