
Secretly Yours Quotes

Secretly Yours by Tessa Bailey

Secretly Yours Quotes
"Supporting Corked with only the help of a couple friends wasn’t going to keep her grandmother’s favorite table from vanishing off the sidewalk."
"Here comes trouble, said her grandmother’s voice, drifting in somewhere from the great beyond."
"Two round spots of color on her cheeks. A firm set to her chin. Expression . . . diabolical? Let’s go with 'driven.'"
"But her grandmother wasn’t going to be one of them. Rebecca was the ship’s rudder of her life. In which direction would Hallie go without her?"
"The greatest tragedy of her life, right up until she’d lost her grandmother, was not landing that kiss from Julian Vos."
"She’d been spinning alternate endings in her mind, occasionally even going so far as watching his history lectures on YouTube."
"It’s not every day a girl gets a second shot at kissing her lifelong crush."
"The man from her dreams who connected with her on a molecular level and could read her mind? He didn’t exist in reality."
"Surely a better match for Hallie didn’t exist anywhere in the world."
"You’re still carrying that torch. Either extinguish it or fan the flame."
"A history professor doesn’t sound like a man who operates carelessly or without a lot of thought."
"Men don’t ask for assistance without being under extreme duress. Unless they are setting aside that pride in the name of a woman."
"This was Hulk-level irritation, and it needed an outlet."
"Julian defending her. Taking her side without getting both sides of the story first. Just being all-around wonderful. God, he was wonderful."
"Grand Theft Gouda would be the crime that finally brought her down."
"I’m a little untethered without her around."
"Your grandmother sounds like someone worth missing."
"Would it make you smile if I gave you my Netflix login?"
"That’s the single most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard in my life."
"I think my mother might need help. If she does, she’s not going to ask for it."
"You need control and punctuality. I’m like a leaf blower to those things."
"I calmed down a lot for Rebecca. Because of her."
"Abraham Lincoln had anxiety. Panic attacks ran in his family."
"The possibility of a Hallie Smile over something he did made his pulse knock around."
"As long as the whirlwind of trouble continued to spin, she wouldn’t have to figure out how to move forward."
"What would it be like to know you completely?"
"There is something so easy about an anonymous letter."
"You’re worthy of it, in case you’re wondering."
"Do you ever get overwhelmed with the silence or are you as content in the solitude as you seem?"
"If you weren’t in this timeline, who would the perpetually late, unsystematic gardener be driving crazy these days?"
"This storm, the happenstance of being in his front yard when it started to rain and having this forced intimacy . . . there was a high chance it would never occur again."
"When she isn’t smiling, the world becomes a terrible place."
"We are dysfunctional people, aren’t we? Who unleashed us on the world?"
"Fate keeps its own schedule. But sometimes fate drops a present in our lap."
"That she doesn’t have to change to suit anyone. Unless that anyone is herself."
"Being around her always left him in a state of hunger and confusion."
"Learn to let go, Julian. Learn to let go."
"She makes me feel out of fucking control."
"I’d like the opportunity to spend time with you, Hallie. I want to . . . date you."
"You’re nothing short of breathtaking. Unique and beautiful and bold."
"She was salvation and homecoming and lust and woman."
"If there was a whisper of self-doubt lingering, drifting to the present from that night four years ago, he was more than willing to ignore it in favor of kissing his girlfriend good night."
"No more hiding behind letters. No more hiding, period. They were vulnerable around each other."
"In a matter of hours, her craziest idea yet would be revealed to Julian and she’d just have to hope . . ."
"More time would never yield itself unless he made it."
"Recovering from the consequences of being reckless and irresponsible didn’t seem like an option."
"Her actions had caught up with her in an irreversible way."
"A person could only be brave if failing was a possibility."
"The most unique, loving woman on the planet had been writing him love letters, and he needed to show her what they’d meant to him. What she meant to him."
"She was a survivor. A friend. Someone who brought the color in unconventional ways, but tried her best. She had a broken heart in more ways than one, but she was still standing, and that made her strong."
"All time is not created equal. I know that now. Time with you is the most substantial of all."
"And they stayed late into the evening getting messy in the dirt, planting flowers and smiling at each other in the moonlight. Because their journey was only getting started."
"This book is best paired with whatever makes you happy, whether it’s a perfectly aged Cabernet or a milkshake."
"You, reader, are the thing that makes me happy."
"The shirt he’d been asked to wear for the competition didn’t fit, so it hung from the back pocket of his jeans."
"The smell of fertile earth, the tradition, the magic, the intricate process."
"Your brother has negotiated a deal making us the official wine of several wedding venues down the California coast."
"He is really helping turn things around for us."
"I hope you’re paying them a living wage."