
In The Country We Love: My Family Divided Quotes

In The Country We Love: My Family Divided by Diane Guerrero

In The Country We Love: My Family Divided Quotes
"Every doorway, every intersection has a story." — Katherine Dunn
"The family is one of nature’s masterpieces." — George Santayana
"When we came to America… we became invisible, the people who swam in between other people’s lives, bussing dishes, delivering groceries…" — From Ask Me No Questions by Marina Budhos
"I always know it’s Sunday because I wake up feeling apologetic." — Janet Evanovich
"I’ll hold you in my heart until I can hold you in my arms."
"In a world that’s moving too fast, in a world where nothing can last, I will hold you."
"You’ve got to be strong. Now I need you to pay attention."
"Never forget that I’m so proud of you. Be a good girl, okay?"
"Never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances."
"Something very beautiful happens to people when their world has fallen apart."
"In every life, there is a turning point."
"If you go anywhere, even paradise, you will miss your home."
"The only thing better than being at Boston Arts was having a close friend there."
"You can quickly get back on your feet right after disaster, but real healing takes longer."
"I was determined to keep my spot. My chance."
"Artists are the emotional historians of the world." - Richard Blanco
"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." - Neale Donald Walsch
"In the broken places, the light shines through." - Leonard Cohen
"A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it." - Jean de La Fontaine
"I wanted to one thing in my life to be steady for longer than five minutes. I craved stability."
"We don’t do all our growing up between birth and adolescence or even our twenties. If we’re fortunate, we never stop."
"Your failures don’t define you. Your worth isn’t about what you do or don’t do. You have value simply because you’re here."
"Pick yourself up and try again—what a revelation."
"Much has been written about how to find your passion. Your true calling. Your career path. You don’t choose your life’s work; it chooses you."
"You’ve gotta be careful who you share your big dreams with. People often piss on them."
"When I finally gave in to the major pull the performing arts has always had on me, I felt all of the above."
"Our passions don’t just compel us; they can also heal us."
"You never know what they were looking for. You just have to keep going out on as many calls as you can."
"It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old. They grow old because they stop pursuing dreams."
"One press account said I was an overnight success. I thought that was the longest night I’ve ever spent."
"Life can indeed imitate art—and at times, it does so agonizingly well."
"LA was a different animal, and I wanted to be introduced to it formally."
"Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I, this little mouse, would have a shot in this space."
"The day you finally start dealing with your past is the day you stop dragging it into the present."
"Our stories are interwoven in the fabric of this country, and it’s about time we accept it as part of our norm."
"I’m still dealing. I’m still facing the hard stuff. I’m still getting better and growing up."
"I hope Orange and Jane the Virgin are only the beginning for me."
"The United States is the kind of place where you can choose your own path."
"Every day, I have new questions about which direction I should take, both in my career and in my personal life."
"I wish I could tell you my story has a perfect ending; such a finale exists only in the make-believe worlds of my childhood."
"Nearly every day, I have an experience, be it tiny or enormous, that reminds me that something bigger is at work—that God hasn’t turned His back on me."
"But a little at a time, I’m learning to cherish whatever moments I do have with my family, even if that’s across an ocean."
"I dream of the day when we can reunite in this country, and I believe we will. Until that happens, I’ll hold on to that hope."