
Still Born Quotes

Still Born by Guadalupe Nettel

Still Born Quotes
"I’ve always been intrigued by the anxiety that seizes those who are trying to conceive at any cost."
"For years I tried to convince my girlfriends that procreating was a hopeless mistake."
"Living examples of how we would be as humans if the rules of etiquette and civility did not exist."
"No one tells you that when they talk about motherhood. It’s one of those secrets that guarantees the survival of the species."
"A child brings joy to your life, showers you with unconditional love and makes you a better person."
"Unlike previous centuries in which child mortality was very high, it’s not normal for this to occur in our time."
"Love and common sense are not always compatible."
"No mother knows how long her children will live."
"How we tackle motherhood is one of these areas we and other species do not overlap."
"I was so looking forward to teaching you so many things, like how to blow bubbles under water, and then later, how to swim."
"Despite what my mother might think, most of the time I enjoy solitude. Or at least, it seems far more bearable than my memory of the last few months as part of a couple."
"She looked good in my reading chair, in her light-green nightdress, her legs crossed."
"The life of every being is as ephemeral as a bubble."
"I promised myself I wouldn’t spend anymore and managed to keep this up for a while, but as soon as my anxiety levels increased again, I would relapse."
"She was so focused on giving her affection that she didn’t think about the size or the shape of her head, nor whether the little girl looked like Aurelio or like her."
"Some people are more awake at night, as if their true personalities emerge as soon as the sun goes down."
"The human body has twenty-three chromosomes. Imagine it like a filing cabinet. Inside each one there are drawers, and inside these, folders with documents in."
"I don’t care what the doctors have told you – Inés can hear, I guarantee you."
"Sometimes when people are poorly it can take weeks for them to get better – like with glandular fever."
"It is simple actions such as these that sustain the day."
"The thing is, according to Buddhists the mind has two parts to it. One which we use to get through the day-to-day and which produces millions of thoughts; and another deeper, or more intrinsic one that can’t be damaged or altered, not even after we die."
"I wonder if she’s conscious, or will be at some point. If one day I’ll be able to have a relationship with her. Will she be capable of feeling affection?"
"If you don’t leave home you suffocate; if you go too far, you lose oxygen."
"Every human being has potential. If she has the right conditions, I’m sure she will develop as much as she can, as all children do."
"We daughters have a tendency to see in our mother’s mistakes the source of all our problems, and our mothers tend to consider our defects as proof of a possible failure."
"You have a very serious problem. If you don’t do anything about it, you’re going to die, or you’re going to live a really awful life."
"She loves her a great deal. And Inés’ condition means it’s possible she’ll seem like a baby for the rest of her life, too."
"I don’t think that’s such a bad thing; or that the roles are reversed so exhausted mothers can get a bit of rest."
"People, please, don’t turn your faces away, women are being killed in their hundreds every day."
"I need to tell you something. I really care about you, Laura, but I don’t think this is going to happen again. I’m not a lesbian. I think you should know."
"We’ve always looked after other women’s children, and there are always other women who help us take care of our own."