
Happenstance Quotes

Happenstance by Tessa Bailey

Happenstance Quotes
"Roosevelt Island. It's a weird-ass place."
"I’m on my first stakeout and my stomach isn’t what you’d call settled."
"Elise Brandeis aims right for the top—and she never quite makes it."
"Stop feeling sorry for yourself and focus on the task at hand."
"Oh boy. Definitely no time for dessert."
"Pit-ter Patter. Okay, it’s sort of clever."
"I’m not going to get distracted from the story."
"That’s the on switch, love. Not the off one."
"If only I had a nickel for every time a woman said those words to me..."
"We answer him in a chorus of three yeses."
"I either don’t hear me or isn’t amused by my joke."
"I’m no expert, but said condition is probably verging on frostbite."
"You’re saving me tonight, I won’t forget it." - Gabe
"I’ll take everything you’ve got, even the thorns." - Banks
"This can’t be about pity, Elise. Please."
"Honestly, men are nothing but irritating. Once or twice, I thought I found a decent one and officially started dating him. Sure, it starts out great. Then suddenly I’m required to check in all the time."
"Take up your space and don’t apologize for it."
"I think we’re making up the plan as we go."
"There’s something inside of me I’m supposed to give you. There’s something inside of you that you’re supposed to give me. Don’t you feel that?"
"I just know it has to be Gabe right now. After that, I don’t know."
"I’m very glad you’re here. With me. I wasn’t sure you would show up." – Tobias
"You’re looking as fuckable as ever." – Tobias
"I’m supposed to feel big and girthy and virile." – Tobias
"I’m a lot better at expressing myself physically than verbally, but…" – Tobias
"That day we showed up at the Times, you told us you’d followed the deputy mayor out to Roosevelt Island. That’s why you were there that night. We’ve all seen the story that broke this morning about the mayor’s leaked comments about the governor and…that’s reaching pretty damn high." – Banks
"I’d prefer to avoid feeling that used and helpless again. That…small." – Tobias
"We moved around a lot when I was growing up. I’m a military brat. And, um…" – Elise
"It’s so much easier this way. Please just let me make this easy." – Elise
"We’re in a fake prison cell in day-old tuxedos. I think the easy ship has sailed, love." – Tobias
"I never said this was going to be long term." – Elise
"Why? You think we’d be annoying?" – Tobias
"You just locked me in an escape room!" – Elise
"Do you want me to whisper in your ear how fuckable you are—" – Tobias
"If I hadn’t done this, tell me you wouldn’t have already broken this off and gone home." – Banks
"Yes, that was him. He’s my…friend." – Elise
"It’s rare for someone to attend one of my matches for me." – Banks
"But just the thought of running into him…" – Tobias
"Being at a party with your subjects last night proved a little too tempting?" – Karina
"I was going to find someone to cover my shift, anyway, so I could attend the game." – Elise
"You’ve done unspeakable things to yourself while watching his films." – Tobias
"You want me to whisper in your ear how fuckable you are—" – Tobias
"My father is a marine and his regiment was invited to a Chargers game to present the flag during the national anthem. I got to be on the field." – Elise
"Parents can sense that kind of thing. When their child isn’t happy." – Tobias
"Maybe we stop bending to fit. Forcing things. Because something is out there hoping for you. Hoping you’ll arrive exactly as you are. That’s a fact."
"I want to write. It’s my favorite part of everything I’ve tried. I keep coming back to it."
"You are fucking adorable when you’re disgruntled."
"It’s weird how I need their support now, as an adult, almost more than I did as a kid."
"We’re both wrestling with the need for pride from our parents."
"I think when he stops leaving the ticket…that’s when you know it’s too late."
"You made me come, baby, you made me come so good."
"I could fight a war one-handed. That’s how I feel right now."
"My soul is lighter. Maybe they’re each carrying a little piece of it."
"Love to the power of three can do that to a person."
"Because this story doesn’t have an end."