
Traction: Get A Grip On Your Business Quotes

Traction: Get A Grip On Your Business by Gino Wickman

Traction: Get A Grip On Your Business Quotes
"Every great system is made up of a core group of basic components."
"Vision without traction is merely hallucination."
"If you try to please everyone, you’re going to lose your ass."
"What business you are in, and be in that business."
"If you could get all the people in an organization rowing in the same direction, you could dominate any industry, in any market, against any competition, at any time."
"No one has a crystal ball. No one can know what will happen tomorrow with certainty."
"The mind is like a parachute—it has to be open to work."
"Your processes are your Way of doing business."
"To enrich the quality of life in our communities."
"By focusing on The List, we were able to turn sales around."
"If not, you’ll be forced to improve upon it."
"Your guarantee must drive more business or enable you to close more of what you’re not winning."
"You may not get this one on the first try. Be patient and the right guarantee will come."
"The ideal guarantee is backed up by a tangible penalty if you don’t deliver on it."
"In these cases, call it a pledge, commitment, or promise."
"Your client will never need to make good on that guarantee if you’re at your absolute best."
"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can surely achieve."
"This will accomplish two vital objectives."
"It’s still valuable, however, to create a picture of the future organization three years out."
"You’re painting a picture of the destination, not discussing every obstacle along the way."
"By doing that, you will actually accomplish more. That is the power of focus."
"The only way you can determine if your vision is shared by all is simply to tell them."
"Be patient, and remember that this is a journey."
"The right people are the ones who share your company’s core values."
"With the three-year picture clearly in mind, you can more easily determine what you have to do in the next 12 months to stay on track."
"Once you do the necessary pruning, your organization will be revitalized."
"What is less important what you decide than it is that you decide."
"The sooner you accept that you have issues, the better off you’re going to be."
"With an open and honest organization, the Issues List becomes a tool that creates a discipline to keep all of your issues out in the open and organized in one place."
"Most teams suffer from different challenges when solving issues. The common ones include fear of conflict, lack of focus, lack of discipline, lack of commitment, and personal ego."
"The Issues Solving Track consists of three steps: 1. Identify, 2. Discuss, 3. Solve."
"The most effective way to [solve issues] is by following the Issues Solving Track."
"The solution will always be simple; it’s just not always easy to implement."
"You cannot solve an issue involving multiple people without all the parties present."
"The issue that you fear the most is the one you most need to discuss and resolve."
"In Patrick Lencioni’s book Death by Meeting, he opens the book by making a humorous observation. After hearing many leaders complain about meetings and saying things like, 'If I didn’t have to go to meetings, I’d like my job a lot more,' Lencioni asks us to imagine hearing a surgeon saying to a nurse before surgery, 'If I didn’t have to operate on people, I might actually like this job.' He then asks us to consider the fact that, for those of us who lead and manage organizations, meetings are pretty much what we do."
"To gain traction, you’ll probably need to meet even more than you presently do."
"One of the main reasons that the Quarterly Meeting Pulse is so effective is what I call the buildup. With the prospect of a full day scheduled for the leadership team to meet, people prepare better for it without even knowing they are doing it."
"This step will greatly reduce communication issues that may have occurred in the past, when people were surprised with changes that were made without their knowledge."
"The meeting ends on time. This avoids any domino effect where meetings run over and push other appointments back, blowing up people’s schedules."
"Making the meeting the same day and time creates a routine."
"Be patient with the Weekly Meeting Pulse."
"Your frustrations from the past start to subside, and you make progress on your way to breaking through the ceiling."
"Mastery requires total commitment, and gaining traction requires a complete operating system."
"The journey of building a great business is not about the destination at all."
"The real goal is 80 percent or better. If you’re above that level, you have a well-oiled machine with the traction you require."
"The next year you’ll be at 72 percent and maybe 80 percent in the year after that."
"The EOS Process is based on human nature."
"Everything will 'click' for your leadership team."
"Don’t think that your company will get better simply because you’ve read this book or attended an EOS session."
"Once you’re on track, occasionally you or members of your leadership team will doubt the need for the quarterly meeting."
"As a result of continuing to hone these five leadership abilities, you will break through the ceiling every time you hit it."
"Keeping your head clear, your confidence high, and your focus strong are vital in maintaining forward momentum."
"Great leaders have a habit of taking quiet thinking time."
"If you’re getting distracted by shiny stuff, choose one discipline and stick with it."