
The Couple On Cedar Close Quotes

The Couple On Cedar Close by Anna-Lou Weatherley

The Couple On Cedar Close Quotes
"Please him. Even now, after everything, she is still conditioned to put his feelings first."
"Trauma has bonded you to him by a chemical addiction. You’re an addict..."
"Many addicts swap one addiction for another, Laurie. And some people develop another addiction while trying to anesthetise themselves from the first."
"Ah well, after tonight it won’t matter. Nothing will."
"Butterflies. Only she knows they aren’t real, that they’re simply a potent cocktail of chemical triggers that she has become a slave to."
"You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. I want you to be the mother of my child, of my children..."
"I love the fire in you, Kiki. One day, we’ll be away from here, from them. One day soon, I promise."
"I didn’t know he was there until— And there was no argument because I didn’t see him."
"You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time."
"Don’t listen to what people tell you, look at what they show you."
"Guilty people often overcompensate; they mimic a reaction that they feel they should display. But you can’t mimic truth."
"Psychopaths are such consummate liars because they believe their own lies."
"If you’ve convinced yourself that you’re telling the truth, well then, it’s not really a lie is it?"
"Body language is key. A tilt of the head, the flicker of an eyelid, a brief downward turn of the mouth, the slightest shrug of a shoulder… All of us believe we are in control of our bodies, but they can betray us in subconscious ways."
"Sometimes the bruises are on the inside."
"Human beings have limits, and some of the abused women I have encountered had had theirs pushed beyond the realms of what could be considered human."
"It’s in the minutiae, in the ever-so-subtle details, if you know what to look for."
"You need to be stronger. She always needed to be stronger, didn’t she? She should have been stronger."
"It was a match made in heaven… seemed too good to be true. And that's because it was."
"He was so… attentive. So funny, kind, sexy, caring, talented and good-looking."
"He was always buying me gifts. Little things, thoughtful things… things he knew I would love."
"He wanted us to go and live in Cannes, in France. He said he’s always loved it and wanted to live there eventually."
"I think that was the weekend we conceived her actually."
"She’s a match made in heaven… seemed too good to be true. And that’s because it was."
"I fell for him, for his game, big time; before I knew what was happening, he had me on the hook and he took over me life."
"This was the real deal. He told me he loved me a couple of weeks into our 'relationship', which I know now was a huge red flag but it was just so… so intoxicating – he was so intoxicating."
"He knew how to please a woman, put it that way. Now I realise it was because he’d had a hell of a lot of practice."
"I’d never before in me life met a bloke so… well, amazing I suppose, or someone so into me, someone who 'got' me like he did."
"I was on too much of a high to see what was really going on."
"It’s a beautiful feeling. A once, if you’re lucky, in this lifetime feeling."
"I was so lovesick that I missed all the red flags."
"I truly loved him, deeply. Well, I thought I loved the fake person he’d created."
"Do you understand that feeling, Detective, where you love someone so much you literally feel like you’re walking on air?"
"He was a fake, a con man. A cardboard fucking cut-out of a person with no soul whatsoever."
"He was just a predator, a sexual predator, out for the kill."
"Who lies about loving someone, stands back and watches them uproot themselves, leave a relationship, change their whole life for them?"
"It was so subtle I didn’t realise I was in hell until the flames were already licking me feet."
"He could create an argument out of fresh air."
"I was blindsided by it. Confused, you know. How he could go from being this beautiful man into a raging maniac in such a short space of time?"
"I was forever working to recapture it, never really knowing just what the fuck I’d done wrong."
"She knows she must try. She’s been bedridden for almost three days now, relying solely on Monica for her most basic needs."
"I will personally not rest until I find whoever did this to your daughter and granddaughter."
"I think about how much alcohol and prescription drugs had altered her state of mind, she cannot accept that she is capable of killing anyone."
"Perhaps the intention was to make it appear that she had murdered Robert by placing her at the scene, next to the weapon, and covering her in her husband’s blood."
"Love should never hurt, Detective. Love is the antithesis of pain and suffering. Love is everything that's good in this world."
"The truth is so close that you can't see it staring you in the face."
"We're all young and beautiful once upon a time."
"Psychopaths are very convincing people, Laurie. They fool everyone."
"The moment we found out about Robert’s murder, I wondered if it was her who had killed him, deep down."
"She was a different person back then, do you understand?"
"That poor girl, Laurie, isn’t it? The wife. You have her in custody, don’t you?"
"They want to put someone away for a crime, anyone, even if it isn’t conclusive, just to show they’ve got the power, that they get the result."
"When you get to my age, all you really have left are memories."
"In tragedies such as this there would usually be grief-stricken tears and inconsolable sadness."
"The realisation dawns on Monica that she is now a wanted woman, a suspected murderer."
"Stay calm, Kiki, she tells herself. Just stay calm."
"It’s difficult to abscond from a plane once the doors are shut."
"Never underestimate the cunning of a psychopathic killer."
"Psychopaths are known for remaining calm in situations that would cause most people to freak out."
"Revenge, they say, is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die."
"There are also those who are inherently evil and for whom no amount of love and care would ever have changed that fact."
"Arrogance: I’ve seen it be the undoing of so many."
"Monsters are real, Laurie. And ghosts too. Sometimes they live inside of us. And sometimes they win."