
Red Riding Hood Quotes

Red Riding Hood by Sarah Blakley-Cartwright

Red Riding Hood Quotes
"From the towering heights of the tree, the little girl could see everything."
"She climbed up high because she couldn’t breathe down there, in the town."
"Valerie always wondered how it had gotten there, but she never asked, because something so wonderful should never be explained."
"Her eyes, that knowing look she had, made her seem older than she was."
"For Valerie, each person and place had its own scent—sometimes, the whole world seemed like a garden."
"But just as Lucie had always admired Valerie’s commitment, Valerie admired her sister’s restraint."
"Valerie had watched the villagers cowering in fear every day and felt her difference from them."
"Valerie’s eyes widened, she headed down the steep, dusty stairs from the tree house to examine the marks."
"The woodcutters were seated in clusters atop freshly chopped tree stumps that slid forward as the wagon lurched to a stop in front of Grandmother’s tree."
"Valerie wanted to be alone. As he moved away, though, he couldn’t help watching her."
"The trouble was that instead of rushing to get in his own words as everyone else did, he really listened."
"Valerie was withdrawn as Suzette wrapped the dozen hot barley biscuits and some cheese in soft white cloth."
"What she wanted to say was, 'Lucie is lying in the wheat field mauled to death.'"
"Her mother was working over the stove, lost in thought."
"You'll learn to. That's what marriage is."
"Maybe she chose to die rather than live without Henry."
"His mother wouldn’t allow us to be together."
"I just can’t believe he’d give me up so easily."
"It wasn’t that I couldn’t love your father. It was just that I already loved Adrien."
"The real killer could be your neighbor. Your best friend. Even your wife."
"I screamed, like a woman, and then it was on me."
"The Wolf lives right here. In this village. Among you."
"Enough horrors have been witnessed, enough suffering endured."
"No," she said darkly. "Let her do what she wants."
"You’re bleeding." She reached up to tenderly touch his eye.
"The only life I want is with you," before pulling him to her and giving him charged, fiery kisses.
"And now," Henry continued on his own track, "my father, too, is dead."
"Take it easy, friend," said Peter, regaining his balance.
"What… big… eyes… you… have…." she said faintly.
"Come away with me or I will kill everyone you love."
"We’re all in danger," Peter hissed. "We’ve got to leave."
"God will save only those who have earned his love through faith and action," he said.
"I’m not accusing anyone of anything," she said, knowing otherwise.
"I want to thank you for speaking up today," she said, ignoring his proclamation. "That was very brave."
"It wants her, not you," he appealed to the villagers. "Save yourselves. It’s very simple. We give the Wolf what it wants."
"I thought you came to kill the Wolf, not to appease it."
"The Wolf never used to attack in the open like it did at the festival. Why show itself now?"
"I killed my wife to protect my children."
"What men like you and me do, we do for the greater good. As men of the cloth, it is our burden to rid the world of its evils."
"I’m saying that you must make a choice. And I suggest, for your safety, that you join me."
"I have come to bargain for Claude’s release."
"There was a boy, his name was Claude, different and alone, but close to God."
"It wants you. And it wanted your sister."
"I want you to know that you may have fooled Roxanne, but you don’t fool me."
"Do you know how you kill a tiger, Father Auguste? You tie out your best goat and wait."
"Click. One lock sprang open. Two more to go."
"I’ve made you some porridge, your favorite."
"To Grandmother’s. I had… I think she might be in danger."
"I don’t know. He should be here by now. That was the plan."
"Forgive your lost sheep, Father. I meant only to serve you, to protect us from darkness…"
"Under the blood moon, a man bitten is a man cursed."
"I won’t let you destroy my home. I’ll go with you,"
"Peter’s meeting us with horses in the alley."
"It was just the two of them, alone in a dark, secluded place."
"You don’t always need to take care of everyone."
"She felt solitary, whole unto herself. She needed no one."
"She felt sure that something was very wrong at Grandmother’s…"
"It could not be more awful than what she’d already confronted."
"If he was a Wolf, then she would be one, too."