
Lover Enshrined Quotes

Lover Enshrined by J.R. Ward

Lover Enshrined Quotes
"All they’d been together…wasn’t that the truth."
"Ink drawing was a lot like life: One mistake and the whole thing was ruined."
"Whores loved hot water. Soap and hot water. Sometimes that and a washcloth were all that got you through the night."
"It was the day of her birthing and she was outside."
"I want you on your knees. Hands behind your back, head down."
"Next time try something stronger. Like horse manure."
"He’s telling her who he is now…and will ask who she is at the end of the solo."
"The way I’d like to suggest we handle this is to go our separate ways."
"His yellow eyes stared straight ahead into one of the mirrors, but there was no recognition of his reflection in his handsome face."
"The first time he’d been here, he’d been a scrawny orphan tagging along behind a bunch of other unwanted kids."
"The great throng on the dance floor was moving like an unsettled ocean, surging and parting and coming together again."
"If you’d like, I could read you a bedtime story."
"For him, life was a coin that had disaster on one side and waiting for disaster on the other."
"If it hadn’t been the shoes, you would have dallied wherever you were for another reason. It would have been someone else putting something on. Or a conversation. Or a door that wouldn’t open. As much as we have free choice, absolute destiny is immutable. What is meant to happen does, through one measure or another."
"I love this. I feel like I’m living this."
"Take care of whatever it is. It’s obvious you’ve had a difficult evening. I would ask you to talk about it, but I don’t think you would."
"I wish I could go back and not put the shoes on."
"If you need to go, I’m happy to be here on my own."
"Better to despise that part of you. The hate keeps you safe."
"We’re going to Havers’s. And if you argue with me, I’m going to call the boys in here and they’re going to carry you out of this office like a rug roll."
"You’re not winning this one, so why bother with the argue? Sooner you go, sooner you’ll be back."
"Your grace, thank you…thank you…. Verily you are the strength of the race and leader to us all…."
"Your grace, may I ask you to come with me? I wish to show you a place here in the Sanctuary."
"Were you raised in a barn? Don’t be ruuuuuuuuuuuuude, my boy. They’re a gift."
"The bunch of you are sucking the will to live right out of me."
"You’re sorry you saw me or that you’re late? I’m guessing either one of those is what you said."
"You stare at me as if it has been weeks since you saw me. What have you seen?"
"I saw more death. Avoidable death. This war is evil."
"Would you…join me in the garden? I was going to walk among the roses for a bit before the sun comes."
"He stared at me as if it has been weeks since he saw me."
"You don’t honestly think it’s easy to be what you are, do you? To live under the kind of pressures the Chosen have to?"
"Phury’s lucky to have you. I’m just praying he figures that out sooner rather than later."
"As he nursed, the Omega started to laugh, softly at first, then louder, until the house shook from the force of mad, murderous glee."
"This wasn’t Cormia…this was no one female, just a composite of sexual attributes he’d forgone with all his celibacy."
"You mean to tell me you would rather have stayed with the Mistress?"
"I saved you from that whore Mistress of yours."
"You have to be a hero to earn gratitude, and you are not one of the knight-in-shining-armor types."
"I’ve been invisible in this family all my life."
"It is the highest order of virtue to sacrifice yourself to the greater good."
"If you spend too much time focusing outward, you lose yourself."
"The best thing I ever did for myself was get away and get to know myself."
"Give you some thought, Cormia, and start small. What’s your favorite color? What do you like to eat? Are you an early riser? What makes you happy? Sad?"
"You’re lying to me. Look, may I offer you some unsolicited advice?"
"I know…I like lavender tea roses. And I like to build things in my head."
"I’m never not going to feel like—Oh, fuck it, just shut up and drive, okay?"
"I don’t know how much you’ve heard about me, but I have a brother. Rehvenge."
"It’s why I worry about him. And that’s why I know he doesn’t truly love me."
"Please let Blay’s mom not get taken down in the cross fire."
"Pop! Pop! Fizz-fizz! Oh, what a relief it is."
"I want to stay here. More are going to come."
"I thought we would start off tonight with a little show."
"I’ve given you the why. So get on with it."
"You always do that. Makes me wonder what you hide from your love."
"I’m going to have to ask you to get out of the car, sir."
"Hard not to wonder what was underneath all that modesty."
"If I could love a guy like that, it would be you."
"You think I haven’t thought about it? Being with you, that is."
"You think I haven’t thought about it? Being with you, that is. And not just for the sex shit."
"If any guy breaks your heart or treats you like shit, I will bust him apart with my bare hands."
"You’re too good for the kind of sex I have."
"No, I’m right. I’m so fucking right about this."
"The righteous do not always do right, but their souls remain pure."
"I can do no harm to the righteous, so you’re safe."
"I’ll do what I can for you, but I can’t make any promises."
"The ivy is coming for me…it’s all over my skin."
"I’m not going to thank you for this. So I guess we’re even."
"Go and live now, son. Go…live your life, not ours."
"I would wake like this always, bathing in your stare and your scent."
"Is there anything we may get you to repay this joy of ours?"
"It will be longer than her lifetime before you return cleansed."
"I don’t know much at the moment, barely my own name, and certainly not who the president of the United States is."
"If you hadn’t been attracted to me, it wouldn’t have mattered. You still would have had to have sex with me, and that’s cruel."
"The constructions that result from our choices are laid upon the foundation set by our parents and their parents before them."
"We are with you in spirit, love, Phury and Cormia."
"I live in transitional housing right now because I got through rehab and I have a new job."
"It’s just not going to happen. I can’t be with anyone but you."
"His head came around, and when he saw her he dropped his arms, but didn’t stop his laughter."