
Cape Refuge Quotes

Cape Refuge by Terri Blackstock

Cape Refuge Quotes
"In God I have put my trust, I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?"
"The Lord didn’t bring us this far to abandon us now."
"Those folks at the city council aren’t putting one over on God. He’s still in control."
"Hanover House Ministries was his idea, not ours. It’s been his all along, and he’ll take care of it."
"We have to trust him, honey. He does have a plan."
"The Lord would have a purpose for that too."
"They’re known around this area for collecting strays, if you know what I mean."
"You find Thelma and Wayne and you don’t have to worry about the money, at least not for a while."
"You could do worse than hooking up with Thelma and Wayne Owens and sleeping in that precious place."
You can't go in there," Cade said. "Blair, you can't. For your own good. You can see them later, when they’ve been cleaned up. But right now—
"I've had fights with Thelma and Wayne, but we've always gotten over it."
"Scripture is not platitudes. It’s life."
"You just hug them. Tell them you’re sorry."
"I wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight knowing you weren’t settled."
"You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever known."
"When people you love die, it seems like every flower in the world ought to just die with them."
"I know I’m a hothead. I lost my temper this morning."
"They were good to me and good to my wife."
"That hatred robbed me of my memories. It robbed me of my peace, because I couldn’t stop going through the if-only’s in my mind."
"I don’t want you to get the wrong idea about Thelma and Wayne. They kept a close eye on things to make sure I didn’t use that name for any personal gain."
"Sometimes you just wonder how many more people are going to have to go before God thinks you’ve had enough."
"I know what you be thinking," he said. "I know you are suspicious right now, with all this talk about me. But I tell you, I would never hurt Thelma and Wayne."
"I’m going to find out who killed my parents if it’s the last thing I do. This killer has met his match."
"I just wanted to be someone else for a while."
"It’s the same thing you’ve meant for years, that I follow my emotions. You’re too smart to have any. But maybe sometimes my heart clears things up for my head, Blair. Have you ever thought of that? Maybe it makes me see things a little clearer than you do."
"I rode the Greyhound to Savannah," she said, "and there was this waitress in a diner, and she told me about Hanover House here and the nice people who owned it, Thelma and Wayne Owens, only I didn’t know they were dead."
"I don’t know," she said. "I’m sure I’ll find a job before long, and maybe then I can get an apartment on the beach—I’ve always dreamed of living on the beach."
"For the first time, Morgan realized what her parents had felt each time they discovered a stray soul looking for refuge."
"But she couldn’t escape the fact that she needed a place to sleep, a roof over her head. There was a killer on the loose, and this child could be perfect prey for him. She couldn’t send her back out there alone."
"My parents wouldn’t have turned you away—and I won’t either."
"I learned more from their lives than I did from their deaths, Blair," Morgan threw back. "I learned that sometimes it’s important to do the right thing, even if there’s uncertainty."
"Sometimes emotions matter!" Morgan said. "They’re not all just whims, you know. Sometimes your heart tells you the truth."
"There are other people who can love stray people. If Hanover House doesn’t get closed down, we can find somebody else who will want to run it."
"But your father taught me that God is not a ‘divine terrorist.’ He’s a loving father, with purposes we don’t even have the capacity to understand."
"I just want their legacy to be worth it," she said. "I don’t want it to end right here. I want some of it to stay!"
"I’ve known you for so long, Blair," he whispered, "that all I see when I look at you—is the prettiest girl on Cape Refuge. I don’t see scars anymore. I know what you really look like."
"Stop this. I want you to stop looking for dirt on our parents. They haven’t done anything wrong."
"I just want to know the truth, Morgan. And that’s been real hard to come by."
"It’s fun. I haven’t played makeup in a long time."
"They told him that Christ paid for his sins, and the least they could do was pay for his debts."
"They came here to start their lives over clean, where nobody knew them and they could work for the Lord unhindered."
"I’ll never be glad they’re dead. I just want to know the truth."
"I’m hoping he’ll get out today. It’s absurd, their keeping him in there."
"Hanover House is a light in this town. It’s a beacon and a symbol of all that Cape Refuge should be."
"My parents did something for every one of you, and you know it."
"I've just given it more thought today, and I've decided it's not newsworthy."
"The community's tired of hearing about Hanover House."
"If this isn't news, I don't know what is. Has the whole world gone crazy?"
"I thought we were going to fight it, stand firm, and not let the city council intimidate us."
"Because I could start over, there'd be hope for a future."
"We live in a violent, dark world. It wasn't the way God wanted it in the beginning."
"Faith doesn't make you drown, Blair. It makes you walk on the water."
"I'm thinking that I'm tired of this town."
"He saved them, all right. Took them right to heaven."
"They were more concerned about my soul than they were about justice."
"I'm thinking of leaving Cape Refuge soon."
"Maybe I would stay for just a while longer."