
The Bourne Legacy Quotes

The Bourne Legacy by Eric Van Lustbader

The Bourne Legacy Quotes
"There was a benign ebb and flow to his life bound by the strictures of the university."
"He was about to round a corner when he heard harsh voices raised and mocking laughter."
"Muthfucka, we gonna make your gook tongue come out the back of your head!"
"Can’t ever have enough bling-bling," said another with an eagle tattoo on his cheek.
"Yah, gook, whatcha gonna do, kung-fuckin-fu us to death?"
"It’s okay now." Webb put his arm across Rongsey’s shoulders.
"Loak soksapbaee chea tay?" How are you? he asked in Khmer.
"He felt a shiver of recognition, like a dream one has while awake."
"An amusing thought if it hadn’t been so literal."
"He concentrated first on his surrounding, on the blue and gold colors of the spring afternoon."
"His entire world was shaken to its core."
"It’s possible that one day Bourne would be all that was left of the personality in David Webb’s body."
"The Shaykh has promised us a weapon that will change all that."
"The Shaykh has proved to be our greatest friend."
"Arsenov, freedom has no known price tag. It is bought with the blood and the indomitable hearts of people like yourselves."
"We have been too long ignored by the world."
"That will all change. Five days from now all the world will be at your feet."
"Meet me in Nairobi in three days’ time, and you’ll see for yourself."
"No matter how hard he struggles, he feels himself spiraling down, as if weighted with lead."
"I have no doubt that Jason Bourne has gone rogue."
"Any breach of security no matter how minuscule will have disastrous effects."
"We are talking about nothing less than a global war here, a massed jihad."
"The simple truth is that Bourne is uncontrollable. And he is deadly, a poisonous viper."
"The atmosphere inside the diner was darkened by their rage and sorrow."
"He was a sort of sleeper agent, the worst kind really—one not fully under his own control."
"A healthy dose of fear makes one cautious, and believe me, now is a time for caution."
"You cannot believe how much I’ve learned studying their techniques."
"Copying the Old Masters has its charm, I suppose."
"A morning in bed with nothing to do but read the paper, spread orange marmalade on my toast, sounded like heaven to him."
"His eyes rolled up in their sockets and his body went limp."
"The night was bright and clear. A full moon rode low in the sky."
"He hadn’t had a day off in three years."
"I am made of different cloth than the rest of you."
"I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the Lord, and he heard me; out of the belly of hell cried I, and thou heardest my voice."
"History is often hidden in the most unexpected places."
"Trust me. I’m your friend. I want what you want, an end to your suffering."
"The only reality is power, money and power. This is what matters, nothing else."
"Religion—all religion—is false. It’s the grand delusion of the weak-willed, the fearful, the sheep of the world."
"We’re in control of this situation now."
"What makes you think I have survived this snakepit for so long?"
"In the end, we must help them in any way we can."
"This desperation would make him both more dangerous and more reckless."
"The resulting hail of bullets was deafening."
"Out of the haze of stone dust, Bourne bull-rushed the sniper."
"Bourne did not want to kill this man; he wanted to question him."
"With a scream the man fell away, plummeting to the pavement far below."
"He stood, still as stone, waiting for something—a sound, a vibration, a feel—that would tell him whether to go forward or to retreat."
"One pill makes your heart beat, the other makes it slow."
"I warned him that it would all come to an evil end, but he just laughed."
"My father was shot to death in front of me. Why would I be okay?"
"You’re defined by the very mystery you seek to unravel. Without it, you wouldn’t even exist."
"I need to get something first," he improvised, "from the hotel."
"I won’t be long, I promise. In the meantime, if you want to be useful, you can go back on that website, see what more you can discover."
"They didn’t even believe in God—at least, not the right one."
"The past is death! Destroy everything to create a new future!"
"There are dreams one has as a child; these aren’t difficult to let go of. But the dreams one has as an adult, well, that's another matter entirely."
"I thought you could handle the situation, you thought you could handle him."
"Please tell me, because I really want to know."
"It’s the only plausible explanation for why you lied to me."
"Besides, without money she could find no one willing to talk."
"It was as if Kanti had simply ceased to exist."
"It was the uncertainty that ate at her."
"The Shaykh’s a visionary. He sees the world not as it is but as it will be a year from now, five years!"
"What he didn’t know would certainly hurt him—she’d make sure of it."
"As far as you’re concerned, nothing’s wrong. Got me?"
"As a result, the bullet entered the wall above Bourne’s head where it met the ceiling."
"He wanted to shoot the intruder in the chest, but Annaka was in the way."
"The money for the murder weapon had originated in Budapest and that was where Bourne had fled."
"Perhaps it was the venom in his heart that had pulled Khan back from unconsciousness so quickly."
"Nothing less than Spalko’s death would assuage him now."
"Lee-Lee, he hadn’t thought of her in so long—or had he?"
"He saw to her right that Jason was slumped on the sofa, his eyes half closed."
"I’m sorry, but Felix never mentioned you."
"What did they say about a picture’s worth?"
"Nothing is impossible, Peter, you know that."
"He pressed the "Escape" key, and the upper part of the screen filled with a complex chemical equation."
"Though Dr. Sido wasn’t here, he had been here not long ago. All evidence pointed to him having left in a hurry."
"The only thing for certain is that it’s quite lethal."
"I’m willing to try. Whatever’s between us, this is far bigger."
"He felt the impulse coming up from his lower belly into his arm, but it had bypassed his heart and so fell short of impelling him to action."
"Only united do we stand a chance of making our world a safe place for each and every citizen."
"What’s come over you? So close to our shared goal, have you lost your mind?"
"He checked his watch. It wasn’t yet five."
"He heard the whisper of low voices. Startled, he drew his gun and looked around."
"I have a history with Stepan. For a time he was the only friend my mother had."
"I got very drunk, okay? I think it was the least I deserved."
"You don’t choose whom you fall in love with."
"It was in this very same situation that he’d failed. He felt abruptly exposed, as if he wore this failure on his sleeve."
"He thought of Khan, on his knees in the thermal heating station, and it seemed to him that it wasn’t only the Kalishnikov he’d let go of but also, possibly, something of his own inner rage."
"You simply will not die, will you, Mr. Bourne?"
"He was in so much pain that he could barely draw breath, but there was life to think of—his life now, not the one that had been taken away from him."
"He leaned over and, without being aware of it, smiled down at her reassuringly."
"Each breath she took, labored and painful, was a lifetime."
"My God is Allah, my prophet Mohammad, my religion Islam, and my kibla the Holy Kaaba."
"I thought if I failed now, if I allowed Spalko to kill me, I wouldn’t come back. I couldn’t abandon you; I couldn’t allow that to happen."
"This is the new life David Webb has made for himself and I’m not a part of it."