
We Can't Keep Meeting Like This Quotes

We Can't Keep Meeting Like This by Rachel Lynn Solomon

We Can't Keep Meeting Like This Quotes
"At this point, I should be strong enough to resist a cute guy in a well-tailored suit."
"It’s possible I’m not great at confrontation."
"I, uh, know someone in the wedding party," I say, trying to banish the image of him leaning over me in his car last month, but my anxiety-brain grabs hold of it, shines a light on it, hits repeat. "Intimately."
"And I value my life too much for that to happen," she says.
"Nothing less than our best—that’s her motto."
"I’m trying," I insist, even as my mind remains set on mapping out the most disastrous ways this wedding could end.
"Jonathan confronting me on his way down the aisle and demanding an explanation."
"I love it when you condone underage drinking."
"Everything on my face is normal-sized again, I write back, thanks."
"You guys should team up," I suggest, and Julia grips my arm with a please-don’t-leave-me kind of strength. "Julia’s awesome at beer pong."
"I’m pretty sure that’s just a chunk of tofu," I say. "What else could possibly be in it?"
"This is worse than having played harp at a wedding with Jonathan, worse than fake-smiling through the ceremony and pretending all of it isn’t some grand romantic ruse."
"Nothing less than our best. It’ll only be multiplied by a hundred for Victoria and Lincoln’s wedding."
"It’s cute how excited my parents have been about the Streamr news, which soothes a little of my perpetual anxiety."
"I’m feeling about as out of place as I usually do as a Jew in a church, which is to say, considerably."
"By the time the cake is cut, all I want is a bath, a microwavable chocolate mug cake, and the new season of Bachelor in Paradise."
"He must have been in Seattle on breaks from school, but they never coincided with weddings B+B was working with Mansour’s, and while I couldn’t forget him completely, I’d finally been able to thought-spiral about him only every other week."
"Interesting is one of those great words that's so rarely a compliment."
"You may get ten months of gloom, but then you get this: one glorious summer day."
"The way you play, your body is very stiff. Your hands are doing the work - all the work. You need to allow yourself to really feel the music with the rest of your body."
"I can't imagine studying something I'm not passionate about."
"It's about - okay, you see everyone here? They all came because they wanted to celebrate Josh and Graham."
"Every bride is a different puzzle to solve."
"I always wanted to see it. Well, let me give you the grand tour."
"I thought what I said the other day didn't go too far."
"I don't want this to take you away from that."
"That email, I was probably just feeling weird about you leaving. I don't feel that way anymore."
"I wanted to work hard for something. To really earn it. I just feel like it’s not going to feel mine until that happens."
"I’ve never spent much time around adults who aren’t my parents or teachers... Here I am very clearly a student, and yet Maxine doesn’t treat me like a child."
"I’m not sure how I feel about making new friends in September. It sounds hard. I just want to find some unsuspecting art student who vaguely looks like you and force them to listen to all my problems."
"Even if I’m not excited about college, or grateful that I’m able to go. It’s that they’ve already picked out all my classes. They’ve plotted out the next four years of my life, and I’ve never really gotten a say in it."
"We were just curious. That’s the conclusion I’ve arrived at after a week of drafting and deleting a dozen text messages."
"Sometimes, going downstairs to the dorm cafeteria felt impossible... It was overwhelming."
"I’ve had this kind of thing happen before... But I was usually so busy, and my parents would be there to keep me on track, keep me working, that I was always able to snap out of it."
"It’s almost overwhelming, the amount of attention he’s giving me. I hooked up with more than one guy who was always on his phone, nodding and mm-hmm-ing when I wanted to talk to him about something."
"But neither of us has changed. If anything, Tarek seems more romantic than ever, and that cannot possibly be a good thing."
"So I grab his vest and tug him the last few inches to me. His mouth lands on mine in a smirk, and he is sugar and salt and heat, warming me up faster than the sun."
"I don’t trust my brain and I don’t have the right words, so I just hold him tighter."
"I probably shouldn’t say this," Dad says once we dig in, "but damn, this is good bacon."
"We’re all terrible Jews," I agree, swiping another slice.
"This is the part of my family I love so much. The part that isn’t connected to B+B."
"I’m not sure I’ll be able to go?" I say, phrasing it like a question again, hating the way my voice slides up at the end.
"You’re not there when they’re guilting me into something. They make me feel like I can’t say no to them."
"What if I told them now? There’s this other thing that makes me happy, I’d say. I really want you to be happy for me."
"You have to know we wouldn’t be like that," he says. "For about a hundred reasons. You really think all relationships are doomed? Your sister’s? Julia’s?"
I’m sorry," he repeats. "If I’d known, I wouldn’t have said that.
"It doesn’t mean they’re not right for each other—it means they’re trying to work something out. Together."
"I don’t want to be alone right now, and I’m scared of what that means."
"I can’t even bring myself to talk to Julia."
"The thing is, we already knew how to make our marriage work."
"I’m not prepared for my parents waiting for me in the living room."
"I had no idea. Oh my god. Quinn, I—I’m sorry."
"The summer can’t end without another wedding crisis."
"That’s the thing. I kept telling myself I didn’t want you to do these things for me, but then you’d save me a macaron, or you’d show up at my house in the rain with a homemade mug cake."