
The Clash Of Civilizations And The Remaking Of World Order Quotes

The Clash Of Civilizations And The Remaking Of World Order by Samuel P. Huntington

The Clash Of Civilizations And The Remaking Of World Order Quotes
"Upside-down flags were a sign of the transition, but more and more the flags are flying high and true."
"Culture counts, and cultural identity is what is most meaningful to most people."
"Unless we hate what we are not, we cannot love what we are."
"For peoples seeking identity and reinventing ethnicity, enemies are essential."
"The most important distinctions among peoples are not ideological, political, or economic. They are cultural."
"The survival of the West depends on Americans reaffirming their Western identity."
"The world is a world of seven or eight major civilizations."
"The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence."
"The expansion of the West ended and the revolt against the West began."
"The essence of Western civilization is the Magna Carta, not the Magna Mac."
"The universality of human interest in love, sex, violence, mystery, heroism, and wealth, and the ability of profit-motivated companies, primarily American, to exploit those interests to their own advantage."
"Entertainment does not equate to cultural conversion."
"People interpret communications in terms of their own preexisting values and perspectives."
"The same visual images transmitted simultaneously into living rooms across the globe trigger opposing perceptions."
"Global communications are one of the most important contemporary manifestations of Western power."
"Language and religion are the central elements of any culture or civilization."
"If a universal civilization is emerging, there should be tendencies toward the emergence of a universal language and a universal religion."
"The use of English for intercultural communication helps to maintain and, indeed, reinforces peoples’ separate cultural identities."
"The people who speak English throughout the world also increasingly speak different Englishes."
"Throughout history, the distribution of languages in the world has reflected the distribution of power in the world."
"Shifts in the distribution of power produce shifts in the use of languages."
"Modernization and economic development in non-Western societies were leading to the emergence of local and regional media industries."
"The most widely spoken languages are or were the languages of imperial states which actively promoted use of their languages by other peoples."
"The decline of Russian power is accompanied by a parallel decline in the use of Russian as a second language."
"The West is the only civilization which has substantial interests in every other civilization or region."
"The arguments that some sort of universal civilization is emerging rest on one or more of three assumptions."
"In social psychology, distinctiveness theory holds that people define themselves by what makes them different from others in a particular context."
"Economic power is rapidly shifting to East Asia, and military power and political influence are starting to follow."
"The world is becoming more modern and less Western."
"The renewal of religion throughout the world far transcends the activities of fundamentalist extremists."
"The most obvious, most salient, and most powerful cause of the global religious resurgence is precisely what was supposed to cause the death of religion: the processes of social, economic, and cultural modernization."
"People do not live by reason alone. They cannot calculate and act rationally in pursuit of their self-interest until they define their self."
"Religious groups meet social needs left untended by state bureaucracies."
"If traditionally dominant religions do not meet the emotional and social needs of the uprooted, other religious groups move in to do so."
"The religious resurgence throughout the world is a reaction against secularism, moral relativism, and self-indulgence."
"Participants in the religious resurgence come from all walks of life but overwhelmingly from two constituencies, both urban and both mobile."
"Religion, indigenous or imported, provides meaning and direction for the rising elites in modernizing societies."
"The Islamic Resurgence is the effort by Muslims to achieve modernity, rejection of Western culture, and recommitment to Islam as the guide to life in the modern world."
"In the new world, however, cultural identity is the central factor shaping a country’s associations and antagonisms."
"East Asian societies undoubtedly share some things in common which differentiate them from the West."
"Europeans flock together and Americans flock together. We Asians should flock together as well."
"The underlying premise of the EAEC is thus that economics follows culture."
"In East Asia, as elsewhere, cultural commonality has been the prerequisite to meaningful economic integration."
"The success of these efforts has depended overwhelmingly on the cultural homogeneity of the states involved."
"As a society and civilization unique to itself, Japan faces difficulties developing its economic ties with East Asia."
"In the past the patterns of trade among nations have followed and paralleled the patterns of alliance among nations."
"In the emerging world, patterns of trade will be decisively influenced by the patterns of culture."
"The roots of economic cooperation are in cultural commonality."
"A member state is a country fully identified culturally with one civilization."
"Civilizations usually have one or more places viewed by their members as the principal source or sources of the civilization’s culture."
"The number and role of core states vary from civilization to civilization and may change over time."
"In the emerging global politics, the core states of the major civilizations are supplanting the two Cold War superpowers as the principal poles of attraction and repulsion for other countries."
"Countries tend to bandwagon with countries of similar culture and to balance against countries with which they lack cultural commonality."
"The world will be ordered on the basis of civilizations or not at all."
