
Wicked Appetite Quotes

Wicked Appetite by Janet Evanovich

Wicked Appetite Quotes
"My name is Elizabeth Tucker. I’m Elizabeth to my mother, but for as long as I can remember, I’ve been Lizzy to everyone else."
"I graduated J&W in the top ninety-three percent of my class, and I would have graduated higher, but I flunked gravy."
"I got my brown eyes and distinctive nose from Grandpa Harry, and while the nose wasn’t great, I told myself it could have been worse."
"So here I am with the cutest nose in town, and I’ve finally grown breasts."
"I emptied my bank account to pay taxes on the house, quit my job at a downtown New York City restaurant, and I moved into Ophelia’s money pit."
"The display cases were old-fashioned glass and dark wood trim, and they were at the moment home to a batch of cinnamon rolls, four different kinds of muffins, almond tarts, and apple strudels."
"The BUM picked you out of the gene pool."
"Some Unmentionables can throw lightning, some can levitate a dump truck."
"I was an excellent baker. I’ve always made great cupcakes."
"It used to be potions had fallen out of favor, what with needing an iron cauldron and all, but it turns out a slow cooker works just fine."
"Sometimes I’m a bad boy, and I need to be punished."
"If I sleep like this, I don’t have to get dressed in the morning . . . which is only three hours away."
"The thought sent a shudder through me. I already had a lot of lust for Diesel without help from an enchanted charm."
"You can’t have fried dough. You’ll get fat."
"It’s okay. No one was hurt. And everything will eventually recycle."
"No, but I saw him change an opossum into a flowerpot."
"Personally, I’m a lazy kind of guy, and leaving the door open on the mystical saves me work."
"It’s not that easy. Wulf is a master at slipping away."
"You don’t need to waste your time following me," he said. "I won’t lead you to him until I’m done with him."
"Three grilled cheeses coming up," I said.
"I thought Cat 7143 came from the shelter."
"It’s got some bark peeled away, but I think it’ll be fine."
"It’s easier protecting you if I’m next to you," Diesel said.
"Your mother would have a heart attack if she knew you had a monkey in your kitchen."
"If I have the SALIGIA, there will be no risk."
"One way or another, the charms will be combined, and the first of the SALIGIA Stones will be found."
"In the end, it will come down to a deal and a roll of the dice."
"Possession of the Stone is all that matters."
"That’s a convenient attitude taken by people who do bad things."
"Everyone who bit into one of my Unmentionable cookies smiled."
"I thought the cheeseburger sounded like a good idea."
"I would appreciate it if we could get on with this without more interruption."
"You never know how people are going to react to medicine."
"I could pull the plug on your power, but the BUM wouldn’t like it, and it would put Lizzy at risk."
"I don’t know the answer to that question."