
The Dragon's Wing Quotes

The Dragon's Wing by Tate James

The Dragon's Wing Quotes
"What? I shrugged in response to their raised eyebrows, zipping my suit back up again. 'It was drafty.'"
"Let’s agree not to shoot each other, and we can just hang out in your base until the others finish the game!"
"Despite the fact it was lightly snowing outside, I needed a cold shower because all of these casual touches were lighting me on fire."
"Head in the game, Kit. Quit thinking about what Caleb’s lips might taste like!"
"Bugger, you look too damn sexy holding that gun, Kitten."
"I know I sound paranoid, but I feel like something bad is going to happen…"
"I would rather be a willing slave for the rest of my life than let Mr. Grey get so much as one finger on my skin."
"Relax, don't give me that look. I understand you're a little… scared, right now."
"You’ve kidnapped me; what the fuck did you expect?"
"Technically, I wasn’t the one who kidnapped you. I merely purchased you."
"Maybe you need to invest in better security, Românul, Ones that aren’t so easily overpowered by a little girl in heels?"
"Let this be a lesson. Don’t ever lay your hands on my property. Am I clear?"
"You don't even know what situation you're in, dragă,"
"What are you, fucking twelve? Who throws books?"
"For some insane reason, my brain was screaming at me to trust him."
"I adopted my Emily personality, batting my eyelashes and giving the older man a vacant smile like a simpering fool."
"As painfully obvious as it was that it was neither the time nor the place to beg for my life, the impending panic attack sneaking up on me was forcing me to still at least silently beg Vali not to let him have me."
"I mean," I stated, steeling my spine and hardening my jaw, "that I would do whatever it took to try and kill him myself."
"I guess I should say thank you. But it still doesn't change the fact that you murdered a man."
"Surely a quick nap wouldn’t hurt… just to soak some tension out…"
"I knew you'd try and pull a stunt like this," the disgusting old man continued. "You've proven time and time again over the years how slippery you can be, and after you escaped me at the Onyx Auction, I decided to come prepared."
"You stupid old fuck," I sneered at him. "You should have known I would rather go down in a storm of blood and bullets than ever be at your mercy again."
"Please don't die," I whispered, hunching over til my lips were against Vali's ear. "I don't know why I feel like this around you, but I just know you can't die."
"I can't say much; it was part of our agreement. Suffice to say Dragomir was alerted to your disappearance by a mutual acquaintance, and he was in the unique position of being allowed access to more unsavory locations such as the Onyx Auction."
"I think first up we should go and get you some real food," Caleb said with a grin.
"You better hope this doesn't come back to bite you on the ass, boy," my father warned.
"You've been acting pretty strangely lately, Dragomir. Maybe it's time to pass the reins back to your old man, hey?"
"This pathetic grudge? You murdered my mother."
"Well, if it does, it will be my problem to deal with. Now get the fuck out of my home; you know you aren't welcome here except for appearances."
"I think we will be speaking later about these secrets you've been keeping."
"You're going to have to get over this pathetic grudge sooner or later, Dragomir."
"I didn't call at all," Cole corrected, sounding amused.
"No one responded to me for a minute, and I could feel their heavy gazes drilling into the top of my head as I snatched the menu back from Caleb and studied it intensely."
"I'm pretty sure I was talking about the burger…"
"After we had all filled ourselves to the point of bursting, we began slowly walking back to the townhouse."
"If I have anything to say about it, we're staying with you always, Kitty Kat."
"I missed you like you wouldn't ever believe…"
"Are you okay, Vixen? You look like you've just seen a ghost."
"This magic bullshit is going to be the death of me."
"Shh, love, don't speak. Let your healing do its thing."
"I'm fine. I don't know what that was all about, but I suppose we can't be all too surprised. Kind of in uncharted territory, right?"
"Not really what every guy wants to be known as,"
"Sometimes, bro, you just gotta trust your gut."
"I’m so exhausted it’s not even funny. I need sleep, and then we need to get ourselves to Alaska somehow. Can everyone please stay alive for like… eight hours?"
"I couldn't even if I tried. I don't know what's going on with me lately, but even if someone held a gun to my head and told me to choose, I couldn't do it."
"I think we more than made up for it last night."
"I feel pretty great. Must have just slept well."
"I am not willing to discuss my reasons with anyone but you."
"River would probably get the details wrong anyway."
"To effectively give pain, one must first understand pain."
"I stood by and did nothing while my little brother was beaten and tortured for years."
"I've fallen for your bullshit too many times, Bride."
"If anyone can get through to him, it'll be Kit."
"Don’t make me laugh; Granny Winter knows all about how your strength works, and without your bonded guardians, you’re nothing more than a weak, pathetic little girl."
"I hope Chesca makes this painful for you and you rot in hell for all eternity."
"Well, now she gets what she deserves! As decided by your council of elders, she will fight our chosen warrior to the death."
"She thinks she can still talk reason into that crazy bitch," Wesley suggested.
"All, or at least most, shifters are allergic to silver. The majority of all other magic users are allergic to iron."
"Does she need to kill your psycho pet out there?"
"I didn't let her think jack shit," Kit snapped.
"Quick! Please come quick! They’re taking the pups!"
"Nice of you to join us, Kit," he called out, his beady eyes running over me.
"How good of you to save me the trouble hunting you down."
"She is not Bridget. She's her daughter, Christina."
"We need to head out and help the town clean up, check on anyone left injured, things like that," he told me.
"Why don't you show me where I should get started, sugar, and we'll get your pipes all cleaned out."
"If you weren't such a tree hugger, we'd be done with this job already."