
Kindness Goes Unpunished Quotes

Kindness Goes Unpunished by Craig Johnson

Kindness Goes Unpunished Quotes
"You try to not have favorites, but with girls, you only have to worry about one prick."
"I would have loved to meet any of your family."
"I’m tone-deaf; it gives me an advantage."
"It’s a tenor part for the Duke, but she sang it effortlessly with a husky soprano that would have had Verdi rethinking his libretto, if not his libido."
"She’s got the Basquo with her. Those two are quite the pair."
"You are the worstest storyteller we ever had."
"I looked down at the battered book in my hands. 'Okay, maybe we should concentrate on today’s story…'"
"It’s this thing that Devon Conliffe’s got her involved with."
"Some guys just can't hold their liquor."
"You do that again, and I’m going to pinch your head off."
"I punched him in the fist with my nose, but I think he'll live."
"I’m sure I looked surprised. I’ve been punched in the face numerous times, sometimes on purpose and sometimes not."
"I was scared. I didn’t know what to do…I mean, she was just lying there."
"You call the police and you tell them everything that was said between us."
"You’ll see me again just out of the corner of your eye, and I will be the last thing you ever see."
"One of us should be doing something constructive, don’t you think?"
"I think my nose is broken, and I’m about to have every policeman in Philadelphia after me."
"We’re worried about Cady, and we’re worried about you."
"I sighed. If Cady’s situation stayed the same, there would be no going back; it was as simple as that."
"It’s none of my business, but I think she’s a lot better off."
"How can you know the earth if you do not see her?"
"I don’t suppose anyone has a flashlight?"
"I’m assuming that your focus of interest is the connection between Devon and your daughter?"
"All I’m saying is that I’d understand how a man could be driven to something hasty, under certain circumstances."
"I thought I’d use Devon’s connections for a little sting operation I was working on with the narcotics task force."
"Let’s make sure it stays in an unofficial capacity."
"This is better, yes? How can you know the earth if you never see it?"
"You cannot love a women as beautiful as this; she will twist your heart."
"They will be assisted by horses; powerful horses, paints."
"It’s amazing what civil service wages can do for fidelity."
"So, you got the license plate number of the truck that hit you?"
"Medicine Man is not only a reflection of our helplessness compared to the Great Spirit, but also of the power symbolized by the horns upon the head of the priest."
"You're making quite a name for yourself here in the big city."
"She's looking much better, don't you think?"
"It was a lot of running, screaming, and shooting."
"I'm glad you shot a bad guy, or we'd be here all night."
"I'm thinking of taking her back to Wyoming and, without the ability to consult with her in all this..."
"The answer came to me as I finally noticed the sheets, blanket, and pillow that made up a makeshift bed on the epic sofa."
"The Greatest Legal Mind of Our Time is on its way back, so get ready."
"I thought I might blend in better if I had a few more bandages."
"I kept looking at the book. It was an old trick, but she didn’t fall for it and stayed as she was."
"I took a deep breath and let out with a heavy exhale, attempting some comic relief but probably sounding more like a tire going flat."
"You want to hear something funny? I partially believe you."
"I went back to the book and read about a statue near the Rex Avenue Bridge on Forbidden Drive, of all places."
"I studied Cady and sighed, thinking about the photograph in her office of her and Jo. 'The tiniest reason I have for wanting you back is so you can help me figure out all of this.'"
"I felt suddenly tired. 'Let me guess; the Escalade was stolen.'"
"The Indian chief Tedyuscung was neither a chief nor an Indian, but he sat as a memorial to the Lenape who first occupied the area anyway."
"I had picked a small outcropping of rocks to the west of the chief and was huddled at the base of a black oak with the rain dripping off my hat and into my lap."
"I was here because of Toy Diaz and what he had done to Cady, Vic, Osgood, and Devon."
"He looked around. 'You’re alone?' I cocked my head. 'Pretty much.'"
"He turned the bay toward the stone stairs and retainer wall where I could look him in the eye. 'I’ll go first; just in case.'"
"He opened his eyes and blinked but said nothing as I watched him. My voice came out in a heavy rasp. 'Don’t move.'"
"I placed my hand back on the bay’s neck to steady him and, looking into the eye with the circle around it, spoke to him softly. 'Easy…Easy boy…'"