
The Forgotten Hours Quotes

The Forgotten Hours by Katrin Schumann

The Forgotten Hours Quotes
"A deeply moving story about friendship and love, yearning and passion, memory and loss."
"The perfect envoy to accompany you into the red-hot cauldron of accused and accuser."
"In a #MeToo situation, who would you side with, your accused family member or your best friend, the accuser?"
"When we seek truth about the past, the most treacherous secrets are those we keep from ourselves."
"A wise reminder that 'coming of age' stories aren’t only for the very young."
"A powerful tale for the #MeToo era which should resonate far beyond this cultural moment."
"I thoroughly enjoyed this well-written, compelling story."
"The awkward fact that he had let himself in without asking—no text, nothing—was overshadowed by her pleasure at seeing him."
"I wanted to understand what had happened that night—and afterward."
"I realized it might no longer be possible for me to stay mired in my willful ignorance."
"Feelings were not facts, memories lied, and people were not who you thought they were."
"Human beings were always compelled to bring their own agenda to any endeavor."
"There were no exceptions to the rule: human beings were flawed and easily swayed."
"You could never truly be objective or dispassionate; your biases would always drive the way you saw reality."
"It was a curse that people felt they could read her moods or her needs on her face."
"It was easy not to talk about your father when he was in prison, but it would be different once he was out."
"The realization of everything she didn’t know was beginning to eat away at her again."
"She was untethered from her body, and her limbs no longer seemed so stubborn and gawky."
"She hadn’t known it then, but when Lulu entered their lives, the family dynamic had shifted, slowly, until everything went belly-up."
"You've got to treat people right. It's important to be honorable."
"There's nothing more important than being an honorable man."
"Wait here, okay? I want to show you something. Be right back."
"I think you miss her. You wonder about her; you just won’t admit it."
"There was so much about the past that was good."
"You don’t need college to be a singer, right?"
"Sometimes it’s the voices that break through—the varying timbres."
"I’m supposed to start thinking about, like, vocational shit."
"You’re going to move. You’ll join a band."
"You have a right to know what happened. Those court documents, they’re in the public record. And I’m his daughter."
"No one was going to give her answers unless she asked for them—and she wanted answers."
"I think that might be the first time I ever saw her cry. It was totally fucking unnerving."
"We have art in order not to die of the truth."
"Sometimes I feel like everything revolves around him."
"She’s not in witness protection, if that’s what you mean."
"I’m all about positivity. Moving on and moving up."
"Life was normal, people chatted, people ate; they walked to work and drove cars and wasted time on Facebook. People loved each other and fought and picked their teeth and gave birth."
"Katie’s grandfather lived in a nursing home in Ravenscourt, London. Once every year or so, when the airfare was low, he flew Katie and David over there to visit him."
"She imagined herself moving, serpentine, along the jungle floor like a snake."
"Watching him move through the free air, unimpeded, Katie was ecstatic one second, jumpy the next."
"The car barreled toward the Hudson River. When the trees swallowed them in their stippled embrace, John slowed down."
"The world was complicated, yes, but also full of beauty, and now they could all move forward and embrace it."
"It was such a comfort to see him in this setting, a normal man doing normal things; Katie pushed aside the unnerving questions that scuttled into her thoughts from time to time."
"Silence isn’t always empty, it can drive a person quite mad."
"Everything we choose to do has consequences."
"People do not change unless they want to change."
"You were supposed to be able to recognize bad people."
"It seemed inconceivable to her that she’d so readily given in to her family’s culture of silence."
"All along, she realized, it had been her father who was the outsider, not Lulu."
"It was possible, she realized, to know someone intimately and yet not know them at all."
"It’s not a disaster. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing."
"Perhaps it was selfish of me to want to get it off my chest."
"Perhaps black words on a clean white screen would be easier."
"It’s time to start fresh! Everything is looking good."
"No one understands them. Everyone thinks they know what women want, but no. No way."
"I can tell you I sure as hell didn’t do anything I deserved to go to jail for."
"This was wrong, so wrong. You deserved better. I’m so sorry, Lulu."
"The past was inextricably linked to the present—she understood that—but for now she wanted to think about building her own future."
"We’re going to have a baby," she said, incredulous, realizing she had already decided this was what she wanted.
"One life for another. Why there had to be this blistering reckoning, she didn’t know."
"Life was chaotic, and there was pain and anger, but with Zev there, regarding her with the vastness of his pale, oceanic eyes, it seemed she could survive it."
"I believe you," Katie said, clamping her hands together in her lap to stop them from shaking.
"It’s possible for people to be two things at once: kind and cruel."