"When the Soviet Union ended, Georgia once again declared independence."
"For the immediate future the balance of conventional military power between the West and the rest will overwhelmingly favor the West."
"If democracy comes to additional Asian countries it will come because the increasingly strong Asian bourgeoisies and middle classes want it to come."
"Movement from Islamic consciousness to Islamic cohesion, however, involves two paradoxes."
"The central arms competition is of a different sort. It is not a case of buildup versus buildup but rather of buildup versus hold-down."
"The universal aspirations of Western civilization, the declining relative power of the West, and the increasing cultural assertiveness of other civilizations ensure generally difficult relations between the West and the rest."
"Major differences existed between the Western countries and the Asian-Islamic bloc."
"By the early 1990s two-thirds of the migrants in Europe were Muslim, and European concern with immigration is above all concern with Muslim immigration."
"In Western Europe, anti-Semitism directed against Arabs has largely replaced anti-Semitism directed against Jews."
"The West promotes nonproliferation as reflecting the interests of all nations in international order and stability."
"Public opposition to immigration and hostility toward immigrants manifested itself at the extreme in acts of violence against immigrant communities and individuals."
"More significant were increases in the votes for right-wing, nationalist, anti-immigration parties."
"These European parties opposing Muslim immigration were in large part the mirror image of Islamist parties in Muslim countries."
"In the early 1990s European political leaders competed with each other to respond to anti-immigration sentiment."
"The immigration issue came to the fore somewhat later in the United States than it did in Europe."
"In 1965 only 33 percent of the public wanted less immigration."
"Growing public opposition to immigration in the early 1990s prompted a political reaction comparable to that which occurred in Europe."
"Can either Europe or the United States stem the migrant tide?"
"European societies generally either do not want to assimilate immigrants or have great difficulty doing so."
"The problem of Muslim demographic invasion is, however, likely to weaken as the population growth rates in North African and Middle Eastern societies peak."
"The central issue of politics defined by Lenin is the root of the contest between Islam and the West."
"The economic development of Asia and the growing self-confidence of Asian societies are disrupting international politics in at least three ways."
"The economic growth of Asia’s largest power increases Chinese influence in the region and the likelihood of China reasserting its traditional hegemony in East Asia."
"The end of the Cold War, the increasing interaction between Asia and America, and the relative decline in American power thus brought to the surface the clash of cultures between the United States and Japan and other Asian societies."
"China’s history, culture, traditions, size, economic dynamism, and self-image all impel it to assume a hegemonic position in East Asia."
"The Asian bureaucratic empires, in contrast, had little room for social or political pluralism and the division of power."
"Within China bandwagoning appears to have been far more important compared with balancing than was"
"In fault line wars, each side has incentives not only to emphasize its own civilizational identity but also that of the other side."
"In the post-Cold War world, multiple communal conflicts have superseded the single superpower conflict."
"Fault line wars are marked by frequent truces, cease-fires, armistices, but not by comprehensive peace treaties that resolve central political issues."
"Fault line wars are intermittent; fault line conflicts are interminable."
"Producing even a temporary halt in a fault line war usually depends on two developments: the first is exhaustion of the primary participants."
"Fault line wars are ended not by disinterested individuals, groups, or organizations but by interested secondary and tertiary parties who have rallied to the support of their kin."
"Ralliers thus become restrainers and halters."
"Wars with no secondary or tertiary parties are less likely to expand than others but more difficult to bring to a halt."
"Halting fault line wars and preventing their escalation into global wars depend primarily on the interests and actions of the core states of the world’s major civilizations."
"The West obviously differs from all other civilizations that have ever existed in that it has had an overwhelming impact on all other civilizations that have existed since 1500."
"Western civilization has become a security zone; intra-West wars, apart from an occasional Cod War, are virtually unthinkable."
"Civilizations grow because they have an 'instrument of expansion,' that is, a military, religious, political, or economic organization that accumulates surplus and invests it in productive innovations."
"Decay then leads to the stage of invasion 'when the civilization, no longer able to defend itself because it is no longer willing to defend itself, lies wide open to ’barbarian invaders’.'"
"The overriding lesson of the history of civilizations is that many things are probable but nothing is inevitable."
"Western culture is challenged by groups within Western societies."
"Oft-pointed-to manifestations of moral decline include: increases in antisocial behavior, such as crime, drug use, and violence generally."
"The future health of the West and its influence on other societies depends in considerable measure on its success in coping with those trends."
"The multiculturalists also challenged a central element of the American Creed, by substituting for the rights of individuals the rights of groups."
"Rejection of the Creed and of Western civilization means the end of the United States of America as we have known it."