
Tilly And The Bookwanderers Quotes

Tilly And The Bookwanderers by Anna James

Tilly And The Bookwanderers Quotes
"Often it’s the things that don’t come naturally to us that are the most important."
"It’s about creating a record of who’s read and loved each book."
"The books we love when we’re growing up shape us in a special way."
"It’s not like you get a letter of resignation from a friendship."
"Sometimes a person who becomes a friend is the least likely person you’d expect."
"I think if you met your favourite character they’d just be disappointing."
"You may have a bit of him and a bit of her and a bit of us all mixed in there, but the best bits of you are all your own."
"But it is not all woe. I used to think that kindred spirits were hard to find, but look: you have found two just this afternoon."
"Books can change minds and change worlds, open doors and open minds, and plant seeds that can grow into magical or even terrifying things."
"We don’t really know why different people’s abilities kick in at different times; it often happens at about your age as you start to really develop your own individual relationship with books and find your favourites."
"A book will return you safely to whichever bookshop or library you read yourself in from."
"It’s vital you learn how to control when you bookwander and how to get in and out when you want."
"You know when you walk into a bookshop and you see all those thousands of books lined up in front of you? That intoxicating feeling of knowing that behind each cover is a different world to explore, like thousands of tiny portals? That adrenalin rush just before you open a new book? The thrill of being surrounded by fellow book lovers? That is what fuels bookwandering, and it comes to life in bookshops."
"It’s why books are often casualties of censorship; those who ban or burn books are those who are scared of what can be found among their pages."
"Your family tree is full of booksellers, as well as librarians and writers and readers; it’s in your blood."
"I wish I was brave enough to stand up for myself like you did. I think everyone else was very much on your side, and look how bad Gilbert felt afterwards."
"I sort of wish I was seeing fictional characters. There are plenty of everyday people I like fine, but I’m not sure I’d count on them as friends, if it came down to it."
"The history of this shop stretches way back. You come from a long line of booksellers, Tilly."
"Do you know where your parents are?" - Miss Minchin
"We wait for the magic to kick in." - Tilly
"She loved you so much that she left your dad, knowing that it would be impossible to be able to get back to him, to make sure you were safe." - Grandma
"You must keep yourself safe. Chalk does not like rules being broken and he does not like anomalies." - Grandad
"We’re more than neat plot devices: we’re contradictory and confusing, and it’s wonderful." - Grandad
"I’m not some little kid any more; I can cope with the truth, even if it’s something bad." - Tilly
"I just want to know what it would be like to know that she was always here, what it’s like just having a normal mum." - Tilly
"Be brave and be kind, Sara. That’s what my father always told me."
"You mustn’t think me silly, but I like to imagine their names when I see them."
"People rarely notice much outside their own heads; humans are infinitely self-occupied."
"It is not fair that some books are loved and some are forgotten."
"I am owed infinite lifetimes of freedom and opportunity."
"You are given so much and you waste it."
"Our stories are how we will be remembered – so we’ve got to make sure they are worth telling."