
Wahala Quotes

Wahala by Nikki May

Wahala Quotes
"You can’t rush moin-moin. It tastes best when you linger over each step."
"I know I shouldn’t moan but I get all the boring stuff and Didier gets all the fun."
"My dad was wonderful. I miss him every day."
"It will happen when it happens. And if it doesn’t happen when we’re back living in the same city, we can talk about it."
"As soon as I saw the brief, I knew Simi was right for this."
"You’re making it sound like Mars. It’s only seven hours away."
"I want to make a fuss of you. You deserve it."
"People kept asking, how come you’re still single?"
"Relying on one client had proved to be a risky strategy."
"He didn’t rush her into bed and didn’t let her rush him."
"He resented my dad, was jealous of our bond. He gaslighted me."
"I don’t want a baby because I like weekend breaks, size eight jeans, having a flat tummy, my white sofa, lie-ins and being Martin’s number one."
"You’re only thirty-five. When you get to forty you can panic."
"What’s wrong with the robot dog I gave her for Christmas? That’s the ideal pet. Doesn’t shed, doesn’t shit."
"We’re not in primary school any more. You’re my oldest friend. Come on."
"Aunty Simi would rather poke her eyes out with a sharp stick."
"Couldn’t he be satisfied with being an uncle?"
"It always surprised Simi how someone so intelligent could be so stupid."
"Simi wasn’t sure what the technical definition of toddler was – small person who couldn’t string a sentence together, she decided."
"Simi hated the word ‘daddy’. Her stepsisters used it all the time and it pissed her off – so infantile."
"If a stranger walked in, they’d assume Ronke was Sofia’s mother, Didier’s wife."
"‘Don’t mind your daddy,’ she’d said. ‘He’s in shock.’"
"‘You have to do what is right for you. I will always be proud of you, and so will he.’"
"‘He will come round. He loves you. Give him time and trust God.’"
"‘So how come you’re in here with us and not out there with them?’ Simi gestured at the garden."
"‘I deserve a five-minute rest,’ said Boo."
"‘I don’t need help. I’m fine. Everything’s fine.’"
"‘Let’s hope our baby hasn’t got your two left feet,’ he murmured into her ear."
"‘We wouldn’t want to stab him in the eye with the periodontal probe. Would we?’"
"‘I feel like such an idiot. We’ve been flirting for months. I led him on.’"
"‘It’s fine. I overreacted. Isobel shouldn’t have told Boo. And Boo shouldn’t have told you.’"
"‘I can’t believe this!’ Simi could hear how shrill and angry her voice was."
"‘How bloody dare you tell me what to do? You of all people.’"
"You don’t get it. You have no idea what it’s like to be a black man in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"You need to own this. You can’t make it someone else’s fault."
"Life was back on track; she was golden again."
"I can’t believe you’re making it my fault."
"I’m not sure why I did it. It’s like I was drugged or something. It just happened."
"I need to see she gets home safe. I’ll be ten minutes."
"You don’t get to leave me. I decide! And I’m dumping you."
"I know you won’t join me? I already have."
"It was fate. I recognized Kayode straight away."
"I can't understand why he went to her house."
"You are what you eat, as Boo would have said."
"I need to finish packing. I’m off to Abuja to spend Christmas with Dad."
"I need to go to Ronke before Isobel does."