
Archenemies Quotes

Archenemies by Marissa Meyer

Archenemies Quotes
"Sometimes you had to take risks. Sometimes you had to make sacrifices. For a greater good."
"The pursuit of justice is integral to our reputation, but the safety of civilians must always be our top priority."
"It’s selfish to risk the lives of innocent people in order to serve our own agendas."
"It’s thoughtless to put civilians at risk so we might achieve glory."
"Superheroes are only as good as their conviction."
"Sometimes, a smile is the most powerful weapon we have."
"We wouldn’t be doing our job if we didn’t scare people from time to time."
"It is not our job, as superheroes, to scare people from time to time."
"We need to put more focus on our medical field."
"When prodigies abuse their powers, it is our duty to address the threat they pose—to innocent people, to us, and to themselves."
"The Renegades wouldn’t always be there."
"It was time that society realized they’d given all the power to the Renegades and were receiving only empty promises in return."
"How ironic. A superhero, an original Renegade, who must have faced off against guns and bombs and any number of criminals, to be afraid of something as mundane as public speaking."
"This is proof that not every prodigy deserves their powers."
"This vial, containing just ten milliliters of the agent, has the ability to swiftly and permanently remove the powers from any prodigy on this planet."
"Who cares about the rights of villains?"
"But all she saw around her were intrigued expressions."
"This is a means to an end. We end the Renegades, and we rebuild our world upon their ashes."
"We cannot defeat the Renegades in a battle of skill."
"This can’t be what we’ve been fighting for. It would make us just like them."
"I didn’t watch him get thrown in the river. That armor sank like it was made of concrete. No way he could have gotten out of it fast enough."
"This was the first anyone was hearing about Agent N, and yet, seven inmates had already been neutralized?"
"After you have been trained on proper usage of Agent N, we will begin to equip all patrol units with release devices."
"Our Nightmare presented this news to us as a problem to be overcome, and yet... I think you might have just told us of our salvation."
"No one is ever going to use that helmet to torment the people of this city again."
"Imprisoned in a chromium cube. Forever."
"What was she going to tell Ace? What would she say to the other Anarchists?"
"There had to be some way to get inside that box."
"The bracelet pulled harder, until the thin filigree dug into her skin."
"It’s not that he’s back… it’s that he never went away."
"All morning her mind ticked down the growing list of priorities."
"You're already setting your expectations low."
"I’m just not very good at getting the bullet to hit what I’m trying to hit."
"In the moment you squeeze the trigger, nothing should exist except you and your target."
"It’s an extension of your arm, like your marker."
"Imagine your arms absorbing the kickback."
"I think that’s your problem, you like to take in the whole world."
It felt like it needed wildlife," said Adrian, "and I had some free time. And now I know that I can only draw so many parrots before losing interest.
I guess I figured you deserve to have good dreams once in a while," he said. "Even if you never sleep.
All of this," she said, speaking slowly, "and the best alias you could come up with was Sketch?
No, it’s fine," she said. "He’s used to me disappearing at night and not coming back for days.
"My point is that Ace Anarchy, whatever his motives might have been, was ultimately a destructive force."
"If you really cared about the people of this world, if you really wanted to help the weak and the innocent, then you would have joined us a long time ago."
"The result wasn’t freedom for prodigies. It was twenty years of fear."
"And here’s the problem with prodigies who go around flaunting their own agendas."
"If I could just make everyone see… I mean, for more than just a minute, then… I don’t know. I can’t help but think that then we could all start working to create things. Together, for once."
"It was an accomplishment just to survive another day."
"It’s just about done, but feel free to grab a snack while you wait."
"I wasn’t expecting to be served a homemade meal at all."
"I love Italian food. My dad was Italian, and my mom used to cook pasta for us all the time because he liked it so much."
"I’m afraid this meal isn’t going to be up to our usual standards, at least for when we have a special guest."
"The pantry is at the far end of the hall. Kind of a pain when you forget something halfway through a recipe."
"Nova, a lot of the people in the organization are starting to look up to you—the young ones especially. It would mean a lot if you were there."
"Your fears will not come to pass. Your great vision will not be devoured by the passing of time."
"I will find a way out of this, and I will avenge you. I will avenge you all!"
"I’m not sure I know what ‘studly sweet’ is."
"Just be yourself. How could she not fall in love with you?"
"I’m well aware of that, Honey. They took everything from me, too."
"Good-bye, Adrian," she whispered into the night air.
"I haven’t forgotten, Cyanide. I just want to ensure that she doesn’t forget, either."
"Save him," he yelled after them, pleading.