
Killer Quotes

Killer by Sara Shepard

Killer Quotes
"Memory's a fickle thing. And sometimes we're doomed to repeat the things we've forgotten."
"Someone else had gotten to Ali before they did?"
"It was better that she hadn’t told anyone that she had Ali’s flag piece, though. And it was better that she hadn’t turned it in."
"But the day before Ian’s trial was set to start, Ian had broken his house arrest and sneaked onto Spencer’s patio, begging her not to testify against him."
"But maybe Aria shouldn’t have forgotten so quickly. Maybe she should’ve pulled the box down, taken the lid off, and given Ali’s long-lost piece a thorough look."
"She couldn’t bring herself to touch a place where a dead body had just been."
"The idea that there’s a dead body lying there in the woods behind my house is too much to bear."
"It’s okay," Isaac murmured. "Like I said, I’d help you through anything. I…love you."
"Calm down, said a little voice inside her. There was probably a logical explanation for Jason’s outburst."
"Yes, but you can't bring dogs to Rive Gauche."
"Okay, I didn’t want to resort to this, but before we broke up, Lucas told me that Rive Gauche has rats in the kitchen."
"If Hanna hadn’t, she was certain that Kate would have spilled Hanna’s secret instead."
"So far, he was taking the punishment seriously."
"I changed cell numbers, but I’m not giving it out to just anyone."
"There are plenty of other cute guys right under our noses."
"Voilà! All those shitty memories were gone for good."
"That silly little bitch had no idea who she was dealing with."
"It’s hard to believe this is even real. How could my parents keep this from me?"
"Victorian doctors thought they could determine a person’s character simply by the way his or her skull was shaped."
"Emily wondered what her head bumps said about her."
"Being with him, she felt safe and secure…and in love."
"I don’t want to stop," she whispered, her heart fluttering.
"Isaac had gone achingly slow, kissing every inch of her body, admitting that this was his first time too."
"We’re safe. She doesn’t know we were upstairs."
"I need it to do my homework. Can I call Geek Squad?"
"Why should I pay for someone to come fix your computer when I should make you pay for what happened to the garage?"
"Do you know how much it’s going to cost to refinish those doors?"
"I just wanted to let you know that you can use my old laptop if you need it."
"The cops turned their attention to the woods instead."
"We probably did exactly what he wanted us to."
"If Ian’s alive, we don’t know what he’s up to."
"Remember how excited everyone was for Time Capsule the first year we were able to play?"
"Spencer hoped none of her mother’s friends or her father’s business associates were coincidentally on this train."
"What on earth were they going to say to each other?"
"A’s accompanying text implied that the photo was a clue…but to what?"
"She thought I was objectifying her or some shit."
"Andrew peeled away fast, the tires squealing."
"Now that Spencer might leave, did Andrew want nothing else to do with her?"
"There were footsteps, then Mr. Hastings’s voice. Spencer hadn’t spoken to her parents since before her trip to New York, but she knew she had to."
"She snatched her funnel-neck tweed jacket off the back of the living room chair and grabbed her car keys, suddenly afraid."
"As she walked down the front steps toward the driveway, she stopped short, looking right, then left. Something was wrong."
"The spot where she normally parked the little Mercedes coupe was empty."
""My car is gone," Spencer bleated. "I think someone stole it.""
""Because. Your father turned it into the dealer this afternoon.""
""It was a gas guzzler," Mrs. Hastings spoke for him. "We have to start thinking about the economy and the environment.""
""But how am I supposed to get around?" Spencer wailed."
"Her parents truly didn’t love her. If they did, they wouldn’t be trying to take away everything from her."
"But not this time. She marched over to her desk and picked up the expandable file Olivia had been lugging around yesterday."
"She could even drive the thing herself if she had to."
"Shouldn’t you know by now what happens if you don’t listen to me? I’ll use small words this time, so even you’ll understand."
"The dining room smelled like salty french fries and burgers, and an old Beatles song was playing loudly on the stereo."
""Coach Lauren had to be smoking crack when she wrote that set of five hundreds," Gemma whined."
""You’re going?" Emily blurted out. Lanie and Gemma leaned forward, intrigued."
""Go you." Gemma gave Emily a high five, and Lanie patted her on the back."
""Are you and Mr. Colbert having dinner here?" Emily asked, mustering a smile. "I love their burgers.""
""Don’t you dare set foot in my house again," Mrs. Colbert said."
"A picture appeared on the Nokia’s screen. It was Holy Trinity, her family’s church."
""We don’t need my mother to be involved," Spencer said. "I have an account in my name I’d like to use.""
""That could work," Michael said. "Believe me, you won’t be disappointed. It’s a wonderful find.""
"In mere days, she wouldn’t live here anymore."
"Spencer stood. The beams were from a flashlight, criss-crossing over the tree trunks."
"Jason, on the other hand, looked comfortable and sexy in a long-sleeved gray T-shirt and Nike warm-up pants."
""My dad had an affair with his old student. Now they’re getting married. And she’s pregnant.""
""My mom brought me up well," Jason answered."
""I’d like you to talk about Ali with me," Jason said."
""I think the old school nurse is here. I used to have nightmares about her," Jason said."
""Is this some kind of joke?" Jason’s voice was hoarse."
""I had to spend a lot of time in the nurse’s office," Jason murmured."
""It looks like it might snow. Are you sure you want to go for a drive?" Isaac asked."
"Even in the dark car, Emily could see the little parenthesis that formed at the corner of Isaac’s right eye whenever he was worried."
"She tasted peanut butter in her mouth, the sensation she always got when she was about to have a fight-or-flight reaction."
"Tears blurred her vision. As much as she didn’t want to say this, she knew she had to."
"The car was silent. Emily squeezed her eyes shut. She felt awful and relieved at the same time."
"It was a weight off her shoulders to say it out loud."
"She waited for Isaac to turn back, but he didn’t."
"She slowly pulled out of the Wawa parking lot, braking to let a Jeep full of high school boys cut in front of her."
"Ali’s old house loomed at the end of the street, the Ali shrine a dark, shadowy lump at the curb."
"Above her, the neon Wawa sign buzzed fiercely."
"It felt as if she couldn’t get a deep breath."
"Spencer couldn’t wait until Monday afternoon to see it."
"She wanted to hit the furniture shops in Chelsea and on Fifth Avenue and put a few things on hold."
"Why don’t you party with us? There are some gorgeous guys from Brentmont Prep in the Mirror Room."
"Her stepsister was dressed in a floor-length navy gown and four-inch heels."
"The Radley Hotel was bustling with guests, photographers, and staff."
"You’re going to be okay," she shouted, her face beginning to warm from the flames.