
Dark In Death Quotes

Dark In Death by J.D. Robb

Dark In Death Quotes
"Unlike the character of Marion Crane, Chanel Rylan didn’t scream or flail at the shock of violent death."
"She died in the dark as blood circled black down the drain on the screen."
"No one noticed. With all eyes, all attention riveted to the screen, no one noticed the killer slip into the aisle and walk away from dark deeds."
"I know, weird, right? I’m just sitting here."
"Then he noted she shot her arms into the coat rather than stripping it off."
I’ll see you later," she told him. "Maybe even sooner.
"She decided she deserved a big red circle around the day on the 2061 calendar."
"I’d be insulted for my dick if that weren’t completely true."
It’s not that late," he added and started toward the kitchen. "Especially for an Italian meal.
"The cat sat at her feet, eyed her suspiciously."
"In the low light, Galahad’s bicolored eyes stared, hard and steely, into hers."
"I think I’d have been struck by the similar elements. A young actress stabbed while watching a Hitchcock vid."
"I’d like to be able to do just that, more than I can tell you."
"I lead a quiet life, Lieutenant Dallas. A deliberately quiet and simple life. I have two teenage girls, and raising my girls, building my career takes about all I’ve got."
"You can’t let that influence the story or the characters."
"I’ve had readers upset or disappointed—even angry—that a romantic relationship hasn’t developed between Deann and Hightower."
"When I was sure it was safe, I packed what I needed, I packed what the girls needed, and I left."
"He remains bitter, and I think sincerely believes he was wronged, that he was an ideal husband to me."
"In the morning, I fixed his breakfast, apologized again when he demanded it."
"It was, and is, one of the biggest moments of my life."
"You’re not married to or cohabbing with the father of your daughters?"
"He ordered me to clean up the mess I’d made, then come upstairs and do what his wife was obligated to do."
"I see him, Blaine, and I see you. I see you for what you are. A thief, a liar. How many other far superior writers have you betrayed in this way to build your fame, your fortune?"
"Anyone can copy, Blaine, anyone can cheat. You stole my soul when you stole Hot Blood, Cold Mind. And you murdered it when you tore it to pieces and called it Sudden Dark."
"Good evening, Darling Eve. Roarke is not currently in residence."
"You could say. The first’s a serial, but she’s not going to go after another LC. That’s not the point. Did that, move on."
"She’s right to turn in her badge at the end."
"The lovely homeyness of the picture collapsed irritation."
"I hope, when that time comes, you will take my trembling hand and be my stalwart guide through that exciting process."
"How did they identify him and wrap him up?"
"She’s fictional, of course, but she exists inside my head."
"I have to be invested in her, attached. I have to know her."
"Don’t open the door to anyone you don’t know."
"Let’s say I intend to write the ending."
"Stay out of the clubs if you want to live."
"I’m going to give you the same instructions I did yesterday: Don’t open the door to anyone you don’t know."
"That’s just crazy. Dark is fifteen years younger than I am, in better shape and a lot better-looking."
"She’s real for Strongbow, and she’s lost or is at least losing her grip on the fictional part."
"Stay clean, stay away from the clubs, stay alive."
"If you see anything or anyone that makes you uncomfortable, contact your local police, then me."
"She’s angry with you, but you’ve blended, at least in part, with the character of Dark."
"She’s connected her book with my Dark series."
"Run it through for me, from the time she came in."
"I’ve been clean for five months, three weeks, and a day."
"It’s a long street after that corner’s turned."
"But she’s not the shy, quiet, harmless woman she appears to be."
"You’ll get your story when I close my case."
"A true artist stands by her art, stands for it, fights for it."
"I showed her how much more creative, more real, more fascinating it is when evil triumphs."
"A true writer must embody the characters she creates. Must live inside them. Occupy them. Think and speak and feel as they do."
"I risked everything to come to New York, to give up the ordinary, the comfortable, and strive."
"The sidewalk slick with ice as I ran with my pounding heart, my pumping blood, the soft, warm fur of the mink around me like a lover's embrace."