
Whispers Of You Quotes

Whispers Of You by Catherine Cowles

Whispers Of You Quotes
"I couldn’t help but circle the number in my head. Three thousand, six hundred, and fifty days. Yet I still knew these mountain passes like the back of my hand."
"The feeling of being mostly cut off from the world had always been something I’d relished."
"Evil was just better at hiding sometimes."
"I deserved every painful memory that swirled and wreaked havoc on my brain."
"To some people, it would be nothing. But I knew that lives could be lost in mere seconds."
"You would think that nothing bad could happen here, but you would be wrong."
"I knew better than anyone that second chances rarely came around."
"It isn’t words she needs from me. It was atonement."
"To live with ghosts. I don’t want that for you."
"Happiness hit me like a bullet in the back."
"But the damned dock was the worst. I swore I could still taste the hint of mint from the lip balm Wren always wore."
"You pick apart every man who’s ever taken you out. The ones who might be a match? You won’t even look their way."
"Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first. It’s a good life motto."
"Just because she hasn’t met the right person yet doesn’t mean she won’t."
"A woman like that who still loves you after you walked out of her life at the worst possible time? That’s a damn miracle."
"Just because I left doesn’t mean I stopped caring."
"I swallowed the bile crawling up my throat."
"That fire inside me burned again, turning everything in its wake to painful ash."
"No, she shouldn’t. But she does. That’s life. It’s messed-up and rarely fair."
"The deadness in his voice should’ve been my first sign."
"I don’t give a damn about the five minutes you missed that night. I give a damn about the last ten years you threw away."
"My throat clogged, and tears filled my eyes for the millionth time tonight."
"I’m sorry. I didn’t have any other words for him."
"That’s what I thought. It’s time to grow up, Holt."
"It was my job to keep you safe. To take care of you."
"If I don’t blame you, you sure as hell shouldn’t blame yourself."
"I can’t do it. I can’t see what we could’ve had."
"I was drowning in guilt, and I didn’t know how to face you."
"I wish the flash of pain were stronger."
"Sometimes, the world doesn’t have the right to your feelings. It doesn’t mean you’re hiding. Just that some emotions are only for the people you trust most."
"I loved her, too. Mostly because she loved you so damn much."
"Every time I needed an escape from the craziness of my family. When life hit hard, you were the only person I wanted, the only place I wanted to be."
"I’m afraid that’s not up to you. You’re done for the day."
"We need to find a better balance. A give and a take."
"I know they need to do it and that they’re only trying to help, but I hate the idea of analyzing everyone in our community."
"Sometimes, that’s just the price we have to pay for the good stuff."
"All I knew was how Holt made me come alive beneath his fingertips."
"If it doesn’t work out, it’s going to crush me."
"Not much could be better right now than some time with my bestie, watching a movie we could both recite by heart."
"You need that love to stay invested. Because there will be times when the outcomes aren’t happy ones. And you still have to go. Because families need that closure."
"The one who makes everything settle when you’re around her. The one who gives you peace and a safe place to let everything go."
"I missed these mountains. It’s time for me to come home for good."
"I left a girl behind when I took off. And not just any girl."
"I’ve become pretty partial to snickerdoodle over the years."
"I never stopped loving you. Not for a single breath."
"My body screamed in pain as I ran for the door, but I didn’t slow. That light was my goal—my freedom."
"I just needed a little bit more from my body. Enough to find a place to hide."
"I would take all the pain in the world if it meant keeping him away from Holt."
"I’m gonna make you hurt for this," Jude called.
"I’m right here, Wren. Just need you with me."
"Love you, Cricket. Every day. Every minute. Come back to me."
"I’ve seen the change in you over these past couple of weeks. I’ve seen Wren’s love change you."
"She’s the best dispatcher I got. The other ones are too damn chatty."
"You don’t stop moving. Getting food. Fixing things around the house."
"I want a life with you. Children with you. All the things we dreamed of."