
Green Rider Quotes

Green Rider by Kristen Britain

Green Rider Quotes
"Time. Time had made the spells brittle and the mortar vulnerable."
"Magic exists, as flowers bloom in the spring."
"Free will is everything. You may choose to abandon your mission."
"The world fairly glows with it. Rather, it did before the Long War."
"The beauty of it kept her playing at great length."
"Too many days in the saddle, and too many nights on the ground."
"Stars streaked across the lens as she adjusted the scope’s position and focus."
"Only the scopes in Selium’s observatory compared in distance and clarity."
"Legend had it that a great hero by the name of Sevelon had once served the god and goddess by attending to their affairs on earth, and dispensed justice as the immortals saw fit."
"When she reached the final landing, she cast her sword aside for all time, and it could now be seen still tumbling across the night sky."
"Interestingly, Sacoridian legend depicted Sevelon as female, while Rhovan legend characterized her as male."
"Sevelon was depicted as knightly, courageous, and good, while the god and goddess were depicted as capricious, using humanity to suit their own whims."
"Karigan had often wondered if Sevelon was as pure as the stories made her out to be."
"Movement caught the corner of her eye, and the telescope obligingly zoomed in at a dizzying rate only to reveal herself."
"Before she had time to consider it, the vision dissolved as if flushed with water, only to reveal another."
"Revolted, Karigan tried to jerk away from the eyepiece, but she was held fast."
"The next scene blossomed sky blue, with slow moving clouds trailing along in a chill spring breeze."
"Karigan, the watcher, struggled to release herself from the eyepiece, but still she could not move."
"Kari, the man said, I need you. I need you here. Please don’t accept that mission."
"She curled up and heaved a sigh as the warmth of the crystal wrapped around her."
"Karigan stretched and yawned, and nearly walked out of the room with the crystal cupped in her hand, before she remembered it and replaced it on Professor Berry’s table of oddities."
"Of course I am. It was given to Father by an Eletian years ago."
"Maybe you will build your own castle of moonbeams one day, Kari."
"The tears brimmed in her eyes again, but her solemn thoughts were dashed when she saw Miss Bayberry sitting primly at the head of a ridiculously long table."
"F’ryan Coblebay couldn’t join us though we did the proper thing and invited him."
"The Horse couldn’t join us either. Letitia was resolute that she would not have him in the house."
"Karigan didn’t consider herself a ruthless person. Rather, she considered herself wise to the ways of survival."
"Never assume the enemy is down and then turn your back on him. You will pay for it with your life."
"Never thought I’d be so happy to see you, you stubborn old horse."
"Estral always claimed there were still Eletians around, but I never believed her."
"The Horse—He fares well, he assured her. We have been caring for him most diligently."
"Your path lies long and dark, but you’ve the will and strength, and the muna’riel."
"All merchants longed for spring after a winter of little or no travel and no haggling or dealing."
"Spring brought increased commerce and an opportunity to see old friends."
"She didn’t know whether to feel glad to see others on the road, or alarmed."
"She was dying to take a look at its contents."
"Despite the drab and worn look of their gear, the patches had been carefully sewn and the leather was oiled."
"The sooner we’re done, the sooner we return to our true duty."
"Karigan clenched her hands into fists, her cheeks blushing hotly."
"Magic is magic. It’s the user who makes it evil or good."
"The lifespan of a Green Rider is very short."
"I once asked her what she wanted to do with her life. She told me, something adventurous."
"I worry, too. But remember, I taught her many things about survival."
"Like a niece she is to me, too, though no blood do we share."
"We must find out. Also, be sure to warn Joy of the manner of his death."
"It was built long ago to breach the northern wilderness."
"Rarely do I see the same two Riders pass through here."
"It is the people who shall rule, not a man who thinks himself one among the gods."
"It's true. But I was sick at the time and didn't notice much. If you don't believe me, ask the captain."
"Childlike, ancient, magical, and beautiful all at once."
"You can’t play at Intrigue and expect to win by adhering to the rules. Use what is available to you."
"Your trinkets are your tools. Use what is available to you."
"I am tired of being treated like some criminal for doing my best for Sacoridia."
"I dispatched a Rider upon your arrival to inform him otherwise."
"No? You are the Triad. You have been throughout, the unexpected player of the game."
"I could show you things you never dreamed of," he said.
"I made my choice long ago," she said. "I made my choice free of false promises and coercion."
"We share an eternity in this place. But if you play the game, you have a chance to win."
"It may be no one in Mirwell is aware of my . . . affiliations."
"I could be leading my own cargo trains within the year."
"The captain is thinking about sending me to Selium for school."
"A Green Rider should soon be handing Dean Geyer a message sealed with the royal mark."
"Your deeds will not be forgotten, brave lady."
"I’ve had some meetings with Captain Mapstone."
"The king. He stirred up feelings in her that she would rather not think about."
"You made a bargain, if you recall," Captain Mapstone said.