
The Man Burned By Winter Quotes

The Man Burned By Winter by Pete Zacharias

The Man Burned By Winter Quotes
"For a long time, that voice had reminded her of melt-in-your-mouth chocolate brownies, fresh out of the oven."
"Thin ice, Harlow. Pretty soon it’s going to collapse beneath you."
"He woke up with a dull flame in his heart, resenting death for not having taken him in the middle of the night."
"Damn cat bites me every time I try to pet it. Never lets me feed it."
"Not every killer is attention seeking and wants to be caught."
"A man not able to protect his son. Did the exact opposite, really."
"He didn’t want to talk to her. If he talked to her, he would have to tell her about the photographs."
"There’s pure evil in the world; we’re doing our best to stop it."
"The eyes convey everything—every emotion, and so far, each victim’s eyes have been open when you’ve found them. I think he likes staring at them or into them. I think pain and fear are how he gets his rocks off."
"I came here broken and had no intention of fixing it. Somehow, I have you to thank; you gave me a reason to put the vodka down for a little bit and put on pants."
"You hit him too high on the ribs. A little lower and you would have had him."
"The sick fuck probably came in his pants right then."
"I’ve been watching him since he got here! When we found Charlotte Johnson, the third victim, he was at the cottage. I’ve been keeping tabs on him ever since we found Lilly Anderson."
"His words came out a little winded. He took a deep breath. 'Said his boy wouldn’t be the pussy on the playground getting bullied.'"
"I don’t know if we have that kind of time. There’re too many bodies."
"It was only a few weeks ago that he was a photo on the wall. He was our prime suspect."
"The liver shot was the most underused punch in boxing. Everyone wanted to land the highlight-reel punch to the head, watch their opponent fall toddler-flat on his back, his head bouncing like a ball off the canvas. But a good shot to the liver, the largest internal organ in the body, was like instant paralysis."
"It’s not how she was facing; it’s how he faced her. And it’s just a theory right now."
"He stared right back into the two shit-brown pools for eyes in a shithead filled with shit for brains."
"Finally someone asked the right question. It was the question he needed the answer to."
"I feel like we’re putting too much stake in Gunner’s case."
"I think we should give them a call. I think they need to toss his cell."
"His memory of the place was rotten, maggot-ridden."
"Darkness was there, alive and breathing inside them all."
"You think you’ve suffered all you can, but I promise you will suffer more."
"He’ll be a man soon enough. You can’t only teach him all the good in the world; he ought to know the evil too."
"The only fingerprints we’ll find here are Erickson’s, yours, and mine."
"That’s my fish and tackle box from when I was a kid."
"You should invest in some pillows, might spruce the place up."
"It might be time to start locking that door, you know."
"You took out Gunner’s file a couple of weeks ago—your name was written in the log."
"I need to find the detectives who were on my father’s case."
"Now we have to skin it. Hopefully you didn’t ruin it dragging it here."
"I can still feel the blood on the crook of my head."
"I need access to Rooker’s computer, his emails, whatever you can get me."
"I’m asking if you can hack into his computer."
"Should anything go wrong, I’ll take full responsibility."
"It’s the rook. Often mistaken for the crow, same family—Corvidae."
"I’m too far gone to believe in such stories."
"I just spoke to Langston. She said you might still be up."
"The photos of us in Erickson’s office, Sofia Persson’s purse here."
"Where would you stay when you were here as a kid?"
"I was only here with Gunner a handful of times. I’d sleep on the couch."
"What are you hoping to find when you talk to Sundgren?"
"His insight. I want to know what he thought."
"I need to know about Astrid Thompson and who the examiner was."
"How do you think the killer knows so much about this place?"
"Those are the questions I keep asking myself."
"I’ve only been here a handful of times. I never really knew anyone."
"No, it was just a blur, and then I was unconscious, woke up in the hospital weeks later."
"She let her head hang and massaged the nape of her neck, her hair falling in front of her face, and pushed the keyboard away like a plate of food that had gone cold."
"She decided to trust her mind, that it wasn’t playing tricks on her."
"Tess learned that four minutes feels like an eternity when you’re waiting to be shot at."
"I’ve read it," he said. "It’s a story. Same as any other story. A little truth and mostly lies. That’s why they call it fiction."
"Shadows conquered the world above and hovered over them, watching."
"It was the kind of place that made you want hot cocoa, wrapped fireside in a blanket."
"He was troubled," the man said firmly. "Not all bad, just troubled."
"I overheard them in the grocery aisle, some kids talking about the boy in the lake. They said he’d climb out of the lake at night and walk the woods. If he touched you, your body would turn to ice."
"The worst part, they turned him into an urban legend."
"She just kept reminding me how dead my child was."
"Between pressure from the media and the chief and the threat of the FBI swooping in—she’d be demoted or fired."
"His eyes were unfocused, blank as the page in front of him."
"But what was certain in Rooker’s mind now was that the boy was never able to suppress the evil within him. He’d unshackled it. It was free."
"The mere mention of Henry made her clutch onto the white scar from all those years ago, the gash that it took eight stitches to close."
"The smell of rain tiptoed in through the window."
"The glass broken like a shattered window, the date and time fixed forever."
"Red bubbled on her fingertip. Beneath was the white scar—not a shattered window or a web; it was a single snowflake."
"Maybe it was doing the trick. And they confided in each other."
"All I could find were a couple of puff pieces. Years in law enforcement, his role in the community, that sort of stuff."
"He tried to clear his vision, but his eyes turned misty, teary."
"He wondered if he was going into shock, if he was going to die."
"Don't want to be medicated if I don't need to be. I have it under control."
"You get back to the department within the hour. Got it?"
"Sometimes a detective retires, the gun retires too."
"We’re too late in the game not to have a suspect."
"If I’m the killer and I know two cops are down and I hurt this guy bad, I’d feel invincible."
"I can’t make any promises. And I won’t lie to you; she is in danger."
"You think it’s him. You think Erik Sadler is our guy."
"Just try not to run off and scare the shit out of me."
"I wanted to see for myself what Erik Sadler is really like."
"Prepare for the worst and expect the unexpected."
"Despite the presence of the search party, there was something spooky about these woods."
"The world without his boy was a vile, evil place."
"He thought he could see a red gash on her forehead and the same color at her cheek."
"He had isolated himself from the world. It was for the best."
"The adrenaline was coursing through his body like electricity."
"He had done something the boy could be proud of."
"I hope they write stories about me for years to come."